NFL: 2012 Season

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
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Robert Griffin is a bad ass.

Holy crap. Eli Manning...

That's the gist of it. Watched it with my dad and he was PISSED at the skins D. Oh well.

WOOOOOOOOOT Texans thank you for that. Now we can try and get closer once more.
Haven't really posted here much because of West Virginia football doing good. But with our 55-14 loss to Kansas State effectively ending our national title hopes, I have shifted to NFL. I seem to be a direct clone of QuackJack: Steeler fan, dad a Redskin Fan.

I wonder how the Steelers will handle A.J. Green tonight?
How can you be a Steeler fan? How is there any appeal there?
The Steelers are the pride of the city. Where else can you find a pro sports team paying homage to its cities' great industry? That's why the team has a massive fanbase. And its team history! The Steel Curtain D! Mean Joe Greene! Four titles in the 70's!

So Omnis, I must ask you the same: Is there any appeal to be a Dolphins fan? Yes, you may have had one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time in Dan Marino, as well as the greatest
team in football history (1972), but what now?
The Steelers are the pride of the city. Where else can you find a pro sports team paying homage to its cities' great industry? That's why the team has a massive fanbase. And its team history! The Steel Curtain D! Mean Joe Greene! Four titles in the 70's!

So Omnis, I must ask you the same: Is there any appeal to be a Dolphins fan? Yes, you may have had one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time in Dan Marino, as well as the greatest
team in football history (1972), but what now?

A Dolphins fan asked a Steelers fan that question? What a joke. Maybe you guys could actually TRY then we'll talk. The Dolphins have been a joke for years now. Even the BROWNS attempt to play NFL Football.
A Dolphins fan asked a Steelers fan that question? What a joke. Maybe you guys could actually TRY then we'll talk. The Dolphins have been a joke for years now. Even the BROWNS attempt to play NFL Football.

I wouldn't go THAT far. The 80's Dolphins would cream us.
If you're from Pittsburgh, I get it. But if you're not from Pittsburgh and you're a bandwagon fan, then I just don't get it. Your star players are a rapist and a gorilla. And is there any other draw to Pittsburgh as a city? Nope.

I'm a Dolphins fan because they're my home team. Your "how can a Dolphins fan say that?" mud doesn't apply.

And I can't believe the Dolphins lost to this Jets team. God damn Dan Carpenter. We'd be 5-1 if it weren't for those missed chipshots.
Helluva game in Foxboro. ESPN will be all over this game tommorow.

Edit: "Tuck Rule II" anyone, possibly? Nevermind.
Game over. There have been some really bad calls in this game. One of them was a pass interference on the Patriot drive when two refs call the pass incomplete and some ref 30 YARDS AWAY calls pass interference on a questionable call.
If you're from Pittsburgh, I get it. But if you're not from Pittsburgh and you're a bandwagon fan, then I just don't get it. Your star players are a rapist and a gorilla. And is there any other draw to Pittsburgh as a city? Nope.

I'm a Dolphins fan because they're my home team. Your "how can a Dolphins fan say that?" mud doesn't apply.

And I can't believe the Dolphins lost to this Jets team. God damn Dan Carpenter. We'd be 5-1 if it weren't for those missed chipshots.

1. Pathetic condemtion from someone who probably hasn't even looked at the case.
2. Gorilla? I hope your not using it in the racist term.
3. I ain't from Pittsburgh, and 99% of us ain't either. Ohhhhh every single person outside their teams town is a bandwagon.
4. Pittsburgh the city has NOTHING to do with this conversation. Nice try bub.
5. I bet your the guy who says we suck and we're all bandwagons at the same time. Your insults are as pathetic as your teams drive.
Patrick, what was your opinion on some of those calls? I feel the refs did indeed ruin this game on both sides.

I only caught the 4th, but I agree with you. Could've ruined it for either side. It wouldn't have been a nail biter if McCourty didn't fumble the ball.
I think he's ethier meaning Brett Keisel or Troy Polamalu

James Harrison, actually. And I didn't call him a gorilla because he's black. It's because of his history of violently going for people's heads instead of making a clean tackle.

Quack, why are you taking this so personally? I just said I don't see what the big draw is to a team like Pittsburgh. It can't be the city, and if it's because of the history and the success, isn't that the definition of a bandwagon fanbase?
Quack, why are you taking this so personally?

How can you be a Steeler fan?

You obviously don't know Steelers fans. That's getting personal. Ok, here, everyone who likes a good team needs to stop and like teams that don't try like the Chargers, Jaguars and, oh yeah, Dolphins.

Also, you started it, if you don't have amnesia. Funny, this guy insults me, my team and my choice for liking them and now he says I'm overreacting. Also, lol for thinking James is our second best player. Sit aside Polomolu, Brown and Miller.
He's not, but he has been billed as a leader of the defense for the past few seasons. Polamalu is your best player, followed by Wallace.

But this is precisely why I asked the question. You don't live in Pittsburgh. Are you even in Pittsburgh's market? Why are you a Steelers fan instead of a Skins fan, etc.?

Also, I don't know where you're getting this idea that the Dolphins don't try. What the heck does that mean? Philbin's Fins have a better record than your team, which seems to be a mess without Polamalu.
He's not, but he has been billed as a leader of the defense for the past few seasons. Polamalu is your best player, followed by Wallace.

But this is precisely why I asked the question. You don't live in Pittsburgh. Are you even in Pittsburgh's market? Why are you a Steelers fan instead of a Skins fan, etc.?

Also, I don't know where you're getting this idea that the Dolphins don't try. What the heck does that mean? Philbin's Fins have a better record than your team, which seems to be a mess without Polamalu.

1. Polamalu has been the leader for years.
2. Brown is better than Wallace right now.
3. North VA is in Pittsburgh market, but I was a fan when I lived in Orlando.
4. Because 'skins fans are annoying *in general*. Gloat when the win, bitch when they lose. I was attracted to Pittsburgh attitude. Sooooory.
5. The Dolphins haven't been relevant since the 80's, and like the Chargers they quit.
6. We'll both be 3-3 most likely by midnight. And I GUARANTEE we will end the season *as usual* with a better record.
Quack, please stop. As a Steeler man myself, I should be supporting you, but you are taking it WAY too personal.

I was born in Illinois. Mid 90's, the Bears and Colts kinda sucked. My dad was a Skins fan (he was born in West Virginia). The influence of often going to West Virginia for vacations, who greatly support the Steelers. Made a pretty big impression on me. Plus, I always wanted to be a tad more different then my dad.
I didn't know Steelers fans were so sensitive. Blitz never gets upset when we go back and forth.
I've been a Jets fan my entire life as I grew up in the area, but I've already been deemed as an "annoying fan" by Quack so I guess my roots are meaningless :rolleyes:.
I get called a bandwagoner ALL THE TIME, but I've got family in Boston. That's why i'm a Pats fan and the Chargers suck.
Speaking of your Dawfreenz Omnis, a friend, who is a Colts fan, has ironically invited me to the Colts game on Nov. 4th in Indy, versus your Dawfreenz. Does that make me a bandwagoner now? =P

I went to the Browns/Colts game last year with a Steelers hat on. Bad idea.
I get called a bandwagoner ALL THE TIME, but I've got family in Boston. That's why i'm a Pats fan and the Chargers suck.

So because you have family in Boston and you are a Pats fan San Diego sucks? :dopey: :lol:.
I hate it how people think I'm a Florida sports fan when I say I live in Florida.

I can never turn on my Chicago teams (besides baseball, I don't really care much for it.)

Ditka > Romney.
Same with me in Illinois. When they see me wearing a Geno Smith jersey or Steelers hat, it's usually "OMFGBBQYUNOLIKEYCOLTSORBEARSORPACKERSWEMUSTBURNYUTOSTAKE".

There is actually several Steelers fans in my school, but they have no relation to the area.

Speaking of Geno, I wonder were he gets drafted?
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