NEW: GT5 Time Trial Website

  • Thread starter cooljeffro
United States
Milpitas, CA
cooljeffro, GTP_cooljeffro
I'd just like to let everyone know of a website I've been working on to track everybody's time trials for GT5. I felt the absence of this feature in GT5 needed to be addressed by somebody. 💡

My website lets you browse the rankings while filtering by track, car, power, weight, tires, country, and skid recovery force.

The site is completely based on your guys' honesty so I hope you'll keep your times legitimate. 👍

I hope you guys will find this site useful. I was hesitant to post it up until everything worked, although some things are still not perfect. Forgive me for the less than great design, as I'm not an expert at creating web pages.

Please let me know if you find any bugs. I'm sure there are still a couple crawling around :dunce:

Cool jeff!! its like a score hero for GT5! That is sweet and will get put to use. Nice work..

Heck, you might want to post this in the tuners section too. It seems very seldom do people look in this sub forum..
Looks cool Jeff 👍 I'm assuming we can delete our own times? Would it be possible to create a place to upload the replays and download them to verify each run?

This takes me back to the GT Times days. I want to know how many hours I spent in the F094/S at Midfield :lol:

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Looks cool Jeff 👍 I'm assuming we can delete our own times? Would it be possible to create a place to upload the replays and download them to verify each run?

This takes me back to the GT Times days. I want to know how many hours I spent in the F094/S at Midfield :lol:


Jump Ace brings up some pretty good points that would make things run smother at your new website cooljeffro. There is a site called GTPlayground for GT4 times posting that had a upload replay funtion when you posted a lap time. This allowed for verification if a time was challenged. I used to be one of the replay verifiers. I really get into watching replays alot. I watch mine a great deal.

If you need any help with a replay verifier err watcher just let me know.

PS. I really do like how straight foreword your site works

Have you ever thought of adding a Forum section so your members can chat about their times.
Interesting site Cooljeffro. Like Jump Ace said, it reminds me off the great times with GTTimes. I hope al lot of people will put in the effort to start filling the database. This could be the start of something special. Good Luck
Nice one. I'll try and join/add a few. Anyway to differentiate between times set in the dry and times set in the wet?
Oh sorry guys, i haven't been checking this thread in a while. I had thought of adding some sort of verification system but I wasn't sure how many people were going to be using my site so I just did the minimum to get it working. I also thought about adding a forum if people would use it. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions on this. Its great to know I've made something that people will actually use 👍 (first time creating something like this). I will definitely try and add these suggestions to the site. I am however finishing my studies so I will not have a lot of time to work on it right now, but I will get to it afterwards (about a month or two).

Nice one. I'll try and join/add a few. Anyway to differentiate between times set in the dry and times set in the wet?

The dry and wet courses are listed in the drop-down list for the courses. Would it be easier to find if I made the course list alphabetical?
I've been looking for a place to post my times for all cars used at all tracks ( I currently use a spreadsheet). I think this is a great idea. I sure can use the site to keep track of my times. I have been saving my times by recording the best of 5 laps and noting the modifications (if any) done to the car. I have quite a few and I would like to post them but I don't want to be "cheating" because all my driving settings were incorrect. Usually the only thing on is the ABS at 1.
This is great! Been looking for something like this and this is the best I have found for sure. I am sure that lots of people have bugged you about featured request already, so if you are open to them I certainly have suggestions. Thanks for putting it together!

Can't believe this is not built into GT5 already with settings, replays, assists, etc. all tied in via your PSN and the GT My Home/Profile on You would think that they would like to breed competition and community around their game although they have not figured out how to weed out the dishonest players yet on some of their online time trials.

Anyway, thanks for filling the gap. Posted a few times. Nothing spectacular yet but something to throw in the mix and hopefully get some competition out going.

Frustratingly the handling is different on-line to off, so I never play off-line any more, I now have a reason to.

Cheers Cool, I'll post a link on my league site.
Great website! Defnitely bookmarked and i'm actually going to post up a time in the next half hour :D

Do you need any help with the website? I now PHP and Mysql (and basic html/css experience) and have 1 year of hobby experience working with both. If you feel like collaborating, shoot me a pm!
One thing you may want to add is something to separate offline and online times. Times set in online rooms (free run, or in a race without drafting someone) are slower than in the offline practice mode, with the difference ranging from a couple of tenths to a couple of seconds depending on the track and car. This is due to the slightly different physics of offline and online. It could just be an extra column to fill in (on the same row as tyres, power, weight etc).

EDIT: Forgot to also mention an indication of whether fuel/tyre wear was on.
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Not sure if this is something you might find of interest/use but I'd like to invite you to check out Federation of International Tuners and Test-Drivers
We have a variety of events for Tuners and Drivers and you will find links to current and past events in the F.I.T.T. thread. Since many of these events involve hotlaps of a wide variety of cars on different tracks by several drivers you might find some interesting information. Also one of our council members is working on creating a spreadsheet to track times for events that will be sortable by either car/tuner or driver that you might find of use.👍👍