New Thrustmaster F1 Wheel?

  • Thread starter PzR Slim
I have tried the T500rs.. and will have one (F1) shipped to me pretty soon to review but in my opinion the fanatec will be better.. However i cannot prove it until I have reviewed both. (and its all about preferance) :) Also i hate static shifters so i wouldn't use that add on. I would use the paddles on the wheel

Is Thrustmaster sending you a comp unit to review? If so I feel bad for Thrustmaster. I can only assume they wasted money sending you a review unit of the T500RS with F1 wheel thinking it would be an unbiased review and here you are saying the Fanatec CSW will be better without even having one to try.

If you want anyone to take you seriously as a reviewer (if in fact they really sent you one), then you may want to consider reviewing the T500RS F1 Wheel on its own merits and not comparing it to an unreleased product that you've probably never even touched with your own hands.
Sadly the kit promised to me in an email has not turned up :( but the review would not have been biassed at tall
Is Thrustmaster sending you a comp unit to review? If so I feel bad for Thrustmaster. I can only assume they wasted money sending you a review unit of the T500RS with F1 wheel thinking it would be an unbiased review and here you are saying the Fanatec CSW will be better without even having one to try.

If you want anyone to take you seriously as a reviewer (if in fact they really sent you one), then you may want to consider reviewing the T500RS F1 Wheel on its own merits and not comparing it to an unreleased product that you've probably never even touched with your own hands.

Ive got to the point I cant believe what he says or certainly know when hes telling fibs or not. Either way what a stupid thing to say before doing any review, already being biased, doh! Im not picking on the guy here, he just makes problems for himself by what he says. I thought amf was for buying the T500 and this F1 rim anyways?

T500RS Vs Elite in GT5 is another interesting "war of the wheels" that will be playing out on these forums in the near future. I would love to see Amar being given the oppertunity to write up such a report and at least it would be credible.

Would love to try that F1 rim on GT5 though for me I dont think Id use the F1 rim or play enough F1 2012 to warrant its price. Maybe if it gets reduced in price in the future I might consifer it though.
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Sorry I didn't realise I was allowed any personal opinions :sly:

But is still believe that the fanatec will be better. This is not biased its just my opinion and if I was sent a.demo.kit then of course I would be fair whilst reviewing it.

You.say.contribute to.discussions so.sure me having an opinion is doing that??

Please.stop.saying.someone.else.deserves it just because I say .I think another will be better.

It's the same me saying I think the CSW will be better than the dfgt. Would I be flamed. No.

The different to my actual reviews as I have much more.of an impartial opinion whilst reviewing.

And before someone critisises my grammar and spelling.i am on my phone.

Edit: after seeing the elite thread I see why you put your last comments LOL. You are basically asking Thomas to send you the wheel. Kind of makes sense to me now.
You can pm me rather than do it on the thread if you are planning on arguing
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Not for arguing, you posted a comment I gave a personal response to that. Lets call it difference in opinions.

I didnt say Amar deserved one, I stated Id like to see a report from him on it as have respect for his views and longterm contrubution to these forums. He also owns I believe the T500RS.

As for your DFGT comment, be sensible those are clearly two very differently priced products. The "Elite" is the 1st direct upgrade from Fanatec that directly is aimed to compete to the T500RS.

*This thread is about the T500RS F1 rim lets keep it on that...
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Fair enough but I am pretty active...

I would love it if fanatec sent everyone demo kits as I enjoy reading reviews (sounds sad) as I don't experience all the things that everyone else finds after weeks of playing.

Sadly I will be sending the wheel back sometime next week as I am.on holiday soon and I am only meant to keep it for a month. I wish all the expensive things didn't come at once as I would usually happily spend the money on such a great piece of kit.

Edit: agreed :)
CSW will be better.

im selling my T500 to make room for it.
it sits just above the t500, just like the t500 sits higher then any other fanatec wheel on the market.
its also very nice to see TM and Fanatec producing wheels that are comparable to really high-end wheels like ECCI and FREX.

i still stand by my point that i feel the t500 is a bargain for what you get,
same with the CSW.

extremely good wheels for a fraction of the cost for a FREX which has no warranty even?

the gap between these camps will dissappear in the coming year.
Any more opinions on the Thrustmaster F1 wheel? I am sure the csw will be better and all but I am sure most people that have their eyes on this thread have no intention of upgrading to one. Was hoping we'd have more posts containing juicy impressions bout it by now. :ouch:
ISR put up a new film recently. Lots of lag in f1 2011? Seems like the ingame wheel moves quite a bit slower. It's a shame they neglected to show the wheel with iRacing. Still seems like a nice little piece they made here

ISR put up a new film recently. Lots of lag in f1 2011? Seems like the ingame wheel moves quite a bit slower. It's a shame they neglected to show the wheel with iRacing. Still seems like a nice little piece they made here

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

He uses the wrong steering angle lock, 230 degrees. It should be 270 degrees! I use 270 and it works superb on mine.

System config:
Intel i7 2600k
8GB Corsair vengeance mem
Nvidia GtX480
T500 RS with F1 add-on
No lag on F1 2011. For this: put Rotation Angle at 270° in T500 RS Control Panel & choose in game Steering Wheel for Override Input Device Type ;)
No lag on F1 2011. For this: put Rotation Angle at 270° in T500 RS Control Panel & choose in game Steering Wheel for Override Input Device Type ;)

Whoops I forgot to mention the override indeed. And about the steering lock, I got that directly from Otto @ Thrustmaster.
Whew thanks a lot for clarifying that one. Guess it's just more ISR fail. They've really taken a bad turn since Darrin got swooped up by Fanatec. 👎
I've spend a good few hours with mine getting it setup right.

270 seems to be the best wheel lock.

It's possible to get perfect 1-1 movement as if you set it to something that matches the onscreen rotation it has to be set to like 310 or so but then the wheel lock travels much further than the onscreen movement.

Had to play around a lot to get the forces to feel good also.

The settings on the ISR vid are way to strong, you need much lower wheel weight otherwise your fighting the wheel 2 much in high speed corners.

Once I got it setup how I like it the wheel made a big difference in consistent lap times.

Build quality is also top notch. Though I agree the non working switches look cheap.

If you have a t500 and are not planing on getting something else then this is a great add on.
Yeah not sure why they couldn't make the middle switches do something useful (even if it meant having redundant functions). Maybe this will mean a slight price drop a little later which is good for the end consumer.

Once I got it setup how I like it the wheel made a big difference in consistent lap times.

Whew thanks a lot for clarifying that one. Guess it's just more ISR fail. They've really taken a bad turn since Darrin got swooped up by Fanatec. 👎

Whoa. He abandoned the ISR gig then?
Whoa. He abandoned the ISR gig then?

No, watch the xbox wheel buyers guide video on their YouTube channel. He's a rep for Fanatec but still works for ISR as well.
No, watch the xbox wheel buyers guide video on their YouTube channel. He's a rep for Fanatec but still works for ISR as well.

Yeah I always thought they where kinda bias towards fanatec, but thought that was just a pesonal prefrence. Now though Im not so sure. At the end Darin also says we asked thrustmaster and madcatz for wheels but no response. Why would they send a fanatec rep there product? Is fanatec going to send them a CSW? I dont think so. 👎
No, watch the xbox wheel buyers guide video on their YouTube channel. He's a rep for Fanatec but still works for ISR as well.

Shoo I was hoping not. That is also a very good thing for Fanatec to have him on board.
Do we have any GTP'ers that have received this wheel yet ? And do you use iracing ?
Some feedback would be great .

Tested on my side (with great result) with:


Should be as perfect with these cars:
(will depend of rotation angle)




Just thought I would mention, for those in the US, is now showing the Thrustmaster F1 stand alone wheel available and in stock.

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