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Welcome To Week 9 Of The NC COMPETITION
THEME , JUDGING AND RULES Made and Hosted by SimmiS
Theme Name: Italian Pride
Nation : Italy!
Continent : Any Track, Extra Kudos for Italian ones!
Rules: 2.0 Category EGP
This means,
Any Italian Car
On any Track (but prefrebly Italian)
Edited using 2.0 rules only, Everyone Gets Polled
All Catagory Circuits May be used
16 September
Entry requirements
Only one entry may be submitted. You may change this entry once
Please mark your piece as your Final entry.
Previews should be a maximum of 400 x 300
Please do not ask other members to choose your entry.
Please Post Previews if possible, it saves time and effort.
2.0 rules for Photoshop adjustments, tools, and filters Crop / Resize
- Levels
- Brightness/Contrast
- Hue/Saturation
- Blur filters
- Noise filters
- Sharpen filters
- Tools:
- Type tool
- Sharpen tool
- Burn/Dodge
- Blur/Sharpen
- Smudge tool
- Clone Stamp Tool (for removing watermark)
[No plug-ins for any of the above adjustments or filters are to be used]
Any other queries please dont hesitate to PM Me!
If no-entrys arrive then this competition will stop, Please aid the NC!