New Doctor? *possible spoilers*

Matt Smith's announcement came 15 months before we saw his series debut. So they are cutting it much closer this time.

I'm just hoping the new Doctor turns out to be a departure from the 11th.

I liked Matt. This last half season was a let down, way too much fluff compared to the Ponds. The adventures of 11, and overall feel of the show, haven't been nearly as cheesy as 10. 9 irritates the crap out of me!

I'd love to have Hugh Laurie as the Doctor. He was great as House!
My interest all but died halfway through series 6. I've never been a fan of Smith's Doctor or the writing over the past few series', although there was the odd occasion where I enjoyed it until I lost total interest.

Later I caught the tail end of series 7 when there was nothing else to watch, which happened to be worse than it was when I left off during the 6th series. The final episode (more specifically, the last few minutes of it) was the sole snippet that I didn't find incredibly dull. The next Doctor may freshen things up a bit, but the writing could do with a fair amount of work.
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My interest all but died halfway through series 6. I've never been a fan of Smith's Doctor or the writing over the past few series', although there was the odd occasion where I enjoyed it until I lost total interest.

Later I caught the tail end of series 7 when there was nothing else to watch, which happened to be worse than it was when I left off during the 6th series. The final episode (more specifically, the last few minutes of it) was the sole snippet that I didn't find incredibly dull. The next Doctor may freshen things up a bit, but the writing could do with a fair amount of work.

I agree with all of this. Its nice to see someone who shares my opinion.
I'll quote my facebook post, with new Doctor to be revealed at 7pm on a BBC1 show...

I think BBC are ruining this. It used to be that we'd wait until the final episode of the doctor and his regeneration before we knew the identity of the next doctor. Now it;s just a tv media hype train, it kinda loses its edge to be honest and it's really a pointless move...

...Matt Smith was a good doctor as he bought his own personality. Eccleston's one was there to re establish the series back on our screens, Tennants was like the professional who took a meticulous approach to everything. Smith was (as his theme music suggests) The MadMan In A Box. He'd try something, and it would work.. somehow... Smith brings such a massive amount of enthusiasm and over the top gusto to the role.

But back on point, why are the BBC announcing it before the 50th Anniversary Special? Is that not supposed to be one of the draws of the special originally? Does it not take some shine off it?
So the bookies favourite got the part... I'm okay with this.

It's not the first time someone who had a past role in the show ends up playing a major role as a different character later on. Freema Agyeman and Karen Gillan had roles as other characters in the show before they became companions later on.
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I know nothing about this guy. I know they needed to have a UK Doctor. They could've at least used someone who is known internationally.
Matt Smith was almost completely unknown at the time he was revealed as the 11th Doc. In contrast, Peter Capaldi is well known for his previous roles in UK television and the odd film over the years.

One moderately interesting fact; Capaldi played a "WHO doctor" in the recent World War Z movie.
I'll quote my facebook post, with new Doctor to be revealed at 7pm on a BBC1 show...

I think BBC are ruining this. It used to be that we'd wait until the final episode of the doctor and his regeneration before we knew the identity of the next doctor. Now it;s just a tv media hype train, it kinda loses its edge to be honest and it's really a pointless move...

...Matt Smith was a good doctor as he bought his own personality. Eccleston's one was there to re establish the series back on our screens, Tennants was like the professional who took a meticulous approach to everything. Smith was (as his theme music suggests) The MadMan In A Box. He'd try something, and it would work.. somehow... Smith brings such a massive amount of enthusiasm and over the top gusto to the role.

But back on point, why are the BBC announcing it before the 50th Anniversary Special? Is that not supposed to be one of the draws of the special originally? Does it not take some shine off it?

The main reason is that in the world we live in now the chances of them keeping the identity secret was zero, as such they did this to maintain control of the reveal.

Can't personally blame them for that.
I'm surprised they went with someone who is 55 as opposed to some guy in his 20's.

Do they know something about the demographics that we don't?
I think that after Tennant that producers realized that they can't maintain a doctor for three-four years max. They were probably in negotiations with Capaldi to succeed Smith as the 12th for one year prior to Matt's announcement that he was leaving the show.

I predict that three or four years down the road we will be talking about unlucky 13.
I think that after Tennant that producers realized that they can't maintain a doctor for three-four years max. They were probably in negotiations with Capaldi to succeed Smith as the 12th for one year prior to Matt's announcement that he was leaving the show.

I predict that three or four years down the road we will be talking about unlucky 13.

Aren't there supposed to be only 12 Doctors?
Let me explain how I came to that conclusion.

12 Doctors since 1963 to today. Shortest tenure, 8th doctor not withstanding, is Christopher Eccleston in 2005 with 13 episodes. The longest, The 4th, Tom Baker. His tenure is from 1974-1981.

36 years of active Doctors, and 50 years of Dr. Who. That means that each Dr.'s tenure was averaged to be 4 years. Sub out the old series doctors, or rather ones prior to 2005, you are not going to fair much better with a average tenure of only 2 and 2/3 years. That is just long enough to get 26 episodes and two Christmas specials in that span.

You know all of the mess that got Matt Smith the job. Thankfully, this is quick and painless.
Aren't there supposed to be only 12 Doctors?

Incidentally, I was listening to the 2 Minute Time Lord podcast last night, where they were discussing how canon should be considered by the fan base more flexible than it’s usually held right now, and I kind of agree… I’m generally very interested in seeing that everything’s canonical, but the whole notion of only 12 doctors can’t hold up now that the series is so incredibly popular, so I think we should just brush that aside.
Im ok with Capaldi being the new Doctor (even though I wanted Idris Elba), it is interesting that they've gone for someone a bit older, I've never seen the thick of it but ill try to get a box set or watch some episodes on youtube or something..
The 1st Doctor was 55 also.

Actually, I think that I can place John Hurt by asking a simple question. The 8th doctor never got a transformation(to go into the 9th), correct? I was thinking along the lines that Hurt is Doctor 8.5. The idea isn't new. Richard Hurndall replaced the first doctor for the series 20th anniversary special because Hartnell passed away in 1975. Since McGann had publically stated that he wouldn't play the doctor on TV anymore, wouldn't it be logical that someone else undertake the transformation from 8 to 9?
So called it. I knew that there had to be a transition between the 8th and 9th, however that transition was never shown. Now it brings me hope that the 9th would actually appear in some fashion on the 25th.
In the words of River Song "Spoilers!!!"

Having recently re watched and finally understood the last two series (The whole spaceman in lake and reverse River/Doctor timestream thing confused me before), I do have to ask... so the 8th regenerates into this "War Doctor" (John Hurt is 8.5??)... perhaps does that mean that Eccleston (the 9th) could appear? Yet if 8.5 would become 9, that couldn't be possible as they are different people... yet the War Doctor is standing over the body of McGann's 8th.. so they are two different people?..

I give up. Never watch Doctor Who at half 12 at night. My brain hurts.
So its the 50th anniversary of Dr Who this year and thee will be a series of special programmes on the BBC this week which will end with the one off 'Day of the Doctor' on Saturday, which will feature David Tennant an Billie Piper returning for one time only, John Hurt who we saw right at the end of the last series, the Daleks (of course!) and multiple returning doctors, its on 7.50 on Saturday..
So its the 50th anniversary of Dr Who this year and thee will be a series of special programmes on the BBC this week which will end with the one off 'Day of the Doctor' on Saturday, which will feature David Tennant an Billie Piper returning for one time only, John Hurt who we saw right at the end of the last series, the Daleks (of course!) and multiple returning doctors, its on 7.50 on Saturday..

And it's the Russel T Davies Daleks I notice. Bet they've come from Tennants and Roses universe. I reckon it's the human doctor created from the TARDIS hand when Donna mucked around all those series back..
There will be new monsters in the episode as well, cant remember what they are called though..
Anyone see the Dr Who special last night, the adventure of space and time?, I really enjoyed it and thought it was very well acted, shot, produced and cast

Matt Smith and David Tennant will be on the Graham Norton show at 10.35 tonight, if you haven't seen the show before I recommend I, its really good...
I find the intrusion of Doctor Who into the news programmes kinda OTT.
I'd be lying if I said the BBC haven't been going a little overboard with the Doctor Who content this week. Two hour programmes looking back over 50 years of Doctor regenerations, companions and villains. As well as one-off dramas, reruns of old episodes, daily news coverage and seeing it invade various other BBC programmes.

But for the longest running sci-fi series of all time to reach the half-century mark, I can understand their somewhat overenthusiastic reaction to it. And I've actually enjoyed it for the most part.