Need For Speed Heat - General Discussion

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If/when I get the 350Z, I am going to do my best to paint it Le Mans Sunset. That, as far as I care, is my favorite color for the Z33. As for the R34, maybe I'll see how close I can make it a Midnight Purple color. I wonder if I could try replicating Ultimate Opal Black for the R35, as well? Ultimate Metal Silver would be fine, too, if I can't do Ultimate Opal Black...
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I don't think this was shared here, the crew system in NFS Heat:

Looks like the Autolog system but it now automatically fill it with random players if you didn't join a crew.

Launch trailer is released:
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How the hell did Ghost made a dynamic/customizable trailer??!! It's amazing!! I'm a bit more sold on the game now!! ;D
How the hell did Ghost made a dynamic/customizable trailer??!! It's amazing!! I'm a bit more sold on the game now!! ;D

Simple answer? They've rendered a few hundred thousand trailers. It's not actually dynamic in any way what so ever. Impressive, maybe, if only in terms of how many hours they've spent rendering them, but apart from that, it's classic Ghost making something this ridiculous seem like a big deal. I mean, however pointless and a waste of development time it was, at least the thing in NFS2015 was something resembling "dynamic".

It's like going "I've developed a new kind of plate, and what's really good about it is that it's deep", or "we've taken out all the lootboxes, now give us a standing ovation for getting rid of a thing we introduced for short-term gain a few years ago".
Porsche and BMW has their own personalized trailer too:

It is quite nice that all the cars surrounding the "hero" of the trailer are from the same brand too.
I am still on the fence for this one. I took a long break from the nfs series before they managed to sell me on nfs2015. It had it's issues but i enjoyed it enough that they also did a good job selling me on payback. Pre ordered both games, but i just don't feel anything this time. It could be the increased focus on cops, which is something that pushed me away from the series back in the day. It's just not my thing. If it gets a good reception I'll likely pick it up, but it needs to prove itself to me this time, i guess
I found one that appeals to a certain user of this forum.

I'm so excited to be able to drive the p1 gtr in a open world game :D In fact i don't think any other open world racer have the p1 gtr? I know forza horizon 4 doesn't and the crew 2 either :(

There lost
So yeah uh...

We got bikes. At least four of them. Probably DLC.

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So yeah uh...

We got bikes. At least four of them. Probably DLC.

NFS turning into Midnight Club soon?

..I mean, both MCLA and Burnout Paradise Bikes *were* released in 2008, so it was only a matter of time before they were within Ghosts range of contemporary game design they can ape off. The former of which now makes me wonder about that scene with the traffic stop in that trailer. If there is a God, then this should be a sign.

also watch as the next NFS not only brings back Zone/Speedbreaker, but Roar and Agro as well. And then watch them get praise for being "innovative" and all that.

also also EAs statement on how they expect Heat to perform "similarly to previous titles" (which is plural) aka ship 3-4 million copies. Unless we get more detailed info than that, I'm taking that as me being right about the whole player-numbers-versus-sales-figures thing.
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..I mean, both MCLA and Burnout Paradise Bikes *were* released in 2008, so it was only a matter of time before they were within Ghosts range of contemporary game design they can ape off. The former of which now makes me wonder about that scene with the traffic stop in that trailer. If there is a God, then this should be a sign.

Bikes in Midnight Club exist way before MCLA, MC2 was the first one to do it. If adding bikes is considered a “game design”, we have The Crew 1 and Drive Club to add to the list of games that “ape off” Burnout Paradise and MCLA.

also watch as the next NFS not only brings back Zone/Speedbreaker, but Roar and Agro as well. And then watch them get praise for being "innovative" and all that.

Roar sort of existed in Rivals with slight variation, Rivals has shockwave to get things out of the way but it is closer range and blast everything around the car instead of just what’s in front. The “innovation” of that has happened. Agro haven’t exist for them yet.

Considering the hate around a simple run flat tyres back in Gamescom, I think Ghost will have a tough time convincing the fans that bringing in power ups is a good idea.
So yeah uh...

We got bikes. At least four of them. Probably DLC.

If it turns out to be true and they actually manage to pull it off (main concern is always the physics), I'll be all over it.
Bikes in Midnight Club exist way before MCLA

I'm aware. It's called a continuation of a joke I've been doing for years pertaining to Ghosts calendar syncing to ten years in the past - see 2015-Underground series and Payback-Carbon and Burnout Paradise. MCLA just happens to be a lot closer to "ten years in the past" than any other Midnight Club. I'd also argue it's the one NFS should be worrying about to this day, but that's a bit of a tangent.

If adding bikes is considered a “game design”, we have The Crew 1 and Drive Club to add to the list of games that “ape off” Burnout Paradise and MCLA.

..well. Kind of, yes. You could form a fairly comprehensive argument that this is the case. Much like one could make an argument that Burnout adding bikes was aping off GTA. Then I could make the argument that neither Driveclub nor TC1 are as shameless ripoffs of Paradise as Payback and Heat are. And then you would make the argument that TC2 is. And then I'd go "you're somewhat right, actually, but perhaps not in the way you think you are".

Congratulations. That's the first layer of the joke uncovered. If it isn't clear, it's "Burnout Paradise was so good every open-world driving game that's come after has wanted to copy its success by copying its game design. Much like how the mid-00's was full of Underground-knockoffs and how NFS as a franchise started out as a Test Drive clone when that franchise took a break in the early-mid 90's".

Roar sort of existed in Rivals with slight variation, Rivals has shockwave to get things out of the way but it is closer range and blast everything around the car instead of just what’s in front. The “innovation” of that has happened.

..and said Roar first debuted in MC3, which.. ok, it's not quite 10 years older, but it is 8 years and an entire console generation. It wasn't exactly "innovation", even in 2013.

Considering the hate around a simple run flat tyres back in Gamescom, I think Ghost will have a tough time convincing the fans that bringing in power ups is a good idea.

For realsies though, I'd love to see what would happen if they *did* make a knockoff Agro and all that. Not just because it is an interesting mechanic and it'd make an argument for having gridlock traffic, but as you said yourself: people got *that* mad over run-flats and limited repairs per night, and as someone who doesn't take NFS seriously, I would only be lying in the most technical of senses if I said that was more entertaining than most of their recent products.
I am never gonna get this whole argument of which racing game copy other racing game. I mean you are already limited since you are making a racing game. It's like FPS games.. they will all look alike at some point. Beside EA made a game back at 1985 featuring cars and bikes. Did anyone who made a game featuring cars and bike knockoff Racing Destruction Set? This all argument is pointless. MC, Burnout, Forzahorizon, The Crew are all great games that didn't bring anything new to the table. You will always find an older game that already did it before. The main reason games sold well from 2000-2010 is because they were cheap not because they were revolutionary.
That being said if the rumor is true than I'm going to be a very happy customers. Always loved bikes in racing games.
You will always find an older game that already did it before.

Except that's not the point.

If a piece of game design is particularly brilliant and you can't come up with something entirely different yourself, then yes, by all means, take it - but do something about it that makes it your own. Something you can point a finger at and go "I'd recognise that as [insert game here] anywhere".

Case in point: Billboards. Jumps. Speed Traps. Or, to take on your own argument, first-person shooters. There may be a few tropes because that's how genres work, but people tend to remember the ones that either did something new/interesting or did something more good than anything that's come before. Nostalgia is both a blessing and a curse.

The last few NFS games have neither done something that's "new/interesting" or particularly better than the games they're copying. *That* is the point.

Let's take a case out of them adding bikes to Heat. It's interesting in the sense that bikes haven't been a thing in a game with the NFS label before. But it's by no means a new idea to feature bikes in an open-world driving game, or even the wider "EA universe". And that leaves us with the question of their implementation..
..well. Kind of, yes. You could form a fairly comprehensive argument that this is the case. Much like one could make an argument that Burnout adding bikes was aping off GTA. Then I could make the argument that neither Driveclub nor TC1 are as shameless ripoffs of Paradise as Payback and Heat are. And then you would make the argument that TC2 is. And then I'd go "you're somewhat right, actually, but perhaps not in the way you think you are".

Congratulations. That's the first layer of the joke uncovered. If it isn't clear, it's "Burnout Paradise was so good every open-world driving game that's come after has wanted to copy its success by copying its game design. Much like how the mid-00's was full of Underground-knockoffs and how NFS as a franchise started out as a Test Drive clone when that franchise took a break in the early-mid 90's".

Congratulation on a bad joke, it just sound like the generic internet whine of "X did this before and Y did it years later, Y has zero innovation".

For realsies though, I'd love to see what would happen if they *did* make a knockoff Agro and all that. Not just because it is an interesting mechanic and it'd make an argument for having gridlock traffic, but as you said yourself: people got *that* mad over run-flats and limited repairs per night, and as someone who doesn't take NFS seriously, I would only be lying in the most technical of senses if I said that was more entertaining than most of their recent products.

Come to think of it, they kinda did Agro back in Rivals too but just less effective than what MC has. ESF in Rivals apply some sort of electric charge around the car which allow you to bump off and damage cops or racers with ease.

Except that's not the point.

If a piece of game design is particularly brilliant and you can't come up with something entirely different yourself, then yes, by all means, take it - but do something about it that makes it your own. Something you can point a finger at and go "I'd recognise that as [insert game here] anywhere".

Case in point: Billboards. Jumps. Speed Traps. Or, to take on your own argument, first-person shooters. There may be a few tropes because that's how genres work, but people tend to remember the ones that either did something new/interesting or did something more good than anything that's come before. Nostalgia is both a blessing and a curse.

The last few NFS games have neither done something that's "new/interesting" or particularly better than the games they're copying. *That* is the point.

What other new things can they bring in at this point that isn't done by themselves or someone? After 25 years of the franchise, anything they do can easily point back to a certain point of their own franchise or another game. If they add in even more power ups, you will happily bring up Blur as a "joke" and NFS did nothing new again.

Same thing can be said to other racing games like Grid and Dirt where they pretty much just stick around and try to do what they did best before, the last Dirt with an interesting idea was Dirt 4 but wasn't well received by the fans and Grid 2 itself and the live track has a whole lot of hate at the time of its release. Most recently a racing/driving game tried to innovate for the sake of innovation was Codemasters doing new Micro Machines and Onrush, which both seems to be dead fairly quickly after release.

Ghost decided to turn their calendar back 10 years to reboot NFS Underground makes sense, considering Midnight Club has been dead for years at that time and the racing market have a illegal street racing theme spot for them to fill up. Cops was one thing that NFS did well back then but whoever dumb idea in Ghost that decided to forget about it is for the last 2 games is still a mystery, it is rather nice to see the new game put the focus back in there. The Crew 1 did a cop DLC to further expand it but happily removed all cops presence in the game for the sequel.

Let's take a case out of them adding bikes to Heat. It's interesting in the sense that bikes haven't been a thing in a game with the NFS label before. But it's by no means a new idea to feature bikes in an open-world driving game, or even the wider "EA universe". And that leaves us with the question of their implementation..

I don't think anyone treat it as a brand new idea but more to a curiosity on their decision on Ghost wanting to do that in a franchise that never has bikes before. Also bikes was cut from NFS Carbon during its beta, you can make another "Ghosts calendar syncing to ten years in the past" joke again since the bikes in Heat likely to be cut content too.
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The female cop in of the first cutscenes rides a bike, which made me hope for it. I would enjoy bikes, but I hope that at least these will get a cockpit camera.
The last few NFS games have neither done something that's "new/interesting" or particularly better than the games they're copying. *That* is the point.
What? So it's pointless to ad a certain feature because it was done better in the past? Those features makes total sense in any racing games. They are ordinary things you could do in a racing tipe openworld game. It's not reinventing the wheel but it help prolong the whole experience. Even if you bring quality over quantity at the end more things to do will always be better than less.
I am also one of those guys that want bikes in any car game. I don't care if Burnout done a better job. If they start doing bikes in future too than I welcome this first step.