New GT5 demo???

  • Thread starter whatbrown
The tv plasma is Sony. First index. :)
But i think the room is not very large like i say before, and the blue ligthing at left i think it's just a windows.
Wait, what? You're off your rocker if you think sony will simply make an add-on box for the PS3 while M$ has a completely new system on the market. What will the consumer think, "hmm, spend $300 for an add-on tot eh 7 year old ps3 or spend $500 on this shiny brand spanking new xbox720?"
Seeing as discussion of the new PS4 processor have been underway for a better part of 6 months, and that it won't be a CELL, I highly doubt your idea would make any sense to sony and their bottom line.
PS3's technology was old the day it was released.

Mate, you don't have a clue. I'm talking about people that actually work for Sony. The Technology in the PS3 was ground breaking when released and still is. Considering that one of the fastest super computers in the world is effective several hundred of them installed together suggests otherwise. The suggestion is a multi core processor 'utilizing the cell engine' that plugs in to the back of the ps3. Theres not going to be a massive change like there was from CD to DVD and then to Blue ray in the next 3 years. At best you'll see a playstation 3 with a different shell 'much like the slim' but the option for withstanding playstation owners will be there instead of a full upgrade.

It's cheap and effective and given that the playstation 3 still has recouped any of the profits lost, sony will flog it for as long as it can remain competitive.
Skidmarks need cpu power, flowers dont, they just replace grass.
Therefore - no skidmarks this time. Deal with it.

None of that makes sense. Kaz already said he doesn't care for things like skid marks cuz they're not important... even though... graphics... and pretty flowers aren't either... *facepalm*
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lol +1 phosphor112

I don't understand how that mans mind works. Lets put pretty flowers on the track (do the real tracks even have flowers? or just grass?) instead of skidmarks, yes, hmm wait, yes that sounds about right.

Ah well can't have everything
Think about it:
Yes and the grass in the world is always flat.
If you want to have a realistic look the trackside stuff like grass is more important than skidmarks, you almost never see a car drawing them on the road unless it spins or the driver makes a donut.
phosphor112, bekimche:
Dudes wth... flowers on the track and skidmarks are two completely different things to do one of which takes no effort at all and the other would be pretty complex to do properly (in Kaz's standards).
Besides the same flowers were already there in GTHD and GT5P in eiger, the dude who was texturing Fuji just put em there too so it would look nicer and less plain. Its no work whatsoever.
Skidmarks on the other hand - if they were to put them in properly - would require extra power from the hardware which i imagine they DONT have. And dont take it as in PS3 cant handle skidmarks. You have to consider whats already in there. They'll struggle to keep things as they are with 16 cars on the track plus damage, headlights at night etc... they sure wont be adding more stress on the HW by adding skidmarks too.

Sure it would be nice to have them here but im happy for what already is in. Forza3 (example) also lacks alot of things, they have 8 cars, cheap simulated damage effects or simpler models/interiors for example - i dont know about you but i wouldnt change those things for skidmarks and nicer trees.

Its just about what a developer makes their priorities and in that sense im pretty happy with Kazs decisions. I may not agree with all of them but in general GT seems to me as most balanced overall.

And come on, of course they need great graphics - Kaz has a huge responsibility as Sonys provider of the best selling AAA game franchise so obviously he has to carefully consider what to say and do and some things may not be just to his liking. But what can you do, its business too, without Sonys money there would be no GT, it certainly wouldnt be as huge as it is.
Think about it:

Yes and the grass in the world is always flat.
If you want to have a realistic look the trackside stuff like grass is more important than skidmarks, you almost never see a car drawing them on the road unless it spins or the driver makes a donut.

Hmm, wonder how often you will see grass straws when running at 200 km/h:)
You notice them, ever played GT5 Prologue?
Not to mention that there are the replays, photomode, slower cars, slower corners...
Hmm, wonder how often you will see grass straws when running at 200 km/h:)

That wasn't the point. Skidmarks are very rarely drawn but grass will always sway, whther you notice of not.

Although I don't agree with skidmarks being rare. Powering out of corners and a dark line growing over a race.

I don't want to talk about gt6 but I think this release is about features and online, while the next release will be a dynamic game.
:)What about leaves?

I like how Ferrari Challenge has falling leaves at Mont Tremblant as many race series had Fall races, such as the real Mont Tremblant.

I remember taking a computer modeling course and my frustration is you can tweak forever; yet never be satisfied with the 'finished product' so eventually you have to say: that is it we are done; let's sell this thing!:)
That wasn't the point. Skidmarks are very rarely drawn but grass will always sway, whther you notice of not.

Although I don't agree with skidmarks being rare. Powering out of corners and a dark line growing over a race.

I don't want to talk about gt6 but I think this release is about features and online, while the next release will be a dynamic game.

When you watch a race you barely notice it and its extremely difficult to develope something like this so it looks realistic. I hate it when you see big black lines in almost every corner, which disappear after a couple of seconds.
I have yet to see a game with realistic skidmarks.

EDIT: GT4 had a couple of leaves on Autumn Ring, i hope we will see them again, also on Trial Mountain or Deep Forest.
That wasn't the point. Skidmarks are very rarely drawn but grass will always sway, whther you notice of not.

Although I don't agree with skidmarks being rare. Powering out of corners and a dark line growing over a race.

Seems so basic and it is trivial it wont add to the "driving experience" but it will add to the immersion factor.
There is a simple reason why the PS3 has an 1gb ethenet cable plug at the back of the console and its not for the internet. Most computer techs I know believe that Sony will simply on sell a box that sits under the playstation. In this will be several cell processors with a higher end graphics card. People fail to understand that the PS3 has all but wiped away the massive profits made from the PS2, so to redevelop an entirely new console within 7 years would be suicide.

Interesting point, however this worries me:

System Bandwidth:
Main RAM -- 25.6GB/s
VRAM -- 22.4GB/s
RSX -- 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read)
SB -- 2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)

So essentially, a 1 GiB/s cross-link to a second cell processor would be really, really inadequate. Even if they could connect via the SouthBridge, it'd still struggle :scared:

Could it be the 1 GiB/s ethernet port is simply there to comply with the current standard of LAN connections? Especially given the "Other OS" capability of the original units? I use my ethernet port to stream music and video from a media server - is that not a good use of a 1 Gig connection?
So before everything goes completely off topic here, do we have anything about the Demo ?

confirmation that there will infact be one ? a date ? what will be on it ?

No there is not a demo. There was a screenshot shown of all of the show demo's packaged into one disk/file. It is only for developers though and even if you could get a copy you can only play it on an expensive dev ps3.

Nonetheless if you keep hoping then the demo's may eventually find it's way to consumer hands. But not soon by the looks of it.
Yes, when its done right.
3D grass->Cheap and ugly skidmarks.

Yeah, a lot of people go on about other games having skidmarks so why not GT but imo a lot of the skidmarks i've seen in other games have been ugly and don't look good. I have a feeling PD might have addressed this issue in GT5 though.
This needs to happen.👍

different angle:
You mean the oblong tire\rim deformation?

Oh the smoke and skids, ya well, its TDU they have what, 60 roughly modeled cars?

Seeing the new vids of the "demo" get me really hopeful.
and there on the photo you have non realistic skidmarks, (what we are trying to tell you all all the time).

If the car goes sideways, the skidmarks woudn't have "3 stripes". and they are constantly the same wide. That is not realistic, having the same skidmarks, if doing different driving....

wait and see. maybe they are in gt5(realistic). There was never a dementi on this. Kaz just smiled and said : wait and see, ...
Kaz was asked if GT5 will finally get skid marks (in a IGN interview IIRC) and from memory he replied saying not to get caught up in such minor things like that. I don't think it will happen and wont loose sleep over it, as others have said pretty much every car game does is very unrealistic and I find it a little annoying. GTA 4 does it quite realistic though IMO.
Firstly, what does it matter how many cars are in TDU with anything??
Secondly, that's just an example, it can be done even better, but even that looks pretty sweet in contrast to no tire-marks and quickly disappearing lame GT smoke=sterile and unrealistic.
Thirdly, the way Kaz said that, I got impression that they will be featured, but he doesn't see it as a big deal to single it out as a feature from the whole experience.
If I'm wrong, that's gonna be just sad, state of the art graphics in late 2010 and no tire
all i wanna proof was that making realistic tire wear on the blacktop is very hard to do, because you need to know the friction level the rubber has with the ground(and that on every inch of the tire), and this is very power consuming, but tdu had a very good approch with the tire friction in the first tdu (graphs in hardcore mode(no porn)).
All they (all games) do now is looking at the grip level between tire and street and is it is > ...*number*, than it puts the skidmarks on the road, no matter what side your car is going on, no matter how hard the wheel spins, no matter which material the blacktop is.

GT had friction level in the tt demo (the yellow stripes). and it was so loving putting donuts on this lines (no putting lines on a donut!!!)

BTW im eager to play tdu 2. loved tdu so much.I don't car how much cars are in as long as the choice of cars is good.
Wasn't tdu one of the first to have full interior design??

People were PLAYING GT5 demos at all the recent shows. Those demos were running on PS3 hardware, dev kits or consumer PS3s (why would a company allow having their expensive dev kits running on a trade show showroom floor???). Whether the demos were file(s) on a PS3/PS3 dev kit or file(s) running from the HD on the PS3/PS3 dev kit it's still software that can be ran on PS3 hardware (the dev kit pretty much is an unlocked PS3).

Why can't the public have this file aka DEMO? PD already let the public play it a number of times at a number of shows now. Even if they were "journalist", they are outside PD; representatives of the public.

Again, why can't PD just release the this demo? Sony politics? If PD released the latest trade show demo, exactly what harm would it do besides suck up bandwidth for time from all the downloads? Seems to me it would cause MORE anticipation for the game ie MORE MONEY IN PD AND SONY'S POCKETS WHEN THE REAL DEAL COMES OUT. Just ONE demo.
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Excluding the texture quality, and the impressive smoke effects, the tyre mark implementation is at least 10 years old... :rolleyes:



  • Mexico_T1.jpg
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Excluding the texture quality, and the impressive smoke effects, the tyre mark implementation is at least 10 years old... :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what's the first game to feature it, but take a gander at this legendary title! First NFS!:) Still remember those cool vids about each car!👍
Skip to 3:03.

Skid marks. 1994. Let that sink in.💡 16 years ago. :scared:
p.s. There was probably something even older featuring that effect...
p.p.s. Even the sound is not that bad for such an old game!:sly: lol
Whoah, the menu music and sounds, plus the horn sound, just gave me freaky sensation in reminiscence...

Anyway, those skidmarks don't change "density" - I'm sure Papyrus' IndyCar and NASCAR games had it before GPL, they were a bit earlier - I can't remember any other racing games I played back then!
You know I always find it odd how Yamauchi claims skid marks, reverse lights and whatever else as trivial and/or minor things, yet, they've modeled driver likenesses.

So, that's not trivial? I've never even found the prospect to be the least bit interesting, it's someone's actual face....yet reverse lights (something every production vehicle has) is seemingly irrelevant. I'm pretty sure half of the time he doesn't even realize how much he contradicts himself.