[NE-21194400] Error

Ironically I had been thinking how well the online stuff worked in this game. Management of online racing, no timing issues, good matching. Very sad to see this now. It all feels a bit 1990’s with PD implying a problem with PS servers and the likelihood that it’s a heavy use issue - meaning PD have greatly underestimated demand. I got in at about 2.00am UK time but can’t get in now. :-(
Granted I don’t know that much about server infrastructure, but this looks very similar to the logs from when I was working at a medical company and someone had intentionally vandalised the server connection:

Same for me, still down. North West Germany. Error code [NE-21194400]. Really annoying.

Anybody have an idea what the infrastructure behind GTS looks like? I don't have much insight, but Sony's own stuff seems to be up. Could update PS4 to 5.03, the store and PSPlus front loads etc. But the GTS bits are most certainly not running as intended.

From DNS logs, only thing I can find adhoc is two servers that look GTS related:

* gt7sp.ps4.online.gran-turismo.com
* gtsport.api.wwsga.me

First one currently resolves to gt7sp-ps4-online-1462309357.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com.
Second one to gtsport.api.wwsga.me. Neither are pingable. Traceroutes stop along the way.

tracert -d gt7sp.ps4.online.gran-turismo.com
Tracing route to gt7sp-ps4-online-1462309357.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms
3 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms
4 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms
5 17 ms 16 ms 16 ms
6 109 ms 125 ms 109 ms
7 108 ms 107 ms 107 ms
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 135 ms 117 ms 123 ms
11 111 ms 111 ms 113 ms
12 110 ms 109 ms 109 ms
13 * * * Request timed out.

tracert -d gtsport.api.wwsga.me
Tracing route to awseb-e-f-awsebloa-15sn9xus6gotr-1498485990.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms
3 17 ms 16 ms 16 ms
4 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms
5 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms
6 108 ms 109 ms 108 ms
7 107 ms 107 ms 107 ms
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 119 ms 121 ms 114 ms
11 107 ms 107 ms 107 ms
12 142 ms 146 ms 140 ms
13 110 ms 110 ms 110 ms
14 * * * Request timed out.

Does not look good but might also not mean much. Unfortunately some IT sec 'pros' think ICMP is dangerous... But nevertheless, Sony's PS4 stuff looks operational and there's no outage warnings for AWS. So most likely something is broken application side on Polyphony's end (or whoever is in charge for their backend ops).

When it"s online........after you connect..............EVEN after all the attempts.............it goes "fast" and clean the saving "thing".............but.........the problem is WHEN YOU get the connection.............
I think it"s a bug ....................just "telling"......!!!
The annoying thing is, this outage shows that we actually have offline saves already, since the game still knows what your progress is, what cars you own, which events you've cleared. It just disallows saving while you are offline, which is just stupid...
Any experts or PD insiders know what's going on? Is it confirmed it is just server overload and what do they have to do to fix it?
Have been trying to manually log into GTS every few minutes for hours. For anyone who gets in , HOW ? Did you spam the button ? Or was it just luck you think ?
Not sure about the PSN servers being the problem..can’t connect here in the UK but just fired Driveclub up and it’s working just fine

Having so much key functionality wrapped up in an online component of a game is just asking for trouble.

Servers go down; they just do. Having most of the significant content online oriented, and shoehorning players online in order to save their single-player progress, was a serious oversight.

Now we're seeing why.


If you've been playing the offline content, just make sure you don't close your game before the servers come back online, and you shouldn't have to lose any of your progress. Good luck!

So, as an verdict, if you don't close the game until the servers are coming back, you will not lose your game progress.

So, if the servers going to be down for a couple of days, i should leave the game open for that amount of time for not loosing my progress.

Really? :crazy:

Thanks man. Ended up going back online at around 11:30.

At last. Hopefully it stays that way.

Have fun! ;)
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