Need For Speed (2015)

  • Thread starter Ameer67
My all time favorite builds in this game. I'll post all of them eventually.

The Boss 302; 1070 HP Turbo Charged Time Attack Monster.

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Can we make an NFS build showcase so we don't clutter this thread? I'll start one up if you guys want to.
My all time favorite builds in this game. I'll post all of them eventually.

The Boss 302; 1070 HP Turbo Charged Time Attack Monster.

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Can we make an NFS build showcase so we don't clutter this thread? I'll start one up if you guys want to.
There's already one lol...

Geez these prestige races are really bringing out the nasty sides of people!
Are there any extra rewards for getting golding Prestige races? Besides bragging rights and the trophy when you gold all of them (is this trophy even needed for Platinum?).

Normally I always try to gold everything but when a game has stupid physics it's not worth the frustration IMO. I remember trying to get golds in NFS Undercover's Challenge Series *shudders* Not worth the broken controllers and grey hair :crazy:
Are there any extra rewards for getting golding Prestige races? Besides bragging rights and the trophy when you gold all of them (is this trophy even needed for Platinum?).

Normally I always try to gold everything but when a game has stupid physics it's not worth the frustration IMO. I remember trying to get golds in NFS Undercover's Challenge Series *shudders* Not worth the broken controllers and grey hair :crazy:

It's a DLC trophy so not required for platinum, Any trophies that have a Controller+ logo beside them aren't considered for platinum thankfully.

Also anyone here been able to figure out the speedlist ranking things, Apparently I'm a Top 10 but I don't see how since I've only done 6 speedlists and won only half of them, Is it based on total speedpoints or what ?
I think you'll find what I said was, that I find it easy, don't remember mentioning I had gold on all drifts? People love to get carried away on this forum don't they! Don't get too ahead of yourself or it might end up you being who is looking like a jack ass.

In other news, moved up to 5th position in world drift rankings today

I think I'll raise the stakes. I might try and get gold on say... A drift train event, where I'll be nice and close and relatively annoyed and bumped etc by A.I. I think I'll even bump it a bit more by using a car that people might consider "harder to get gold with" by not using a hurrican, rx7 etc. I'll go with a gtr 32 or 34. Now that sounds like a challenge, I'll get to it right after this episode of prison break finishes (can't argue with the missus!) :)
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I think I'll raise the stakes. I might try and get gold on say... A drift train event, where I'll be nice and close and relatively annoyed and bumped etc by A.I. I think I'll even bump it a bit more by using a car that people might consider "harder to get gold with" by not using a hurrican, rx7 etc. I'll go with a gtr 32 or 34. Now that sounds like a challenge, I'll get to it right after this episode of prison break finishes (can't argue with the missus!) :)
Question: Have you obtained gold on any of the drift events? Also, please don't double/triple post.
I certainly have..

Anyway, I decided I would do some I have not done yet, I picked "threading the needle" from robins missions. After 5 attempts I have these two with the 32 gtr, but I know that nothing short of gold will please your egos. So I'll post the video soon, shouldn't take more than a few more turns :)

I figured you'd like to know how quickly I Did it seeing as how I said it was easy (for me) so there you go. That's the last time I offer any help geez, people with poor egos putting others on a pedestal. Love it :D. You want the video, it will be on my channel soon. Find your own way there ;)

I certainly have..

Anyway, I decided I would do some I have not done yet, I picked "threading the needle" from robins missions. After 5 attempts I have these two with the 32 gtr, but I know that nothing short of gold will please your egos. So I'll post the video soon, shouldn't take more than a few more turns :)

Edit: and my point was, drift trains are harder to win than solo drift events. 1. You have the A.I. Bumping you. 2. You have to stay with the group, not your own pace.

My other point was, that people are saying these are hard in solo runs etc with the even the hurrican. Hence my choice of car, just to make it more difficult for myself and show it can still be done in a short period of time. (Not 30 goes). Hope that clarifies.
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You need to stop double posting.

So you showed that you got gold on one event, what about the others which you 'certainly have' got gold?
You need to stop double posting.

So you showed that you got gold on one event, what about the others which you 'certainly have' got gold?
Hahaha oh you want more?. Like I still have this need to prove more?!. You sir, are a sad soul. Tell me, where are your golds?.

Double post, cause I don't know how to edit or remove my comments. Bet that ticks you off huh
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You responded arrogantly to my question so why don't you show me.

I haven't even attempted to start the prestige events but only have done the speedlists.

I AM ARROGANT?!. You're sitting here quizzing me and YOU have done NO EVENTS. Laughable

I'm very done wasting my time here. I offered help, have been nothing but genuinely kind and I've only been shown disrespect. It's immature, obviously you have no worthy input so we'll leave it at that. Thanks
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Lay off the caps and attitude. Furthermore, you haven't event offered any help which you have claimed to do; how is a screenshot of your score going to help anyone? At least show some footage.
I offered help, received attitude. Read from the start.

@iExquisitley Can you please stop double posting? :rolleyes:
Maybe you should learn to read also. :D
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Edit: and my point was, drift trains are harder to win than solo drift events. 1. You have the A.I. Bumping you. 2. You have to stay with the group, not your own pace.

My other point was, that people are saying these are hard in solo runs etc with the even the hurrican. Hence my choice of car, just to make it more difficult for myself and show it can still be done in a short period of time. (Not 30 goes). Hope that clarifies.
So this was your 'help' for people. Or was it to say that you can do it in a harder car? :rolleyes:
I offered help, received attitude. Read from the start.

Please don't tell me you think @lxmmy asking for proof of more golds comes across as attitude. You are not going to win any friends if you keep double posting.

View attachment 542034 That's the last time I offer any help geez, people with poor egos putting others on a pedestal.

I fail to see any attitude up to this point.
Lol, I offered ONE person help. Then lxmmy started poking. My conversation was not with him nor directed at him (kind of like what you're doing now, butting in). I did more then what was asked by going above and beyond what was required by doing a hard event with a hard car (by this stage I was only doing so to yes, prove that I was better, after yes, recieving what I believe to be negative attitude). As I said, I've posted the screen shots as proof, you want the video, go find it. I don't owe you any favours.

As for me not trying to help, I even posted a whole thread offering drifting tips and help. I must be delusional.
This is why a lot of people stay average in their lives in regards to things they do. Instead of asking "hey mate, any chance can link me to your video", they scrutinise you thick and thin. That in my opinion, is attitude. So as for help, help yourselves :D ciao!
My conversation was not with him nor directed at him (kind of like what you're doing now, butting in).

Like I'm not allowed to? This is a public forum, anyone can get involved in a discussion.

Instead of asking "hey mate, any chance can link me to your video"

So you showed that you got gold on one event, what about the others which you 'certainly have' got gold?

That's basically what he was asking for.
Like I'm not allowed to? This is a public forum, anyone can get involved in a discussion.

That's basically what he was asking for.

Sure thing, you're spot on. Back to winning

Double post ;)

If you do decide to change your minds, I'm only a message away. Maybe we can help you guys out, maybe!
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Looks I finally found out the problem IMO. It's the community. I agree in what the OP said in the sub reddit. Yes you can criticize the game but you can do it in a constructive way (in which it doesn't involve whining and such) or the usual whining. I'm surprised that Ben and GG didn't give up yet despite given how the game was treated but still they are there to continue supporting the game.

You may say that the community is the one who's been helping out in developing and supporting the game but there are those in the community who are whining and :censored:ing about the game because their request is not granted.

Looks like Reddit is not the only site where NFS2015 get butchered by whiners and constant never ending requests.


At least yoshiplaysgames understand the situation.
Sorry for the rant.:banghead:
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Me getting gold on the first event.... Don't worry I will give a link to my video.

Awesome "drift circuit race" dude. But none the less, congrats!.

I'd watch it, but ya know I just can't remember where I've ever seen a Porsche win a circuit race before hmm...

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