New Year's Resolutions 2015

  • Thread starter JMoney
1. Get a new job.
2. CHUNE MAH CAR. Seriously though, I love putting my personal touches on my little bollock-box on wheels.
My life is awesome, I don't want to change anything about myself.

I could probably cut back on the cigs though and maybe put more effort into my Thai studies.

If anything I could be a bit more outlaw. My outlaw status is starting to slide but I'll be minus a visa in a month so that'll prop me back up.
I'd have to say that my number one New Year's resolution would be to become more social and hopefully find a girlfriend. There's a good lot of things in store for me this year; high school graduation, college, etc. so it's about time I focus on self-improvement and make the most of it all.

Over the last 7 years or so it's been a really bumpy road and I never really got the opportunities most others had at my age, as outlined here. But now I'll be on my own (sorry dad) so I guess the opportunities are my own to be taken. Hopefully 2015 will be the first good year in a long-long time.
Strange, lot of guys need a GF. I thought I was the only one.

Finding a GF, does that even falls under New Years Resolutions?
My new year's resolution is pretty simple. Spend more time with my grannies. They're both octogenarians by now and their health has been degrading over the last couple of months. Don't want to see either of them go, but I suppose it's inevitable... So I want to make the most out of however much time we've got left together...

Finding a GF, does that even falls under New Years Resolutions?
Why not? :D
My car needs some work so that's on the top of my list, would hopefully work out more and keep passing the semesters. what? got to aim for real stuff :lol:
My New Year's resolutions are:
  • Forget a special someone FOR GOOD (kinda hard, after 13 years);
  • Find another special someone to help accomplish the former resolution more easily (asap is better), and as a way of getting laid on a regular basis;
  • Reduce even more on the daily amount of cigs smoked (was 20/day up to 2013, in 2014 I managed to cut back to 15/day, trying to stay on no more than 10/day during 2015)
  • Find a lobby in COD:AW that isn't laggy as 🤬

That's basically it. Pretty standard stuff.
I like how most of the people's new year's resolution on here is about getting a Girlfriend. :scared: No offence.

I don't have much to say about that. I don't want to be rude in any way on the community's resolution. My New Year's Resolution, well I'm not giving it out.
I like how most of the people's new year's resolution on here is about getting a Girlfriend. :scared: No offence.

I don't have much to say about that. I don't want to be rude in any way on the community's resolution. My New Year's Resolution, well I'm not giving it out.
Complains about other's resolutions.

Won't post his.
-Go to University.
-Get stuff done more quickly than before.
-Get my own car (I hate driving my brother's Golf IV).
-Continue my eating/exercise habits :).
-Fimd da GF?
-Buy GTP Premium :)
I like how most of the people's new year's resolution on here is about getting a Girlfriend. :scared: No offence.

This 2015, I want to get a girlfriend.

I can imagine you smoking. Not a pretty sight. There's fire, too.

I'm still making up my mind about what to be resolute about - too many things to choose from.
  • Reduce even more on the daily amount of cigs smoked (was 20/day up to 2013, in 2014 I managed to cut back to 15/day, trying to stay on no more than 10/day during.
That was my plan but today alone I've done about 30 and I've only just started drinking.