Which makes we wonder why oh why did they just not do it for the Wii??
Who says they aren't going to develop a GTA for the Wii eventually?
It would have a much larger audience, be easier to make the game for (less limitations) and allow them to make use of the wiimotes which could have ended up in some crazy gameplay!
It isn't necessarily easier to make the game for a console like the Wii. In fact, it's probably more difficult on the face of it because the hardware is more complicated than a simple handheld games console, and the graphics need to be deeper. They also have to program the gameplay to make best use of the Wiimote, which isn't necessarily easy when much of the game is driving based, and apart from Mariokart, every driving title on the Wii is quite lacklustre. So the Wiimote isn't the best controller for a driving game. And developing the game to be used with the Wii's arcade controller takes away the Wii's main USP.
Why the DS?? I just don't understand!
Why not the DS?
You appear to be getting worked up because Rockstar haven't announced they're making a game for a particular console. This sounds a bit like a child having a strop because their parent won't buy them a toy...
I'm sure Rockstar have their reasons for making the game for DS. Looking at it logically, making the game for Wii would just mean another home-based console version on hardware that isn't anywhere near up to the level of the PS3 and 360, making it obsolete apart from a few clever-dick control features.
On the other hand, they're making a game for a
massively succesful hand-held console which has sold vastly more units than the PSP, and yet the PSP has two GTA games out already - from what I can see, R* have just seen a massive gap in the market they could fill on a console that in it's market (handheld gaming) is just as innovative as the Wii is in it's market.