New Truck and New Rims For Me, I Be Bling Blingin on 22's(Pics Included)

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I recently purchased a '03 GMC Yukon XL Sport Truck completely loaded. It was a sweet ride but I decided that it needed something to make it look just a little bit nicer. I was just browsing around the internet looking at what i might do to it when I came across a local store that sold stuff for my type of vehicle.

I took a run over to the store after I got there address off of the internet and when I came into it the first thing i saw was a beautiful set of 22' chrome rims. I knew right there that I had to have them. I ordered them and paid up front a cool $9000 and made an appointment to comein and get them on. Well, today was the day and I must say that they came out looking wonderful.

I ended up getting the AKUZA EMR292 - "Bounce" 22' rims with TOYO PROXES ST 325/40VR22 performance truck tires.

The truck came out so well that the owner of the store told me that he wanted to take pictures of it and put it up on his company's website as a screensaver and desktop background. He told me the picture of it will be on the website by Tuesday and I also plan on taking some good pics of it and posting them here for all of you to see.

So, the truck was almost $80,000, plus the $9,000 Rims, as well as a couple thousand in other work i have put into it. It's my new favourite toy (Yes, even more than the Viper).

The Rims I got are AKUZA EMR292 - "Bounce" 22'

The Tires I got are TOYO PROXES ST 325/40VR22

The shop that installed it all was

As soon as Jim posts the pics on the website I will update this post and show them to you guys.
so when are you gonna buy all of us a car or truck :lol:

Like the rims and the truck, but simply not my style. It looks pretty tight putting those two together :D
Correct me if I'm wrong.. One CA$ is like ½ a US right ?
Yuck... That's a lot of money to throw after something that'll get you from A to B......
Hey, Foreskin.

Since your nothing more than some random soul on my internet, could you tell me what your parents do for a living, or how much money is available to you? It won't affect you, I know tons of rich people, just none as rich as you. I'd really be curious to know if you won the lottery or what.

PM me, thanks.
Go Rumple, so...can I have the Viper now??? :) :lol: :P
Originally posted by Josh
This thread is gay.
You're a mod.. Aren't you supposed to remain neutral until someone starts posting shi!t where they display how to get around the swearing filter :D
Originally posted by M5Power
So's South Carolina.

Oh, oh!

Originally posted by M5Power
Actually, now that I'm a fellow southerner, am I allowed to make those jokes?

I was thinking of that when I read your 'Louisiana' thread. I don't think so.
Damn Rumple were do you get these nice rides and the money to make em look good?
rumple beter come on here and explain. I havent seen you post recently until now. When I saw you posting before I gathered that you were a 19ish year old that owned a viper gts, f150 lightning, expensive ass amg benz and a couple more. Now this. jesus.

if you have access to this kind of money why are you wasting it on toys? I have access to a relatively smaller inheritence and I have spent almost nothing so far. And most of the spending has been investments for my future.

its just hard to understand without an explaination from you. if you dont all of these people will assume the worst.
Last I heard he moved out of his parent's house, and was...sort of struggling.:confused: Now he just spent $100,000 pimping on a freakin' GMC, wtf?:odd:
"I knew right there that I had to have them. I ordered them and paid up front a cool $9000 and made an appointment to comein and get them on."

spending this impulsively cant be good.

"So, the truck was almost $80,000, plus the $9,000 Rims, as well as a couple thousand in other work i have put into it. It's my new favourite toy (Yes, even more than the Viper)."

are you bragging?
Well, I seriously doubt that anyone is intersted in my life story so I will give a little summary.

- My father owns a large plastic company here in Canada
- We are very rich
- Didnt always used to be rich
- Have more money than know what to do with it
- I WAS having very tough, troubling times with the recent death of my 15 yr old sister. I ended up running halfway through my country with nothing but the clotheson my back and a delusion about starting a new life. I made a suicide attempt and was found before I was dead.
- I moved back home and rethough my position in life, and after some intensive therapy and lots of medication I am a whole new person

And Josh, why is this thread gay? Does it have homosexual sex with other threads? I dunno, but to me chrome rims look great and just cause they are not your bag doesnt mean that other people dont enjoy them.

And AdvanR, sorry, but if you have that kind of attitude then no, I dont care at all what you think :)
yup big chrome rims are the nicest thing for a truck. I want some for the blaze but the ones you got are to big and to expensive.
Hey Rumple, my condolances and prayers and sympathy... You are a strong man to go through that, something really pain happened and there is no words to show concern or emotion that will ever make up for it. It is good to hear you are back up on your feet and ready to take a few more steps now. . . Listen you got support whenever you need it. :)
Go ahead and brag man. I bragged about my new truck to. Its natural to do it :D
Originally posted by miata13B
Hey Rumple, my condolances and prayers and sympathy... You are a strong man to go through that, something really pain happened and there is no words to show concern or emotion that will ever make up for it. It is good to hear you are back up on your feet and ready to take a few more steps now. . . Listen you got support whenever you need it. :)
Thanks and everything, i really appreciate it

But like you said I am strong and i prefer to leave personal stuff like this to myself. I dont need no pity and i can handle it on my own. There is nothing worse than when people feel sorry for me. I live in a mansion with expensive cars and pretty women, dont feel sorry for me... feel sorry for the poor bastards that have to work everyday just to keep there head above water finacially, or the people who have no food or no home.
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