You're stretching now. What "facts" do you have that we don't? When the lead producer on the game says the two versions will be indentical except for improved AI on the 360, then why in THE hell would I believe YOU saying something different? Are you secretly a programmer for Ubisoft and aren't telling us?
Here we are with these "facts" again. Tell me, boy, how do you get this amazing "inside information"? Lemme guess... you have a friend who works at Gamestop, right?
Um.. are you forgetting that the PS3 costs 25% more than the 360? Oh, that's just in the "PS3 Lite"... for the "real" PS3, it's 50% more. Boom, there's your "amazing differences" right there. It's called "more features for more money" and it's been part of the electronics business for more than half a century. They had to give us something to convince people to spend that kind of money, yeah?
Oh, and MS is giving out 1080p support for free in the next firmware update. So you can take that item off your "list".
It's funny... I never saw how equally blind the PS3 fanboys could be until I started watching the show from the other side of the fence.
I used to be like you, kid. PS3 ruled the world, and Sony could do no wrong. I was going to sell my left testicle to get a PS3 on launch day, and it was going to launch me into a state of unfettered bliss that would last no less than twenty years.
Then I bought a 360, for little more than ****s and giggles. And I'm now convinced that PS3 isn't nearly the super leap in technology that I thought it was. That, in reality, it's not that different from the box I've got downstairs right now. I've also realized that there's nothing at launch that's worth $650+ for me to play on day one. I'll be waiting and picking one up when the real game library sets in.
At this point, I'm no longer a fanboy of either system, a true "multiplatform" gamer. It's amazing how much clearer the view is from over here.
Personally, I don't appreciate your attacks, and addressing me as a child. I'm a 23 year old adult who enjoy's gaming, makes 35K a year in an area where my cost of living is 10K a year, and is currently in college with a major of graphic design and a minor in english.
So, please, if you could ever find it in your heart to be so kind, stop addressing me as child.
First off, the 360 is offering 1080p, however, at the moment it is not true 1080p output. Reasons being, as far as I understand it, has two limitations. One, there aren't many HDTV's that accept 1080p signal over component inputs. Second, when the HDMI cable "is" released, it will not be HDMI 1.3, nor do I really think it will be "true" hdmi, so to speak. I'd also like to mention MS has been very dodgey when asked about the internal bandwidth when it comes to actually processing a true 1080p image.
To put my other comments in perspective...the core 360 is $300 with no harddrive. The basic PS3 is $500. If we add an HDD to the core 360, we're at $400. Then if you mix HD-DVD into the picture, you're sitting at $600. So now you're paying the same price as a Premium PS3, with 40GB less HDD space, and no wifi (not to mention 2 fewer USB ports and no card reader slots).
My point is, you're not paying as much for the features as you would be with the 360. And, in my honest opinion, the future will make these things a requirement. I just don't see DVD lasting yet another 5 years as a video game medium. Given that it can support current technologies, the space required will be quite insufficient when you start laying down 7.1 DD, 1080p video, massive amounts of audio content, or even as games begin expanding to really take advantage of their hardware, giving us variety in texture, and adding to the atmospheric feeling we should be getting from next generation games.
I honestly think the 360 is crippled by it's features, not now, of course not, but in 3 years, I most definately think that the PS3 will far outshine the 360 as far as features, support, content, and overall value.
You mention "more features for more money" as though Sony planned on charging this amount of money from the start and then threw in Blu-Ray and other goodie bag options as an after thought. THat is not the case. The price is a
result of the hardware.
The only thing right now that the 360 can do that the PS3 cannot is rumble. And honestly, that's not going to sell me when I want to enjoy high def content on my HDTV.
Then we've got the entire issue of sheer developer support when it comes to 1080p. Being that the PS3 has a native resolution output of 1080p, and the 360 does not, I do not see 1080p being widely supported for the 360. I see a lot of games being upscaled, yes, but not much native content on the way.