In response to Metar,
It is a myth that NASCAR commentators, fans, and drivers are oblivious to motorsports outside of NASCAR.
95% of the NASCAR fans who post in this thread regularly follow other forms of motorsport.
Many NASCAR drivers ask about Formula 1 results,
even during a race. I know that Michael Waltrip follows Le Mans and I'm sure there are many others.
NASCAR commentators congratulate the winner of the Indy 500 every year during the Coke 600 which takes place later the evening. They even talked about the merger of American openwheel racing during a race and said it was good for them.
If anybody it's obvlivious to other forms of motorsport it's the elitest F1 fans/commentators/drivers. I don't know if F1 drivers/fans/commentators have ever seen a NASCAR race or even care about NASCAR the slightest bit.
Let me give you some examples of NASCAR hate.
What a race! This will put to bed all the NASCAR-style bulls opinions about sportscar racing being about no passing and follow-the-leader.
Now whoever said there was no passing in sports car racing? More passing happens in sportsracing then any other motorsport.
I've only heard NASCAR fans say they don't follow F1 because of the no passing which EVERYONE agrees is a problem.
As for Le Mans this year being such a great race, how did cars in the LMP1 class get seperated by 15 seconds a lap? Not such a great, fair race when the diesels are 15 seconds a lap faster then gasonline cars in their own class!
Once again trashing NASCAR but ignoring huge flaws in th so called "superior" sport of sports car racing.
What do you think can be done to help add more appeal to the 24 Hours of Le Mans without having to dumb it down to any ludicrous degree (for example: talking about Le Mans using NASCAR terminology (like "beatin' and bangin'")?
Once again John takes another shot at NASCAR.
Look how Nascrap has changed in the past 30, 20, 10 years. That's ONLY about the "France Family Money Machine" now. How many times have you watched one of your favorite drivers or teams fade from existence because they couldn't keep the sponsorship money coming?
Now KAMKA-Z decides to take a cheap swipe at NASCAR. Maybe he doesn't know money problems hurt great teams in all forms of motorsports?
Many teams have to cancel their Le Mans invites because they couldn't gather the money. Pescarolo Sport almost collapsed under financial problems a year after winning the LMS title.
More examples:
"If you want to drive forever drive in NASCAR."
- David Hobbs
And the average age of a NASCAR driver is 32 and the winning Le Mans drivers average age is 41?
"A NASCAR has around the same power as a Formula 1 car, but a NASCAR weighs 3400lbs, a F1 car only weighs 1300lbs so that gives you an idea of the different power to weight ratios."
- Bob Varsha
Once again, a needless comparison to NASCAR, and of course F1 is better because the power to weight ratio is higher.
It basicly comes down to this, bashing NASCAR and taking cheap shots at it has become a recent fad. Nobody will step up and call out those who do it because who wants to try and defend NASCAR when it's the fad to trash it recently?
Maybe it's time those in the motorsport community realize it's OK to like more then one form of motorsport.
Here is an example:
Boz Mon
Let me start off by saying that I dont support the IRL. I was a supporter of Champ Car, seeing as how they had better cars, and went to better tracks and such. The thing is, my dad's best friend, and a really cool guy, works for Dayle Coyne (formerly Payton Coyne Racing). So my family is going to the 500 to support him and his team rather than the IRL. I will have pictures when I get back. I have never been to the 500, only qualifying so this will be new for me.
You would think the IRL was run by the NAZIs after reading this comment.
Seriously, motorsport fans need to quit being such elitests and start respecting other forms of motorsports they don't prefer.
Is it too hard to respect both the raw driving, low technology, close racing of NASCAR, the high speed, high technology of openwheel racing and the endurance of sports car racing?
I'm sure NASCAR fans have their degrading terminology they use for openwheel etc.
All this nonsense is just sickening now.
That's why I have the upmost respect for drivers like Jacques Villeneuve, somoene who is willing to race every type of motorsport out there, and doesn't think any of them have "coodies" or are run by Hitler.
Personally, I don't find one form of motorsport better then anyother. They all have their ups and downs.
That's why I watch them all and don't bother taking cheap shots at any of them. 👍