NBA 2010-2011 Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
So is the game over? How much did Dallas win by?

Edit: Oh, I see Bibby did do his very best. I like him.
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Joke time: Why are the Heat so good in the 4th quarter?

Because Mike Bibby is on the bench.
Yep Bibby sucked once more but the Heat pulled out a victory, well done.:)
No way man, don't want to bust his knees.

The only thing he's better than Chalmers at is taking the ball across the court. Chalmers sometimes gets flustered when he has 2-man pressure on him in backcourt.
Kevin McHale agreed in principle yesterday to be the new Rockets' head coach. According to ESPN, Shaquille O' Neal will retire.

• McHale:
• Shaq:

I saw most of the Mavs/Heat game last night. I just thought that the Heat just seemed to want it more, especially late. We'll have to see if this could be at four games or if Dallas evens the series. And I tell you what- I am starting to have more respect for J.J. Barea for Dallas. That dude can play.

Anyhow... how will you remember Shaq?

[UPDATE] Kevin Mchale is officially the new head coach. Press conference slated for Friday. (Source: Twitter)
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Game 2 of the NBA Finals TONIGHT- Mavericks at Heat!

Some people are saying that Miami's looking too good and may coast to 2-0. Who you got winning Game 2 tonight- the Heat (going to 2-0) or the Mavericks (series tied at 1-1)?

Stupid circus 3's. How the hell do they let 17 points go right on by? Lebron got greedy as hell.
I just caught the last possessions by both teams. How late in the game did Heat have a sizable lead?
It was 88-77 with less than 3 minutes left.

Then this happened:

I don't know what that is. :lol:

88-77 with less than 3 minutes, then they blew the game. I do like that. :P

While Heat failed to protect the home court, I think most will agree that this is still Heat's series to lose.
No way man. They absolutely must win in Dallas now. The stupid Finals format is 2-3-2 instead of the normal 2-2-1-1-1
Normally, yeah. But this is the Miami Heat. Normally when a very good team steal one on the road, headed into three games at home, it means the advantage has shifted. In this series, IMO, this merely evened the series.
Wade should start playing football in Europe.

He's such a pro. at these things. :lol:
The entire league is that way though. According to Dirk's physical reaction, one of the Blazers should be in prison, because I swear he shot Dirk with a magnum buckshot during the first round. :lol:
Game 3 at Dallas was the worst refereeing I've ever seen in any NBA game ever, how the Heat managed to win over that is true testament to their talents.
I've gotta admit though, I thought Bosh was faking until we saw the 3rd camera angle and I saw Bosh's eye swelling up, and I'm a fan of Bosh even.:lol: Exaggerating something to make a foul obvious to the refs I can understand, but I don't like seeing faking a movement to get a foul call like Wade did on that rebound, we don't need this to become soccer (or football depending on your country).
But seriously, I hope all 3 refs in that game were fired.
We fought hard & Dirk just had the unfortunate luck with his last shot.

I won't get into the refereeing. Danny Crawford was a ref, & that's all that needs to be said.
ABC = Dirk nutswingers. Terrible reffing and terrible commentary. I can't believe all the make-up calls from the refs on both sides of the ball. Just call it right so you don't have to invent fouls to keep it fair.
I just caught few minutes, and I'd say Dallas is getting nicer treatment by the refs.

What is up with the flop-floppipy-do by the Wade? The boy is unbelievably talented, and I've always liked him, but I just saw him trying to draw contact with some phantom defender again. He is so good, he MUST stop doing that. It is silly, and he is too great of a player to be associated with that kind of description.
Dwyane fumbled the ball and mike miller couldnt even hit the rim. Dude, mike miller, we got you to drain those kinds of shots. The biggest problem besides sitting on 78 points the whole 4th quarter is that they go for these crazy 3s instead of taking the high percentage shots. They could've won if wade made those free throws too. Just too many fundamental problems.
While I still say Miami, them taking outside shots are not a good sign. They usually mean submission to superior defense, they are lazy, or are tired. No coach will tell you to attempt bunch of outside shots when they aren't falling. It's on the players.

I hope that's actually a good sign for the Mavs, and the trend continues. :P
This series should be all over @ 4-0, but now nerve wrecking 2-2...

Wonder if Dirk or LeBron gets their 1st ring... hang on after game 4 is LeBron actually on the Miami team???

I kinda expect a blind-side coming from him for the next two games...
Man, Dallas doesn't beat Miami, Miami blows it. I don't know whats going on at practice, but this is the second game where Dallas went into a zone D and the Heat went brain dead. This is definitely going to 7 games.
Pivotal Game 5 tonight! The series is going back to Miami eventually... but who'll be 3-2 heading back to Miami- the Mavericks or the Heat? We'll see later tonight.
My calculus professor bet us that Lebron would put up 30 tonight.
Boy, I've met some NBA players & executives before, had no problem approaching them. Today, I heard Rick Adelman was at my work. No surprise as he's not working right now, and he's always kept a home here.

I was scared, because I consider him a future hall of famer, but I've decided that I should at least ask for his autograph & I did it. Shook the man's hand, and he was polite like he always is on TV.

Funny side story. One of my coworkers heard that I was hesitant bothering Coach Adelman, so she starts asking me if I want her to go ask for it. I tell her no, I insist that I'm just looking for something he can put the autograph on, that I didn't need any help.

After I got my autograph, I noticed one of my business cards crumpled up on my keyboard. It has some random name signed on it. Later, it is revealed that my coworker went up to the receptionist, the receptionist guessed wrong which one was the Coach Adelman, so my coworker got autograph from him. From what I've been told, it went like this:

Her - Excuse me, can I have your autograph? *presents my bidness card*
Him - Why would you want my autograph?
Her - No reason. It's for my friend. :lol:<-me
Him - Ok.

I'm keeping both autographs. :lol:

I told the Coach I was honored to meet him, which is completely true as I've been a fan of his since the 80's. I asked him if he was coaching again. His answer was "not right now", but way he replied, I got the impression he's not done with the NBA. Personally, I hope the man stays around the league for a long time.