NEW TOP 5 Rank Leader Board! Post your times! 2.15!

I find it funny how people hate on the retro launch, without even knowing what it is. Being smartass about it when you actually think it makes your car bog. And thinking it makes a 9.002 Enzo a 8.979 Enzo. Some people should really educate on things before thinking they know everything.

I agree with king, nowhere on the Danny's board does it say no retro launching, we just didn't do it because mazdas board was against it. May I ask you, the ones who are against it, what is a retro launch?

I can't get the launch maximised as Redline can, and he will always get better times than I do simply because of his 0-60s. So what? Shall we ban him from the board too, because he can do something better than we can?

100% agree with Janco , are we gonna stuck at some time bracket cause we have to hold back cause some people cant do it, this is why its called top 5 leaderboard, no echeat, srf, or parts well for me getting a retro running right is even harder,new way of tune into new level.

I've stated a few days ago, if you can't do it online then what is the point? The tune is meaningless, retro launching was never allowed so why start now? Just because 2 or 3 people want to do it? I say go on with the way the leaderboard is now, unfortunately nobody else agrees with me so in the end my vote wont matter. No disrespect meant at all. Just because it's not a rule not to use it doesn't make it okay to use it, I think Danny should make it a rule not to use it as stated above, the tune is meaningless and wont work online, that's my opinion and I would appreciate not being judged for it and would also like to no longer argue over it.
Shells N Cheese
I've stated a few days ago, if you can't do it online then what is the point? The tune is meaningless, retro launching was never allowed so why start now? Just because 2 or 3 people want to do it? I say go on with the way the leaderboard is now, unfortunately nobody else agrees with me so in the end my vote wont matter. No disrespect meant at all. Just because it's not a rule not to use it doesn't make it okay to use it, I think Danny should make it a rule not to use it as stated above, the tune is meaningless and wont work online, that's my opinion and I would appreciate not being judged for it and would also like to no longer argue over it.

So if it doesn't work on Indy it is meaningless? A long time ago, I remember Danny saying: "this tune won't work on Indy." As he posted up his M3 GTR or some other car, can't remember. So that tune is meaningless and should never be made or posted? Why exactly would it be meaningless? It's a great tune, one which I found very very hard to match, I ended up 0.002 behind him. But you just called it meaningless... What do you mean by never allowed? It wasn't allowed on Mazdas board, was allowed on MadMadx's board and I don't see a rule against it on this board...

Retro launch tunes do work on Indy, you just launch it in 2nd, the only difference is that you do a quick shift at low revs on SSRX. Retro launch is nothing else but a quick shift launch, so we might aswell forbid that too and by what you're saying, forbid timed launch too, because it doesn't work on Indy.

EDIT: Just found this going through my photobucket...

I've stated a few days ago, if you can't do it online then what is the point? The tune is meaningless, retro launching was never allowed so why start now? Just because 2 or 3 people want to do it? I say go on with the way the leaderboard is now, unfortunately nobody else agrees with me so in the end my vote wont matter. No disrespect meant at all. Just because it's not a rule not to use it doesn't make it okay to use it, I think Danny should make it a rule not to use it as stated above, the tune is meaningless and wont work online, that's my opinion and I would appreciate not being judged for it and would also like to no longer argue over it.

Retro launching was allowed. Back on MadMax's leaderboard. When RetromaniaX started annihilating every time on the board, people were constantly harassing him trying to figure out what he was doing differently. He final gave in, shared his little pocket of knowledge and everyone moved on.. Saying it was never allowed is wrong and that's all I'm picking you up on Shells
So if it doesn't work on Indy it is meaningless? A long time ago, I remember Danny saying: "this tune won't work on Indy." As he posted up his M3 GTR or some other car, can't remember. So that tune is meaningless and should never be made or posted? Why exactly would it be meaningless? It's a great tune, one which I found very very hard to match, I ended up 0.002 behind him. But you just called it meaningless... What do you mean by never allowed? It wasn't allowed on Mazdas board, was allowed on MadMadx's board and I don't see a rule against it on this board...

Retro launch tunes do work on Indy, you just launch it in 2nd, the only difference is that you do a quick shift at low revs on SSRX. Retro launch is nothing else but a quick shift launch, so we might aswell forbid that too and by what you're saying, forbid timed launch too, because it doesn't work on Indy.

EDIT: Just found this going through my photobucket...


Retro launching was allowed. Back on MadMax's leaderboard. When RetromaniaX started annihilating every time on the board, people were constantly harassing him trying to figure out what he was doing differently. He final gave in, shared his little pocket of knowledge and everyone moved on.. Saying it was never allowed is wrong and that's all I'm picking you up on Shells

I've read up on some old threads and from what I read the retro launch didn't work on Indy that's why karo was never that fast when it came to online racing, I'll have to hunt this thread down again, might take some time to find it but hopefully it's still around somewhere, I've also heard this stated in person by multiple people, don't remember there PSN ID's but I remember hearing this. I highly doubt that anyone besides the 3 or 4 people wanting it at this time want to go back and re-tune every single car that they own for a retro launch, I'm just curious as to why anyone wants to do it. Also, every time I've actually came across a timed launcher online everyone complains about it (not me, I don't even really notice and just assume I'm getting treed, until it happens like 20 times in a row with the same car). Even if retro launching does work online it's really not going to prove anything, I also always here people complaining about the leaderboard being all timed launch times, I have a few names in mind that have said that but I wont state them here. I think what we need is a good old black screen launch leaderboard so people wont have to argue about it anymore, we can also have a separate leaderboard for retro launching and all that other stuff as well. Just look at the issues it's starting to cause already and we're only talking about it. This is just my opinion and thoughts on this situation, I say if you go ahead and allow retro launching then we should have separate leaderboards, just like the hacking leaderboard that is separate from this one. I don't see an issue with that, this way you can do it your way and everyone else can do it their way. I think this is fair, what do you guys think?
Retro launching was allowed. Back on MadMax's leaderboard. When RetromaniaX started annihilating every time on the board, people were constantly harassing him trying to figure out what he was doing differently. He final gave in, shared his little pocket of knowledge and everyone moved on.. Saying it was never allowed is wrong and that's all I'm picking you up on Shells

This, and also every top ACR time and a few other cars at the "other" leaderboard site are retro launched. Retro launching is usually only good for another .005 - .010 on certain cars...usually the FR 2nd gear launch cars, I don't think I've ever heard of a retro launched 4wd yet.. I personally don't care one way or the other, I view the leaderboard as just a numbers game and not indicative of actual performance on a track roughly 30 meters shorter than route X.
I think the leaderboard is fine how it is now. This is to show who can tune the best. Not everyone plays online for various reasons. This allows people to show what cars are capable of. Who cares if it's useable on Indy? I 1-2-3 qs a lot of cars on SSRX, but 2-3 qs those cars on Indy because I'll bog if I use 1st. Most of my cars are only .002-.005 faster when using 1st gear, that's hardly noticeable online.
This, and also every top ACR time and a few other cars at the "other" leaderboard site are retro launched. Retro launching is usually only good for another .005 - .010 on certain cars...usually the FR 2nd gear launch cars, I don't think I've ever heard of a retro launched 4wd yet.. I personally don't care one way or the other, I view the leaderboard as just a numbers game and not indicative of actual performance on a track roughly 30 meters shorter than route X.

So what you're saying is that your against retro launching? Just curious, not trying to get this conversation out of hand.

I think the leaderboard is fine how it is now. This is to show who can tune the best. Not everyone plays online for various reasons. This allows people to show what cars are capable of. Who cares if it's useable on Indy? I 1-2-3 qs a lot of cars on SSRX, but 2-3 qs those cars on Indy because I'll bog if I use 1st. Most of my cars are only .002-.005 faster when using 1st gear, that's hardly noticeable online.

Sorry for the double post, I try to avoid this as much as possible, I agree with you nick, I don't see why we should ruin a good thing just because 3 or 4 people want to.
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So what you're saying is that your against retro launching? Just curious, not trying to get this conversation out of hand.

Not against it and not for it either, but I don't equate the fastest leaderboard car to being the fastest online car. There are cars that run .010 slower than mine at route X but will probably beat me by a half fender online at Indy with an equal start.
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Sorry for the double post, I try to avoid this as much as possible, I agree with you nick, I don't see why we should ruin a good thing just because 3 or 4 people want to.

I'm not against retro launching though. I am however against a BSL leaderboard. I think that's just silly
I'm not against retro launching though. I am however against a BSL leaderboard. I think that's just silly

All based on opinion, I wont judge, but I am 100% in the against retro launching, just my opinion on the matter, I wont be persuaded otherwise, I'm like a rock lol. The way I see it, it wasn't allowed on a previous leaderboard so why should it be now, you see where I'm coming from? This whole thing got started because Danny didn't have it as a rule not to retro launch, I'm really curious what Danny's opinion is on this...
The way I see it, there's only 15-20 people that really post times on here. 90% of those people can retro launch whether they know it or not. I'm not saying those 90% do retro launch, but why not allow them to show what the cars are really capable of?
The way I see it, there's only 15-20 people that really post times on here. 90% of those people can retro launch whether they know it or not. I'm not saying those 90% do retro launch, but why not allow them to show what the cars are really capable of?

Simple answer to that, retro launching isn't real, may as well allow SRF, not saying that retro improves times as much as SRF (that I don't care about), my point is that it's not real, that's what bugs me about this.
Gt5 drag is dead now because of hacks.. **** this

Not completely dead yet, but I do agree that it's on the fritz because of hacks and people's egos. I am just losing all passion to play anymore, I only have a few years left until I move and begin a career, I would like to enjoy my games for as long as I can because once I start my career, I'll hardly be on, all I want to do is play and play fair, not really to much to ask.
I'm not against retro launching though. I am however against a BSL leaderboard. I think that's just silly

I dont see how its silly we spend just as much time at Indy online as we do at SSRX trying to make a time.

BS launch is as close as your gonna get to an Indy launch.

Also these times are irreverent to Indy, so why do yall waste hours on a car that can potentially get beet buy a person that doesnt even own SSRX and spends all day chasing his ghost at Indy like we used to do?

A perfect example my DC5 is about .060 of the top time only cause I hate wasting my time at 30 attempts for a perfect run! Yet I can hit up any Honda lobby and, win win win until I start getting wasted then my tree goes to 🤬

These times yall post mean nothing, except an ego trip to see who has the biggest schlong:tdown:

I'm down for a Indy regulation style leaderboard, but what do I know?
I've stated a few days ago, if you can't do it online then what is the point? The tune is meaningless, retro launching was never allowed so why start now? Just because 2 or 3 people want to do it? I say go on with the way the leaderboard is now, unfortunately nobody else agrees with me so in the end my vote wont matter. No disrespect meant at all. Just because it's not a rule not to use it doesn't make it okay to use it, I think Danny should make it a rule not to use it as stated above, the tune is meaningless and wont work online, that's my opinion and I would appreciate not being judged for it and would also like to no longer argue over it.

Hey buddy no offence to you or to anyone else is is against retro or not but what you just said effectivley terminates everybodys times here on the leaderboard. For this reason. Even Black screen launch times can't be done online. The launch u do online is more like the launch that you do after the blk screen which gives u an even slower time. I.e you rev the car after the 3-2... countdown starts. You'll see what i mean. But you guys obviously haven't even thought about what you said.

That is the time that is more truer. So do you see what you just said makes no sense. If blk screen launch is allowed so should retro. Retro isn't even a cheat in my eyes. Echeat very obviously is. But wtf man. Retro is gearing transmission setup and shifting thats all its not tapping your ebrak for a boost in G's and better times. Tapping ebrake is considered more a cheat for that very reason. But i can't see how Retro is a cheat. No go and find a corner to sulk in, because you know i'm right and i hope dream00, janco, redline and danny and everyone else will back me up on this comment.

Ryzno good point from you. I agree on that too. In the end all you can do is tune on route x. run it on route x speedtest. Then make an Indy tune online then run that on route x and run both tunes with and without blk screen launch. Then you'll see how slow the car really is. But no one knows how much both tunes are affected because of differences between offline and online physics? Anyone with a half baked half decent tune can beat you online.

Its all down to tree and reaction time online your indy or route x tune means nothing without your tree or reaction. So in the end it can be a utter waste of time tuning on x. But whether it works aswell online is not known and always debatable. I hope i put some light on this to arrest this despute.

Danny i think what you should do is make this a route x only leaderboard and as you see fit, permit or deny what is allowed by the rules and what is not. Or you can just make a leaderboard for indy. So people who indy tune online only. But then everyone would still need route x to time the car. And again if retro isn't allowed neither should blk screen be either. Everything i have said here is perfectly true you can all go and try these diff launches out yourself and you will find i am correct.
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Hey buddy no offence to you or to anyone else is is against retro or not but what you just said effectivley terminates everybodys times here on the leaderboard. For this reason. Even Black screen launch times can't be done online. The launch u do online is more like the launch that you do after the blk screen which gives u an even slower time. I.e you rev the car after the 3-2... countdown starts. You'll see what i mean. But you guys obviously haven't even thought about what you said.

That is the time that is more truer. So do you see what you just said makes no sense. If blk screen launch is allowed so should retro. Retro isn't even a cheat in my eyes. Echeat very obviously is. But wtf man. Retro is gearing transmission setup and shifting thats all its not tapping your ebrak for a boost in G's and better times. Tapping ebrake is considered more a cheat for that very reason. But i can't see how Retro is a cheat. No go and find a corner to sulk in, because you know i'm right and i hope dream00, janco, redline and danny and everyone else will back me up on this comment.

My main point in this whole retro launching thing is this, is it real? Most likely in real life if you short shift at an insanely low RPM it would just bog out, retro launching is just an added advantage that some guy in GT5 made up, it's not real, and never will be, may as well allow SRF (like I stated before) SRF is more real than a retro launch, it's still more fake than real though but SRF is very similar to launch control in my eyes, lessens wheel spin.
My main point in this whole retro launching thing is this, is it real? Most likely in real life if you short shift at an insanely low RPM it would just bog out, retro launching is just an added advantage that some guy in GT5 made up, it's not real, and never will be, may as well allow SRF (like I stated before) SRF is more real than a retro launch, it's still more fake than real though but SRF is very similar to launch control in my eyes, lessens wheel spin.

In that case, do you have a black screen in front of you when you launch in real life?
In that case, do you have a black screen in front of you when you launch in real life?

No, my definition of a black screen launch is probably different than yours, I define it as full rev, which is what is done in real life. How do you define it?
No, my definition of a black screen launch is probably different than yours, I define it as full rev, which is what is done in real life. How do you define it?

I define it as hitting the gas when there is a black screen. But since you want to compare a game to real life, most drag cars that are worth a damn, dont launch whole bouncing off the rev limiter. So a timed launch, at the max torque rpm would be more realistic.
No, my definition of a black screen launch is probably different than yours, I define it as full rev, which is what is done in real life. How do you define it?

Nobody is thinking about what im saying here. Black screen is when you start full reving your car on the black screen, the game makes your car faster this way. So in a way it could be classed as a cheat same way echeat is holding handbrake to get faster launch? Or its a game cheat either way revving on black screen makes car faster full stop.

Yes no matter what ppl say everyone has always posted black screen times. Black screen times can't be done online. If you rev after the black screen i.e on the 3-2 countdown then your time will be slower than black screen and now you talking a time more similar to what you'll get online when full revving. Its not rocket science and is easy to understand that blk screen obviously helps u get faster times. Its what ppl have always done without thinking or realizing that it make you faster.

But it became adopted as the launch of choice for most ppl who are even still oblivious to it even now. So in my opinion. If blk screen is allowed which is mute because it always has, then retro is no different. Blk screen is not natural. So you either allow both types of launches or you allow none at all. The way i see it the game isn't naturla in the way it does a lot of things.

The way you tune a car is not natural or realistic mr shells but if you do it the way you tune a real car you'll find it doesn't work at all and you won't have a tune or time at all. This is why i say. The whole game isn't natural and way we tune isn't natural or true to real life mr shell, that been said just let the none natural blk screen and retro be allowed because they too aren't natural. Where are you gonna draw the line on this stupid whats it and what isn't natural so it should be allowed silly business you keep spouting.
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Best way to launch ssrx to be an accurate indicator of an Indy launch would be to do random full throttle launches after black screen, you'll get many different results, some quicker and some slower than a black screen launch. Take your slowest result and your fastest result and average the 2. But that requires math.
Lemme tell ya'll something, the real 100% totally legit launch is a rev timed launch. Look on NHRA drag races. (If that's what it's called) They rev to what Rpm they gonna launch in, after that they react to a green light and full throttle that monster. It's just like rev launching online with a ghost. So timed launching is real on route x.
Easy. Blk screen is when you start full reving your car on the black screen. This instantly gives you a quicker time if you hold the accelerator down. Everyone should of always knew this or figured it out. so no its not real or natural either its also a way to make your car faster its the way the game is programmed. If you rev after the black screen and still do a full rev launch your time will be slower but more true to online full rev launching....

Don't want this to sound like I'm being a D*** but I can play this game too. In real life when you launch does a car pull up in front of you and ghost? I can compare stuff like that too. We can do this all day, but I really don't want too. I don't see what is so wrong with doing a simple full rev launch, or just not allowing retro launching, I don't want to have to go through my entire garage and re-tune all my cars just to keep up with a retro launch, I don't even know why anyone would.

Lemme tell ya'll something, the real 100% totally legit launch is a rev timed launch. Look on NHRA drag races. (If that's what it's called) They rev to what Rpm they gonna launch in, after that they react to a green light and full throttle that monster. It's just like rev launching online with a ghost. So timed launching is real on route x.

Agreed, but someone is going to say that retro is the same as time, it's not. Quick shifting at like 2,000rpm is not going to work ever in real life, and again retro launching is a launch made up by a video game player, you guys even said it yourself that it was named after retroammi (not sure how to spell it but you catch my drift). Oops double posted again, sorry moderators.
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If you fully rev your car and your not moving, your just going to blow out your whole engine in real life.
I define it as hitting the gas when there is a black screen. But since you want to compare a game to real life, most drag cars that are worth a damn, dont launch whole bouncing off the rev limiter. So a timed launch, at the max torque rpm would be more realistic.

Haha Shell you still dont get it, point of leaderboard is to maximises what car is capable off, and no its not compared to real life, and if this is real life indy is not a full 1/4 mile, as long as we comply with leader board requirements , requirements are no echeat , parts, an srf, from so far i think you dont know what a retro launch is, why youre so against it. BSL leaderboard will never work people will lie.
Haha Shell you still dont get it, point of leaderboard is to maximises what car is capable off, and no its not compared to real life, and if this is real life indy is not a full 1/4 mile, as long as we comply with leader board requirements , requirements are no echeat , parts, an srf, from so far i think you dont know what a retro launch is, why youre so against it. BSL leaderboard will never work people will lie.

First off, you don't even know if it's allowed or not. I am against it because it was considered cheating on previous leaderboards, and FYI I know what a retro launch is, a lot of people get it confused with a timed launch. People can lie on this leaderboard too. Why wouldn't a BSL leaderboard work? I can spot a hack or a cheat from a mile away, within a minute I can spot a hack, the harder ones to spot are the ones running only 20 extra hp or something like this, all I have to do is watch their speed, I know what most cars can hit at the shadow on Indy and the 400 mark on SSRX, so when I think someone is hacked, I'm usually right. It's the same with leaderboard times, just have to look at the 0-60, 0-100, and the pull. It's not any different than spotting a hack or cheat on this leaderboard.
First off, you don't even know if it's allowed or not. I am against it because it was considered cheating on previous leaderboards, and FYI I know what a retro launch is, a lot of people get it confused with a timed launch. People can lie on this leaderboard too. Why wouldn't a BSL leaderboard work? I can spot a hack or a cheat from a mile away, within a minute I can spot a hack, the harder ones to spot are the ones running only 20 extra hp or something like this, all I have to do is watch their speed, I know what most cars can hit at the shadow on Indy and the 400 mark on SSRX, so when I think someone is hacked, I'm usually right. It's the same with leaderboard times, just have to look at the 0-60, 0-100, and the pull. It's not any different than spotting a hack or cheat on this leaderboard.

It wasn't considered cheating. It wasn't allowed because some people don't understand what it is, or how to do it.

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