Need For Speed Heat - General Discussion

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NFS Heat rough map.png
Gameplay footage with the GT-R looks pretty good, cars are more grippy and it seem to be able to take a turn better than the last two games. Footage with AMG GT seems to handle more like Payback while the Corvette just drifts everywhere like in 2015. Drifting don't see to hold up speed as well as previous 2 games too.

Going by the indicator in the menus shows AMG GT is dead center of the grip drift scale, the Corvette is more drift bias and the GT-R is grip bias. Will be interesting to see a car handles on the extreme end of grip and drift side.

Gameplay footage with the GT-R looks pretty good, cars are more grippy and it seem to be able to take a turn better than the last two games. Footage with AMG GT seems to handle more like Payback while the Corvette just drifts everywhere like in 2015. Drifting don't see to hold up speed as well as previous 2 games too.

Going by the indicator in the menus shows AMG GT is dead center of the grip drift scale, the Corvette is more drift bias and the GT-R is grip bias. Will be interesting to see a car handles on the extreme end of grip and drift side.

911 feeling hecka lonely right now
Watched some gameplay and Dynamic Weather is confirmed and I really like it. Also in love with the day and night setting since most of the openworld games have short night time.
But have some concern regarding reputation. After watching some Police chase gamplay I am afraid is going to be a grind fest. You really need to wreck those police cars or you won't gain a lot of xp and you can also lose most of the xp if you get caught. Also saw a fine of 120,000 cr if you get arrested which is a little bit harsh IMO.
Still slowly falling in love with the Heat...
..not only does "no plans for microtransactions right now" set off all sorts of alarms on its own (hello there, Crash Team Racing), but in almost the same draw of breath as "LiVe sErViCe" (I could've sworn NFS hasn't always been a Ubisoft IP)? Add those to the list of questions that need some exhaustive - and above all good, preferably first-hand - answers...

Yeah. I also noticed this "right now". There are news everywhere about NO MICROTRANSACTIONS and LootBoxes in new NFS and i think they are just planing to add them later.
Yeah. I also noticed this "right now". There are news everywhere about NO MICROTRANSACTIONS and LootBoxes in new NFS and i think they are just planing to add them later.

I do think the character customisation is there for microtransaction, the community sure loves silly suits like FH4.
Yeah. I also noticed this "right now". There are news everywhere about NO MICROTRANSACTIONS and LootBoxes in new NFS and i think they are just planing to add them later.
Ben (the community manager) specifically said that there won't be neither lootboxes or microtransactions at all - besides a time savers pack and paid DLC.

But I'm sure there will be some sort of MTX down the line. This is EA after all. They most likely just want to avoid the initial backlash and negative press prior to the game's release.
Yeah. I also noticed this "right now". There are news everywhere about NO MICROTRANSACTIONS and LootBoxes in new NFS and i think they are just planing to add them later.

The funny thing is that EA is using pretty much the exact same terminology for that new FIFA thing, saying it won't have microtransactions at launch.

If that isn't morally setting them up for immorally sneaking them in at some point in the future, then I don't know what is.

As I referred to earlier, it's already become a way too common tactic in the AAA sphere to make a lot of good PR from saying your game won't have microtransactions (or sUrPrIsE MeChAnIcS / Panini stickers / Kinder eggs / birthday presents / whatever EA feels like calling them to this week), sell as much as the game can possibly sell and *then*, once initial interest has died down and the physical copies are out in the wild and thus the ESRB (aka "we were designed to protect the AAA industry from regulation but they just can't not stab us in the back at every given opportunity") can't retroactively apply that fancy new "in-game purchases" label, hit the switch that toggles microtransactions. We've seen it happen a few times already, and we all know EA is just too sleazy a slimeball to not do it.

Also, while I have nothing against them as a person, I cannot take anything Ben says as solid proof. Not just because something-something-the-handling-wasn't-fixed-in-Payback, but also because, as far as my research shows, he can't speak for the people up top. Imagine a world in which Heat sells better than the original Most Wanted. There's not a chance Blake Jorgensen, Android Wilson and all the shareholders wouldn't monetize the ever-loving 🤬 out of that. And ultimately, these are the guys holding all the cards (HAHA I MADE A DOUBLE REFERENCE TO GAMBLING AND BY EXTENSION PAYBACK ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED)
well 100% true. The biggest disadvantage Need For Speed HEAT has is EA as publisher. There will be something broken/greedy in this release as in all EA games recently.

My only hope is that it won't kill gameplay. I was ok about DLC car packs later on. From all AAA practices this is the least annoying. But i think we will see Shipments coming back. I hope the only visual customization from this MT packs will be tyre smokes and horns or other useless stuff. I won't stand special visual parts or performance parts.

The only thing they have achieved right know is making me not buying this game close too launch. I will wait and see is it worth it.
..not only does "no plans for microtransactions right now" set off all sorts of alarms on its own (hello there, Crash Team Racing)

Yeah. I also noticed this "right now". There are news everywhere about NO MICROTRANSACTIONS and LootBoxes in new NFS and i think they are just planing to add them later.

Ben posted about these concerns last week. That's not to say they won't change but at least there's less ambiguity.

Ben posted about these concerns last week. That's not to say they won't change but at least there's less ambiguity.

..yes and no. See this:

Also, while I have nothing against them as a person, I cannot take anything Ben says as solid proof. Not just because something-something-the-handling-wasn't-fixed-in-Payback, but also because, as far as my research shows, he can't speak for the people up top. Imagine a world in which Heat sells better than the original Most Wanted. There's not a chance Blake Jorgensen, Android Wilson and all the shareholders wouldn't monetize the ever-loving 🤬 out of that. And ultimately, these are the guys holding all the cards (HAHA I MADE A DOUBLE REFERENCE TO GAMBLING AND BY EXTENSION PAYBACK ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED)

Given that EA twice now has been vague about the whole "there's no monetisation BS right now" thing, the current trends within the AAA industry and that blind trust in what the representatives say has disappointed on multiple occasions, I (hopefully understandably) cannot take anything they say without a medium-sized planet of salt.
..yes and no. See this:

Given that EA twice now has been vague about the whole "there's no monetisation BS right now" thing, the current trends within the AAA industry and that blind trust in what the representatives say has disappointed on multiple occasions, I (hopefully understandably) cannot take anything they say without a medium-sized planet of salt.

This is a valid concern, for sure. I've generally not seen him post anything that hasn't been true though so I've got quite a lot of trust in him. Personally I don't mind micro-transactions in general (although it does sting to see them in games created by huge studios) but I do have an issue with loot boxes.
But one is more scummier than the other. Atleast with normal microtransactions you actually get what you paid for.

Yeah. I actually prefer paid DLC packs after launch. If done right they actually expand the game instead charging you for things already existing in the game.
Why are people so obsessed with MTX being added later on? Specialy since those are just speculations? If they are gonna add MTX just a month after release most of the day-one players will have maxed cars already. And like Payback this is mostly a single player game. Even the crew part will be limited to time trials where you will chase a ghost of one of the crew members. So what's the problem? Are some of you afraid cars will be locked behind loot-boxes? Are you afraid you won't be competitive in PVP? Who play PVP in a NFS game anyway? I bet not a lot of players. Is it just the hate for EA alone? Am I special if I don't buy games published by crazy corporations even if it's one of my favorite franchise?
I don't care for EA... I will buy it anyway... because it's a good old NFS game.:P
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I play pvp in nfs games, and in payback all of my race cars are not max level, and only 3 off road cars are max.
I like the customized nitrous mechanic - it reminds me of something similar that was in Ridge Racer 7.

EDIT: What's the difference between the road and race specializations?
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its road or offroad and race or drift, not road or race
Ah, I think I see. So it’s two opposing axes - e.g. you can have a drifty off-roader, or a road-going racer. I take it that putting it in the race/road corner would be more like grippy handling, assuming you plan to stick to the tarmac.
I just wish EA knew how to make me enjoy new nfs games as much as they make me want to buy them. Although i did enjoy my playtime with and "finished" both 2015 and payback, but there was not enough to keep me going after that. If, and that is a big if at the moment, i get heat, it better have a higher enjoyabilty factor once the "story" is finished. I enjoy building and racing almost all the cars in the game, but i need to enjoy driving them to actually keep playing
Watched some gameplay and Dynamic Weather is confirmed and I really like it. Also in love with the day and night setting since most of the openworld games have short night time.
But have some concern regarding reputation. After watching some Police chase gamplay I am afraid is going to be a grind fest. You really need to wreck those police cars or you won't gain a lot of xp and you can also lose most of the xp if you get caught. Also saw a fine of 120,000 cr if you get arrested which is a little bit harsh IMO.
Still slowly falling in love with the Heat...
NFS Always has that tendency to pull you in (apart from MW2012)
I'm not going near this game unless they put out a demo. I popped in Payback today since all the NFS news reminded me I hadn't completed it yet.
After about half an hour of trying the same drift activity I ended throwing my controller. Last time I threw a controller was in jr. high, and I never thought I'd do it again. These physics are worse than crap. There is absolutely no way to make the car go where I want it to. EVER! I can't imagine anyone at Ghost has ever driven a car.

If the physics aren't completely overhauled from the last 2 games then it's an absolute NO
I don't care if loot boxes or micro-transactions are added; as long as I'm not forced to buy them in order to progress through the game.
This will maybe a bit off-topic, but does anyone seen any info if the Deluxe Edition will be only in digital format or it will have a pshysical edition?

Many thanks in advance :)