Need For Speed (2015)

  • Thread starter Ameer67


The stock roof options just look way, way too tall and bulbous. It looks like the whole front windsheild is off too. It looks like they just took the straight up and down of the truck and put it on every model

I really think you are grasping at straws. I'll give you that the chrome reveal molding around the windshield glass does not look the same, however that really can't be used as a baseline considering the starting point of the in-game car isn't stock to begin with. I mean, the hood isn't identical either, among other things.

Logic says that if Ghost gave the rest of the cars such attention to detail and authenticity, they wouldn't suddenly decide to wing it on the roof height of a '32 Ford.

As for Black Panthaa, I found him annoying at first but honestly I've grown to enjoy his character. I prefer his NFS videos over others tbh.
Pretty much the same reason why PewDiePie has a following: character. I don't know why, but I find his content quite funny with the pleb jokes and Matthew's "hello" (which I think is the reason why you wanted to stab your ears).

On another note, he was one of the reasons why Need For Speed has changed, thanks to spreading #CraigItUp.

That was, quite easily, one of the stupidest things I've watched in 2016.

You owe me a new set of ears.
That was, quite easily, one of the stupidest things I've watched in 2016.

You owe me a new set of ears.
Well, it woke Ghost Games up to skip a 2014 release and start developing this game.

Do you want your pair to have detached earlobes?
Certainly off-topic, but can anybody explain to me why this guy has such a following? I tried watching one of his videos and couldn't get through more than a few minutes without wanting to stab my ears.
Well he's not the only person who gets to test the game early. Him along with AR12, TC9700Gaming, LPN07 and GTA Wise Guy were able to test the game way back before release. So to put it in simply, Ghost Games picked up the popular racing gamer Youtubers to help them in making NFS2015.

What makes this weird is that SlapTrain wasn't part of the test though. He is closing in on 1million subscribers thus making him the first racing gamer Youtuber to reach a million subs.
Im having trouble trying to download wraps to put on my car. It just shows the spinning circle and stays on it for ages and then I am unable to go back. There is also a flashing red circle at the top of the screen with an exclamation mark in it. If anyone could help me that would be great.
@cmc7 Community Wraps with many layers take longer to load and can take a considerable amount of time on slower internet connections. The flashing red circle at the top left corner of your screen indicates you have unread messages to do with Story Mode.
@cmc7 Community Wraps with many layers take longer to load and can take a considerable amount of time on slower internet connections. The flashing red circle at the top left corner of your screen indicates you have unread messages to do with Story Mode.

Thanks for the reply. I left it for 25 minutes and nothing happened. My connection speed to the ps4 is 36mbs. Should it take that long?
Thanks for the reply. I left it for 25 minutes and nothing happened. My connection speed to the ps4 is 36mbs. Should it take that long?

That shouldn't be the case at all then, it is most likely an issue with the game. I haven't encountered this on Xbox One.
That shouldn't be the case at all then, it is most likely an issue with the game. I haven't encountered this on Xbox One.

Ok then thanks. I guess I will wait until the new update is out and then I'll try it again.
Is this the first car they have added since release? I really hope they are working on adding a decent number of new cars at some point.
Only 10 spaces? How hard is it just to give us unlimited or at least 1 space for each car? Dammit Ghost this is 2016... :banghead:

Drag racing looks half baked tbh. No proper strips like NFS UG 1/2. Burnout feature is good but if the races are long that makes it pointless because you can cover up the poor start later.

Hot Rod looks like a hoot though 👍 Unfortunately I can see everyone and their mother using this car online :lol: I wonder how bad the handling model is as well.

IMO, NFS 2015 is not going to evolve much from here. It's a good base for future NFS though, if they decide to continue on the tuner theme. Unless you're a big NFS fan I'd say wait for the next installment for a more polished overall product.
I absolutely love the Hot Rods. I think I have to fill my extra garage space with 5 of them.
Unfortunately there is no option to get rid of the entire hood, because most of the Hot Rods/Rat Rods have no hood at all. Plus customizing the engine/exhaust should have been a must. Just saying.

03.March 9:13PM
Protip, hover over the Ford's hood option and select the remove option to get rid of it entirely :D
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Only 10 spaces? How hard is it just to give us unlimited or at least 1 space for each car? Dammit Ghost this is 2016... :banghead:

Drag racing looks half baked tbh. No proper strips like NFS UG 1/2. Burnout feature is good but if the races are long that makes it pointless because you can cover up the poor start later.

I agree that drag racing look a little half baked. I said as much in an earlier post - They aren't really drag races, they are point-to-point sprints with a burnout at the beginning. But oh well, it's something, and you can't deny that the addition of manual will be a huuuge improvement.

As for waiting for the next release? You gotta be nuts! I've waited ten years for a NFS like this one!! (And I don't feel that I fall into your "unless you are a huge NFS fan" category either). Truth is, I haven't enjoyed a NFS game since Prostreet.
Nope. If there was, it would've been documented, no?

Like he said just the two that have been shown, I can't help feeling they missed a trick basically adding a single car and a variant when there are lots of other cars that could and would have gone perfectly with it.
We really need some sleepers like M5 or E63. But still cars like Eclipse, 3000GT, Prelude or even F Type or 4C would be great. Also map expansion is recommended, but hopefully pc version will feel more alive. Also small fixes and additions like no wet cars would make it a lot better. But still even now this game is becoming one of best NFSs although it's not on DC or FH2 level. I think that Midnight Club games have some stuff like lowriders that would fit vision of creating something that "community never excepted and they love it", like this hotrod update.