- 5,082
- Panama City, FL
Well yes of course it will also affect us american citizens, you are absolutely right. There's always consequences for everything, thats why as for most U.S citizen will disagree with this law. I only see this dream act as a solution to gain some money due to a critical economy but for a long term issue, it will not work.
Then why do it in the first place?????? And I have no idea how anyone can see it as a gain, even short-term.
Someone leaves a baby in a basket on my porch. . . . How am I in any imaginable way responsible for that baby's care and feeding?
How is granting these kids amnesty (thus putting them on the public dole) any different? This amnesty would flood our country's porches overnight.
Visit El Paso or San Diego. Even just look at them on Google Earth. The slums of Juarez are visible from I-10 just west of El Paso. Have a look at that and then think about what those people will do to get to our side of the river. Giving even the slightest bit of encouragement is just, politically speaking, (well, maybe literally speaking, too) stupid. These people are a burden on the public economy and contribute nothing in return. We feed them, care for them in our hospitals, house some of them in our jails, with nothing from them or their government to pay for it. Who wouldn't want such a deal?
As for Canada, we get a huge volume of tourists during the winter where I live (Florida's gulf coast.) They come down in fleets of Buicks and Crown Vics in November, stay until MTV shows up for Spring Break. They can be annoying, they drive too slow, they're in the way at any restaurant you want to go to, but they bring their own money, and pay their own way. Then when they're done they go home.
Edit for follow-up: All the tirade about public dole, who wouldn't want such a deal, etc, is directed at the families bringing the kids in. If the kid graduates high school, good for him, but that doesn't make him a citizen qualified to compete with genuine citizens in our job market.
And frankly, I'm not sure how an illegal gets their kids through high school in the first place. Something wrong with that picture, too.
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