NFL General Discussion

Well if the 'Fins are going after Flynn, I guess that puts the Broncos, Titans and possibly the Cards in the box seat for Manning.
I think the Titans offered Manning a staff position after he retires from QB. I think they're going to install his offense and let him run it once he's done. Plus, Tennessee.
Not so fast: the Seahawks have serious interest in Flynn as well. And one thing to keep in mind; our GM had a hand in drafting him, so he knows what he's capable of.
Also, Paul Allen.

If he goes to the Seahawks, well, WE ALREADY GOT OUR MATT. MATT MOORE PRO BOWL 2012.
Why wouldn't he go to the Titans? He was a Volunteer.

Because the fit in San Francisco is better by about 10000%. Honestly, if he signs anywhere else then it has to be money. I know that Baalke isn't interested in paying an obnoxious sum for Peyton, especially when re-signing Alex Smith is not really a horrible back-up option. I'm not even convinced that Smith would really be so bad. He'd have a whole offseason to work directly with Harbaugh and the rest of the staff so he'd be fine if not better than last year. Last year was only 2 or 3 mistakes/flukes away from the Superbowl so I'm not too worried about Smith.

But still. It's Peyton 🤬 Manning. You can make a valid argument that he is the best quarterback of all time, and you can't make a valid argument that he wouldn't deserve to be talked about with the greatest players ever. Personally, I don't have him that high, but I get it that he's a special talent. You have to go to him instead of Smith if the option is available.
^^ But during the Seahawks/'Niners broadcasts the commentators made a big deal about the 49'ers re-signing Alex Smith saying "He is our QB and we want him here". I figured if they felt that strongly towards him, why would they get a new starter?
They do feel confident in him, but again it's like I mentioned. Smith did great and he will probably do great if he's with the 49ers again next year, but if the price is right and Manning is healthy...

That's just something you can't pass up. It's Peyton Manning. It's not some iffy upgrade. A healthy and effective Peyton Manning is one of the greatest ever.

The 49ers are in a great position. If Manning doesn't come, then Smith is a great option. He was no slouch last year.
Omnis, how does it make you feel that by Tuesday it could very realistically be Alex Smith in Miami and Peyton Manning in San Francisco? All while Seattle spends the next three years #Flynning. Of course, there's always David Garrard....

Congrats BLITZ_69, your team now has a quarterback! Garrard with the Dolphins would be ugly, not John Beck starting ugly, but I don't think he would do well. However Alex Smith with a few key acquisitions could do well. We have seen that Smith with a well-run offense can do, or appear to do, well. Meanwhile Laron Landry was working out for the Jets today. I hope he stays with the Skins, but lets be honest, wouldn't blame him for leaving the mismanaged mess the NFL calls a franchise.
Hopefully we are going to hear "Manning to Manningham, TD!" :D

Manning, checks Davis... Pump fake towards Walker... MOSS MAKES A SPECTACULAR CATCH! IT'S LIKE THE RANDY OF OLD!

Ah..... that would be nice. :sly: