Shells N Cheese
- 1,487
- United States
- Shells_En_Cheese
I find it funny how people hate on the retro launch, without even knowing what it is. Being smartass about it when you actually think it makes your car bog. And thinking it makes a 9.002 Enzo a 8.979 Enzo. Some people should really educate on things before thinking they know everything.
I agree with king, nowhere on the Danny's board does it say no retro launching, we just didn't do it because mazdas board was against it. May I ask you, the ones who are against it, what is a retro launch?
I can't get the launch maximised as Redline can, and he will always get better times than I do simply because of his 0-60s. So what? Shall we ban him from the board too, because he can do something better than we can?
100% agree with Janco , are we gonna stuck at some time bracket cause we have to hold back cause some people cant do it, this is why its called top 5 leaderboard, no echeat, srf, or parts well for me getting a retro running right is even harder,new way of tune into new level.
I've stated a few days ago, if you can't do it online then what is the point? The tune is meaningless, retro launching was never allowed so why start now? Just because 2 or 3 people want to do it? I say go on with the way the leaderboard is now, unfortunately nobody else agrees with me so in the end my vote wont matter. No disrespect meant at all. Just because it's not a rule not to use it doesn't make it okay to use it, I think Danny should make it a rule not to use it as stated above, the tune is meaningless and wont work online, that's my opinion and I would appreciate not being judged for it and would also like to no longer argue over it.