And that is the very problem and why threads just get totally out of hand. I would like to know the age of some of the posters who have this relentless energy to argue and go around in circles. I am 31, and will put my point across by all means and will tangle from time to time, but as I have gotten older I find myself debating less and less on forums, because it achieves nothing. When speaking to people in the real world, intelligent discussion between 2 or more people can change and adapt those peoples opinions. Its called learning and becoming more wise. Internet conversations just do not seem to have that effect.
But yes, the whole DLC argument is only an argument because people take offense if somebody does not agree with their point of view/perspective. Whether the DLC is good value or not is simply a matter of opinion and perspective, there is no right or wrong, so trying to change one persons opinion means changing his/her perspective which is the hardest thing to do unless eye/life transplants have all of a sudden become possible.
Person A Thinks DLC is a rip off because he is unemployed.
Person B Thinks DLC is good value because TWM is his favorite track
Person C thinks DLC is a rip off because Forza DLC offers more
Person C Thinks DLC is Good Value because He just got food poising off of a £5 curry.
And so on......