NC Competition - Week 8!

  • Thread starter SimmiS

Welcome To Normal -Week 8 Of The NC COMPETITION


THEME , JUDGING AND RULES Made and Hosted by Beerzgood!
Nation : France
Class : B -- Road Cars Only
Continent : Asia
Rules: 2.0 Category

This means,
Any French Car
With a starting HP of 150 - 275
On any Asian Track
Edited using 2.0 rules only

Japanese, Tihitan, and any other asian tracks May be used entrants please point out if ive missed any!


24th August


Entry requirements
Only one entry may be submitted. You may change the entry once
Please mark your piece as your Final entry.
Previews should be a maximum of 400 x 300
Please do not ask other members to choose your entry.
Please Post Previews if possible, it saves time and effort.

2.0 rules for Photoshop adjustments, tools, and filters Crop / Resize
  1. Levels
  2. Brightness/Contrast
  3. Hue/Saturation
  4. Blur filters
  5. Noise filters
  6. Sharpen filters
  7. Tools:
  8. Type tool
  9. Sharpen tool
  10. Burn/Dodge
  11. Blur/Sharpen
  12. Smudge tool
  13. Clone Stamp Tool (for removing watermark)

[No plug-ins for any of the above adjustments or filters are to be used]

Any other queries please dont hesitate to PM Me!
wooohoo? 3 weeks Zero entrys? is it just me is is the NC losing its popularity just a tiny bit? come'on guys,
Well,everyone has lost interest in this comp (including me sad to say...) i guess i could give it a shot....
Oh yeah,when is the entry deadline? I don't see any....

Edit: Oh never mind,spotted it!
ah no-one is even reading this, the NC is now officially closed. perhaps it might come back later, perhaps not who knows, for now i am coming back and entering the competions more. So thats that, also ill get GTpremium :D
I think the reason people aren't entering is because the themes are too specific. Maybe if you got rid of the horsepower restrictions or something, more people would go out and take a shot.
Personally I didn't enter because it was the second week in a row that had Japanese car's.
This may be the only competition I win!!! I agree with mouser - the rules are too specific on the cars. Maybe you'll get more entries without the horsepower limit on...
oh im sorry forgot to punctuate. (and to think i went to a grammar school)

hmm, maybe so... i might try one more week, a bit later pehaps...