New Gumpert Tornanate

Tornante production version leaked




Front could use revision, the rest is fine.
Paint it and give me great performance and you've got a winner.
It's still ugly, totally inferior to the Apollo. Gumpert looked like it was going to be a small automaker with stand out looks and a unique style on top of ultra high performance. Now I'm not so sure about the first part. The lack of wings and splitter are a bit worrying when you consider the second part.
It's hideous and completely lacks the "but I bet it's wicked fast" vibe the apollo has which helps redeem that car.
Is that render some kind of joke?

The whole thing looks like something anyone could've come up with in 5 minutes.
The response to this here is starkly different from the responses elsewhere. I like this. In a world where some of the cars are very similar aesthetically, this is a welcome design IMO.

Very simple, but sometimes simple is a good way to go. You won't get this confused with any current supercar out there, that's for sure.


Got some MP4-12C in the front, and some Audi Rosemeyer in the hindquarters
For the record, I believe the Apollo is one of the ugliest, laziest, blandest supercar designs I have ever seen.

Looks like an RC car from the 90's.

This is vastly superior to the Apollo, both in concept and production form.
Wow. I don't like this at all.

It looks good from that angle, but when you look at the other pictures it looks like a messed up collaboration of several existing models that were put into a blender and then smoothed out with a serrated knife. :ill:

Just...go back to the styling of the Apollo; this is just ugly. This coming from someone who likes the radical looks that the smaller manufacturers employ.


I like it too by the way.
I never had a problem with its design, I mean it looks like a car from Burnout 3 or something. Much better than a Veyron or Enzo.
Although I liked the Apollo, this one's looking good!

Though the side profile kinda reminds me of a Veyron, while the rear 3 quarter view reminds me of a W12 Nardo for some reason :odd:
Looks more like an early 90's concept car than a 21st centuary 'Hypercar'.

It reminds me of a shortened VW Nardo, especially from the side. Now if it had an Apollo style front splitter and rear wing I reckon that it would be a nice looking car. I wonder if any photoshop specialists here could knock a render up?