Man, a Mav's/Heat final is just going to be wicked...
Now, I'm a Magic Johnson fan from 'Showtime' so therefore always had Laker curiousity (hence haven't been much of a Celtic fan, but over the years I grew to be amazed with what Bird did... (but at the time.....)) then after Magic Johnson left, didn't really have any one preference but appreciated great players on good teams. Jordan was a pleasure to watch, then Shaq/Kobe (didn't like Kobe from about 05...), then Spurs & Duncan (although not a big fan, but can appreciate his talents), Shaq/Wade, then there were the others, non-title winners, Garnett (T'Wolves years), Malone/Stockton, Barkley(?) and of course Dirk... apologies for those I missed...
I really want Dirk to win a ring, but I don't know if he has enough behind him... well it probably is for any other team but the Heat... a 7ft'er with his skillset with shotmaking is amazing...
Heat too I don't mind to win either, as it's a great middle finger from Wade/James/Bosh to all those naysayers early in the season, plus when you look at the final 5 on the floor and realise this is what they envisioned... wow... wait to they get some vet's (still productive) salivating at chance of ring, therefore discounting their services... that being said Miami may not NEED to win a championship this year, but that would only feed the naysayers... (again... do they forget they made the Finals, not bad for what those same people said are a fatally flawed team)
All said and done I think Miami get it done, which unfortunately inevitably will lead to Dirk being a choker again... sad as the Mav's are without Caron Bulter, but Cuban may add something... so a third Heat/Mav's final next year???
IF there is a next year...