NASCAR (Stock cars, Craftsman trucks, etc.) in GT5?


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They should consider maybe puting Nascar stuff on GT5. I think it would be cool to have a nascar evvent amd use old or new Nascar vehicles. But the problem might be that EA Games has that game endorsesd. PD should use different sponsers. What you you guys think? :confused:
At least they should get rid of the win percentage as NASCAR races aren't only about skill and speed, you need luck too to win.
It depend on many things. but luck is one of them. I've seen those cars up close, theres alot of stuff that needs looked at before a race. This Nascar season so far is an example. Look at Dale Jr.( Go Junior!) And Gordon, Both are exelent drivers, but bad luck kept them from making the cut for the chase.
They should consider maybe puting Nascar stuff on GT5. I think it would be cool to have a nascar evvent amd use old or new Nascar vehicles. But the problem might be that EA Games has that game endorsesd. PD should use different sponsers. What you you guys think? :confused:

Have you ever seen a Nascar race with only 6 cars on the track ? very unrealistic
Yes your right, but if GT can get more, it be better.
EA has that problem too, they can ony get 20 car in there.
Computer game Nascar Racing so far is the only game i've seen with 43 cars
I think most people would hate NASCAR in GT because endurances are bad enough but if I have to do an oval for that long it would suck.

On top of all that, they would have to get all the licenses for all the cars and tracks and they have other licenses they should be more worried about. Plus I don't see the thrill in driving a race car with Monte Carlo look-a-like body. Then the cars couldn't be taken to half the tracks. No wet tracks, no hairpin tracks, they are very limited in what they can do. And who wants to drive a car with a restricter plate and relatively poor handling?

NASCAR can be fun for some but I have a feeling that many GT fans might not find it too exciting with all the restrictions the cars have.
What Foolkiller said.

When The Speed Channel began covering NASCAR, the gagging was loud and long. I think the same thing would happen in the GT fanbase. I doubt that much new blood would be drawn in by the chance to constantly turn left on those ovals. And as said, I'd rather Polyphony work on getting some awesome drool cars like Ferraris, Porsches - real ones, McLarens, Maseratis and Lambourghinis, rather than waste resources on stuff you can have already in an EA game.

Gran Turismo has been about enthusiast driving of sports and touring cars on a challenging road course. Polyphony can do what they want, but if they do this, I hope I can get those silly NASCAR drift-a-thon events out of the way so I can get back to a real driving experience.
It's a good idea, and I like Nascar, but it shouldn't be in the game. Even if you made up 20 different stock cars that are close to real life, it still isn't the real thing. And many people hate ovals. They can stand Super Speedway, but not 10 different replicas. And I don't think PD could impliment the system properly.

HOWEVER, I think 2 or 3 different stock cars would be a nice addition to the game. It'd be cool seeing an Audi R8 and a stock car racing on the Nurburgring.

If people want Nascar in the game, then they can buy the new game that just recently came out, or the Chase for the Cup game.

Computer game Nascar Racing so far is the only game i've seen with 43 cars
I've had 100+ cars in a single race at Daytona speedway in GTR.
As a Nascar "hater (y0)", I really hope they don't add anything Nascar into GT5. Or any GT game down the road for that matter. I hear EA Sports makes good games, go play Nascar with them.
Either I made an old thread about it or I responded to a similar thread in the past, but I kind of stated my side on this. If you ask me, people talk about not wanting to race anything under 100hp. Well, I'm not doing any oval racing with "stock" cars. I don't care having actual NASCAR teams in the game. I'm not wanting to take Jeff Gordon's car trying to silence the Dale Jr. "fanboys" (I like #24, and it's a damn shame J. Gordon isn't in the chase. By the way, where's Little E in the points?).

I don't care for NASCAR in a Gran Turismo game. Unless you want to see how one would fare against Le Mans race cars. Only NASCAR deal I'd want to see if I wanted to allow it into the game, I'd surely like to race Lowe's Motor Speedway (Charlotte Motor Speedway). It's one of the few ovals I really like. But I wouldn't want NASCAR events and NASCAR "stock" cars.

I know I'm going to get roasted for my comments, so fire away.
I'm not wanting to take Jeff Gordon's car trying to silence the Dale Jr. "fanboys" (I like #24, and it's a damn shame J. Gordon isn't in the chase. By the way, where's Little E in the points?).

Jr. was eliminated from The Chase right before Gordon. Jr. was about -300 points after California and mathematically couldn't make it up.

I don't care for NASCAR in a Gran Turismo game.

Right, there are plenty of NASCAR games and I believe EA does have exclusive rights to publish NASCAR games on consoles. PD would have to deal with EA if they wanted current stock cars in GT5.

NASCAR has the same chance as D1 "drifting" getting into GT5.
Yay, lets include a racing series that involves driving in circles for hours on end and crashing a lot. There's a reason no other countries do NASCAR - it sucks. Same goes for Indy cars.
The problem with NASCAR is that while it's possibly the most competitive series on the planet (all the cars are so close together performance-wise) the races wuld get boring quickly because of the track design - after all, how many ovals do you want? Sure you could have a race at Motegi SS and one or two non-ovals like Infineon Stock and maybe something like Watkins Glen, but other than that, the appeal is limited.
McLaren F1GTR
Aren't they on the track though for the pits? And where'd you get Daytona!?
You share pit garages with other cars so you can't pit if another cars using your space. I probably got daytona from one of the links in the GTR downloads thread.
If Nascar could put more road races in that be good, the cars can easily be adjusted for road purposes. Then again I would get boring with Edurances. I just like the fact that they look cool and sound pissed of when driven.
You share pit garages with other cars so you can't pit if another cars using your space. I probably got daytona from one of the links in the GTR downloads thread.
Oh ok! :)

[sorry for off-topic]
Nascar :yuck: 👎 I don't think that will happen your more likely to see a lamborghini in GT5 than NASCAR!
I'm guessing you failed to notice the handfull of D1 cars in GT4?

Yeah, I did. I try not to waste my credits in GT4.

D1, as an event like NASCAR, will never be in GT. "Drift Mode", yeah, what happened to that? Seems like PD wised up and removed it just in time for release.
Do you have any evidence that they were ever going to include a drift mode?
If they don't need a drift mode to include D1 cars, and they don't need Pike's Peak to include the Escudo, and they don't need any races at all to include the historic cars; then they don't need more then the one circle track they already have or any race series to include NASCAR. They're just another kind of car to put in, don't drive them if you don't want to.
I still don't see any reason that they shouldn't include NASCARs. Only the reason why they won't; EA has the licence and won't give it up.
Yes, I have evidence.

All you have to do is look through the Drift forum.
Well, yeah. Not much competition there. NASCAR vs. V8 Supercar would be good though.
Doesn't NASCAR only require restrictor plates on the really big tracks?
And don't we have one of these already?

Yes , there are only restrictor plates at Super Speedways, which are Talladega
and Daytona. I went down to Talledega 2 years ago. It's pretty insane
when they are all drafting together doing about 200mph.
My guess it depends in how big the game engine is, if big enough, most likely there will be more. They will be using different disc for PS3, they can store 6 times the amount of data than GT4's normal DVD game disc
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