NHL 2010-2011 Thread

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Really, it should be worth a suspension, but the bar has been set so high, you have to kill somebody (or... say "sloppy seconds") to get suspended.
Game 2 is tomorrow and it's a must win for the B's. And why is everyone hating on Boston?

I don't hate Boston, actually I always liked them, specially since they eliminated the Habs, which is the team i hate the most. I'm a long time Bruins fan, Ray Bourque, Cam Neely.
That Western Conf series was a joke. I've never seen so many blown calls or horrible calls. That could have been a fantastic series as game 5 showed, even with the blown icing call. Should have gone back to SJ for game 6.

Agreed, although San Jose dug their own grave in games 2 and 4 with stupid penalty trouble. There were plenty of dumb calls, and the Sharks didn't get a single break the entire series. What's new? I've been a Sharks fan for 11 years now, and I can count on my fingers the number of proper breaks they've gotten.

Well, game 2 is getting under way. Vancouver's got this one easy.
I have to disagree because the Bruins are gonna win this one. No doubt about it. I'm calling Bruins in 6. No way the Canucks are gonna win. And the bruins have a cool mascot. It's a bear. What the hell is a Canuck?
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Could Tvec22 be any more ignorant/arrogant? Doesn't matter what a Canuck is, last time I checked mascots have NOTHING to do with a team, really! The team that plays the best tonight will win the game. You can't just say my team WILL win the game. How do you know that? Unless you paid-off the refs, you don't. Now if you said I think, or feel, that Boston is going to win, there's nothing wrong with that. Don't be so arrogant. :)
I was just kidding around. It was a joke. Anyway it's tied 1 to 1!!!! And maybe I did pay the refs..... :sly:
I'm sorry if I came off as arrogant.

Edit: 2 to 1 B's!!!!!!!

Edit: 2 to 2 :(

Edit: I have nothing to say. :( game over
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No problem, I haven't had the easiest of days, you weren't arrogant. I've been trying to rid my anger and I kind of lost it a little. You're entitled to an opinion and you expressed it. As for the paying off of the refs, how much did you pay? :lol:
I paid enough to get what I wanted. :sly:

And seriously my bad. You can't read sarcasm and sometimes I forget that. :dunce:
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Cool! A 2-0 series lead going into Boston is what the Canucks needed. Its tough to play at TD Banknorth Garden with the crowd and everything, so this should help them out immensely.
Ehh. My brother is a huge Canucks fan, and therefore I have watched many of their games this playoffs. And it really seems like they're getting all the breaks. Granted, they're extremely well built and highly skilled, but they're able to get away with more than most other teams. This whole Burrows incident is fishy. The guy who was supposed to miss this game for vampirical tendencies scores two goals, including the OT winner? Come on, Shanny...
On the first 2 games I predicted the bruins would win. So maybe if I predict the Canucks will win then maybe the bruins will win. I predict the Canucks 3 to 2.
On the first 2 games I predicted the bruins would win. So maybe if I predict the Canucks will win then maybe the bruins will win. I predict the Canucks 3 to 2.

Bruins will have a tough run to win this 2-0 series, but in the previous series they prove they can do it. We never know!
Oh my God. :crazy::ouch::nervous: That hit by Rome... just... Wow. :ill: That was Horton?! Damn.
Horton is gone for the game :( I honestly don't see the bruins winning this one :( :( :( :( :( :(

Dirtiest hit I've ever seen. Hope he is out for the series.

Edit: 1-0 bruins!!

Edit: 2-0 Bruins!!!! They have to run the score up and get in luongo's head.

Edit: 3-0!!! Things might not he so bad tonight.

Edit: 4-0!!!! Now they just have to hold the lead. Shouldn't be to hard.

Edit: 8-1 Talk about a blowout
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I'm ready for a bench clearing brawl to break out near the end of this game.. because both teams... HOLY CRAP!!! Wow the blood is boiling tonight! Make that 8 to 1 Boston. And the message is sent. --- Randy
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Hit on Horton was awful. But is it any different than the Chara-Pacioretty affair? How about Paille drilling Halpern in the head with his elbow behind the play? Lucic hit from behind on Spacek? I'm not saying I'd ever wish that kind of hit on anyone, but it kinda seems like living and dying by the sword. The Bruins goon it up all the time, and it finally came back around. (Just FYI I don't believe in karma).

All that being said, I hope Rome is gone for the series and part of next year. These kind of hits need to stop, that's all there is to it. If the NHL would sack up and suspend their players every now and then it could perhaps be stopped. Nobody wins with Horton injured. The NHL has nothing to gain from their skill players (Horton, Pacioretty, Savard, Crosby, etc) being injured, these kinds of hits need to stop.

It all comes back to Don Cherry and the other hockey rednecks. If a guy "has his head down", that somehow means you need to steamroll them into the ice to make a point. It's like a line I read about the fighting debate. "Don't fight with your fists like a barbarian. Real gentlemen use thier rock solid plastic shoulder pad instead".

PS: Wow. 8-1 lol