In a lot of ways, they are.
Still a subsidy though. Also, the U.S. is the top oil producing country in the world, Canada is #4, there really isn't a threat that Russia and the Arabian peninsula will have a monopoly.
I don't think that means what you think it means.
Very true and I never claimed otherwise. What I did say was that we've only been seriously exploring using electricity for cars for a tad over a decade.
Again, while electric motors are nothing new, they've only been seriously considered a substitute for ICE for a relatively short period and in that period they've made quite a big dent.
Electric car batteries are not made the same way as other batteries, hence why you can't recycle them the same way.
And why do you think that is?
I'm not sure about that, even with the increased focus on electric power ICE power has increased while also getting better MPG.
This has to be a record for someone contradicting themselves, only Rick James could do it better!
Literally nobody is saying that... Literally.
I still don't think that means what you think it means.
I also think my analogy flew so far over your head it collided with the ISS. We didn't just go to bed one night with crappy dial-up and wake up in the morning with Gig-speed internet, rather it was the result in several small leaps in technology that inevitably led to where we are and will continue to improve as time goes on. I'm under no illusion that the power grid will make a similar leap or be as cheap to accomplish but it will happen and whoever does it the best will make their shareholders very happy.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Probably because that's a major part of electric vehicles. It would be like talking about ICE cars but getting mad any time someone brought up fracking.
I haven't seen anybody argue that, in fact everyone seems to recognize that such an overhaul will need to happen.