A little while ago, someone said on a comment on the front page that the videos looked like they were coming from PD. I've done a little research, and found this.
This is from one the point near the beginning of one of the Lexus videos, when it cuts from the menu to the race screen and there's a bit of black screen. The camera auto-adjusts its brightness to show us this:
Notice slightly to the upper-right of the drivers head: a screen, displaying gran turismo stuff.
Also, it is a silver screen much like this:
Now notice how that bright spot is gone, here, and there is also another toward the left:
What kind of person has a big HDTV, with two other screens in random positions toward the back, both playing video content at the same time, and numerous florescent lights in their living room? No one. Maybe it's a cublicle!
Sure enough, behind that display is a cubicle:
Better view:
It all matches up, even the pattern of the lights on the ceiling!
There is no doubt in my mind that this is coming from PD for some hype. And it's working!