As first I want to say hello to everybody on the gtplanet 'cause I am new memeber of your forum and as I can see from here (that is Croatia) we'll have a lot to talk about 'cause we all love same thing - tires and speed.
Excuse me for privating this post, but I would also like to say hello to my dear colleagues Amar (that is amar212) and STINGer (that is STINGer71). Pozdrav momci! That was on croatian language and it means: Hi fellas!
Originally posted by amar212:
Oh, my dear Space, if I only could been on E3, I'd came back with some disc in my pocket
. But maybe next year...
That was my 1st reaction. Why? If you wan't to know - read more.
You'll have to excuse me, but what I am about to say (and it is big offtopic) may be, and it is, pretty important to everybody who know me. I would like to ask mr. Copycat - person nicknamed
Spacemaniac - (is it something strange here?) to stop introducing herself as ME and confusing everybody from croatian web sites - -->, news groups or real life who knows me as Spacemaniac. To check this, you should only go to the web sites I mentioned and compare e-mail adresses. I know this nickname trick (you call it whatever you want) isn't coincidence or done in any kind of good faith because of his post earlier in which he was obviously introducing to amar212 as me:
Originally posted by Spacemaniac:
Good work Amar,you were on E3 right.....!
That was so lame... If you check Spacemaniac's info you will (with comparing it with my info on other web forums) notice that he has same interests/occupations as me.
Now let's hear what moderators, admins or webmasters of this site have to say on this.
Thank you for your attention. About nicknames ect. that was eod for me. Once more sorry for offtopic.