Need for speed gets "serious".....confirmed!

  • Thread starter Hereward
Just grabed a few stills of the youtube vid, sorry about the quality but some nice details in there.




Is it not slightly worrying that the car is going at least twice the speed of the other cars on the track - doesn't bode well for a "sim" experience...
Is it not slightly worrying that the car is going at least twice the speed of the other cars on the track - doesn't bode well for a "sim" experience...

There's a simple explanation, these trailers are always on the easiest difficulty level to show action and passing, it happened with GT5P.

Ian Bell says there will be three difficulty levels, arcade, semi-sim (i.e Forza), and a GTR2 like hardcore sim level.
They have really screwed up the perspective. Showing too much side window gives you a smaller window of what you need to be looking at. Trying to emulate the human eye they are failing hard. Its like a 3 screen setup squeezed into one screen. Ugh...
? not seeing any difference with any other game, the view point is from the drivers perspective, I think what your seeing in the stills is the fact your perspective changes dependant of G force so turn left and the driver / view shifts slightly to the left...the last 3 pics are all turning left whilst the first is turning right. You don't notice it on the video apart from the crashes. I await the rain of negative gaming karma LOL

As for the speed issue first one he obviously just dosn't brake for the corner, it cuts before he goes into it, on the 2 corner clips shown he suddenly is traveling the same speed as the cars around him, on the first crash again all the carsh crash in front of him and he just goes through them and the last crash he nudges the back of the car hes overtaking and it looks like there speed is very similar, again the clips have been done for wow factor rather than to show off it's physics, be they good or bad.
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The last screen hes going straight. If it is a wow factor than i wonder if the view is customizable. After looking GT5 P in car view its clear its a camera trick to make it appear faster than it should ala PGR2/3/4.
Looks nice, definitely a seller. I ain't buying GRID, i'm buying this instead. I've played GRID, and all i can sa is, too slippery, they went a little too racing sim-ish. Shift looks like it has a perfect balance between arcade racer and racing sim.
Is it not slightly worrying that the car is going at least twice the speed of the other cars on the track - doesn't bode well for a "sim" experience...

Watching it again and this really does stand out. I wonder if the AI crashes as often as the trailer would make it seem too. It also looks like you can lock up the brakes in this game.
Hopefully it will have similar "arcade" settings as GTR had. Then it will be accessible to all type of gamers/simheads. The part with the Elises?(0:18 to 0:25 in the video) is the best if your looking for physics evidence. Great growl as well from the engine. I purchased Grid and played it for 4! hours, after that I lost all interest and traded in it for Everyday golf (A game a lot closer to real golf then grid to a good racing game.)
Just my opinions.
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They are going for a sim / semi-sim market here but decide to make their first trailer appealing to 12 year olds who like crashing and fooling around?
well yea, that's what EA wants, sell sell sell sell!!

Yeah, I have to agree. I don't think any of us should read too much into what this video represents. Promo videos always try to cram as much into a short time span as possible while at the same time giving you as little as possible, if you take my meaning. They are purposely designed to make you watch them several times. The crashing and bashing is par for the course and to be expected. I'm still optimistic that Shift will impress us.
EA better not be afraid to put a demo out for this one, like they were for NFS:UC. The knew that game was garbage, THAT is the real reason why they did not put a demo out. EA knew people would not buy it.
EA better not be afraid to put a demo out for this one, like they were for NFS:UC. The knew that game was garbage, THAT is the real reason why they did not put a demo out. EA knew people would not buy it.

Undercover was not garbage, it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! but a little hard. When i got undercover, GT5 prologue was shelved for weeks. The only problem was the sense of speed was totally absent. I'm driving my veyron at 250mph on the highway and i feel like i'm cruising at 50.
Here is the latest teaser for the game:

If this game turns out the way I think it will, I will have one terrific September:)
Copy from a thread I made.

This article has some really promising things to say. As a GT fan I think this game may prove to be a great tie me over until GT5.

Quote from article:

"Now, because this all new NFS is a sim and developed by one of the leading developers of racing-sims, you'd better believe that SHIFT boasts an amazing physics engine. You get into a car like the Audi RS4 and you immediately feel the advantage of having an AWD system like QUATTRO giving you all of the grip and traction you need in order to stay on course. But the second you move to a rear or mid-engined supercar like the 911 GT2 or the Zonda, all hell breaks loose (as do your tires upon every sweeping turn). Heck, even when you step foot into a car where the engine is front-mounted (Z06), you immediately feel the difference in balance and weight distribution. Each and every car feels like its got a personality of its own, and that really helps keep SHIFT away from the GRID comparisons many are throwing around out there."
Any game that even half attempts to become a sim/semi-sim will have those sensations.
Copy from a thread I made.

This article has some really promising things to say. As a GT fan I think this game may prove to be a great tie me over until GT5.

Quote from article:

"Now, because this all new NFS is a sim and developed by one of the leading developers of racing-sims, you'd better believe that SHIFT boasts an amazing physics engine. You get into a car like the Audi RS4 and you immediately feel the advantage of having an AWD system like QUATTRO giving you all of the grip and traction you need in order to stay on course. But the second you move to a rear or mid-engined supercar like the 911 GT2 or the Zonda, all hell breaks loose (as do your tires upon every sweeping turn). Heck, even when you step foot into a car where the engine is front-mounted (Z06), you immediately feel the difference in balance and weight distribution. Each and every car feels like its got a personality of its own, and that really helps keep SHIFT away from the GRID comparisons many are throwing around out there."

So basically RWD cars will be crap to drive and be rediculously taily, where AWD cars will be perfect?
Maybe the author of the piece can't drive RWD cars :)

Let's hope that's the case rather than what Paulie said. This game could be quite good if the physics are good enough, but it won't be much fun if all RWD cars are rubbish to drive.
I'm surprised by people making all these assumptions based on a crappy trailer or some article. We don't know who was driving, we don't know what difficulty it was set at, what physics settings were used, etc. etc.

Try imagine you know nothing of GT5P, then imagine a trailer like this being made by a less experienced driver with the physics on STD and all aids ON. You'd say it was crap too. ;) Same goes for an article, most game reviewers I know are not hardcore racers and are easily impressed (or scared off ;)). I can still remember game reviewers stating that GRID or NFS:Pro Street were 'very realistic'. :lol:
So its basically someone else's project slapped with a Need For speed badge on it like the old days of Need for speed V-Rally.
Need For Speed V-Rally??? Sorry am I missing something? I owned the game and it was jsut called V-Rally.

Eden studios who made the game did Need For Speed: Porsche Unleased, so there is a direct Need For Speed connection but Infrogrames published the game, I never saw EA's name or logo on the box or in the game anywhere.

Perhaps it was a regional thing, but seeing as EA didn't appear in the game or packaging anywhere I'm not sure how or why the NFS tag would and could be used.
I'm surprised by people making all these assumptions based on a crappy trailer or some article. We don't know who was driving, we don't know what difficulty it was set at, what physics settings were used, etc. etc.

Try imagine you know nothing of GT5P, then imagine a trailer like this being made by a less experienced driver with the physics on STD and all aids ON. You'd say it was crap too. ;) Same goes for an article, most game reviewers I know are not hardcore racers and are easily impressed (or scared off ;)). I can still remember game reviewers stating that GRID or NFS:Pro Street were 'very realistic'. :lol:

In fact I have been posting in the EA forums and in contact with a mod who has played the game and the alpha build the press was shown/given was very early and had TCS on. He said that the game leans more towards GTR and Forza not so much GRiD and NFSPS. Which is great news if you ask me.