Nicknames given in IRL, and Gaming

  • Thread starter Kitten

Melons (don't ask, it's not what you think)
Drew (short form)
Crash (a nickname I got from my mom, and from numerous ...videos...)

Gaming: MrM, Mel (short forms)
Real name: Lucas
Nicknames: Lucho, Luqui, Luke

The first one isn't used at all for people with my name. Rather, it is used on those named Luciano. The second one is more of the way people call children named Lucas, affectionately. And the third is an english variation of my name, though it is also the way "Luc" is pronounced in spanish.

My father says my most common nickname is "boludo" (spanish for, let's say, dumbass), since mostly in Argentina, people refer to each other with boludo. "Che boludo, ¿me pasás la lapicera?", "Hey dumbass, would you hand me the pen?". So effectively, he says naming children is pointless because of that. :D
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College: Sturgis (as in the motorcycle rally and S. Dakota city) - because it's almost identical to my last name and I've gone to the rally every year for the past 11 years, so my friends just started calling me Sturgis.

Roommates: AD - it's an abbreviation of my name.

Work: Faces - because my co-workers say that my facial expressions do more talking than my words.
AJ, Ange, Slash (online), Bubba, Bud...can't think of much else.
Mike (Online and IRL), Ferb [From Phineas and Ferb] (My two best friends), Montclair (Track team), Mickey Mouse (My Mom), *Insert My Last Name* (Coaches and the Football team)
Chapo, it is usually given to short people (specially men) with big butt, both friends and family call me that way :lol:

And my online nickname, AJ, (AHH HOWTAH in spanish)

Other people just call me Alan or Alan Herrera (<---That's my real name)
My in-game nicknames and those in reality given from my friends or relatives? Generally in online they just call me - "sneakyboy", "sneaky" or "yellowbird"(my previous pseudonym in-line), as opposed to that in my actual everyday life I'm dubbed usually "Hiroki(my first name)", "Hiko" or "Hiro", or my surname. Regardless of appearances.(at school, workplace or other where I'm behaving more casual). :)

My dad sometimes calls me "Boss Man" because usually some decisions come down to my final word. My sister calls me "Child" because I'm still younger than her.


I normally get referred to as SK as an abbreviation of my PSN ID.
A lot of friends and family call me King Dingdong, due to the queen of ren. fest bowing to me as I was wearing my Dingdong shirt.

Online I go as Oopssorryy, because... Well theres really no good reason for it.
Too embarrassing what people (plural as in everybody, even total strangers in almost every situation) called me. Has something to do with being bullied for all those years. It's top secret. Nobody has 'top secret clearance' to find out.

A friend onces called me 'kikie' which he got from my real first name > see profile page.
I've been given so many nicknames that we could actually make a thread of them....

Back on 1st grade some guys started calling me Mosca...

On secondary school I got my main nickname, which is almost like a third name to me now: Moli. Variations such as Molinito, Moliere, Molieg, The Molisher and Molito emerged over the course of the years... Eventually, I started to use MoLieG as my nickname on both the interwebz and games...

Then we have The Big M, which is basically my 1st videogame nickname... it came from the Halo 1 random name selector in multiplayer... and it relates with Moli. Another variation is Mister Big. (yeah, I'm tall)

At college, some guys started to call me Panqui, because daily, I eat one of these:


The guys at the social service gave me 2 more: Wally and Molipocket, 1st because (according to them) I look like Wally, and 2nd, because they found my nickname funny and said it reminded them to the Polly Pocket dolls...

My sister calls me as Manituz, my aunt Olla, my father chaparro and champ, and my... ehhh... significant other(?) rarely calls me by name... she just calls me niño, pequeño and very veeery rarely, baby...

And yeah... real name is Oscar Daniel....
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Parents call me: Son
Friends call me: Brend
Girlfriend calls me: Bwend
Best friend calls me: Uber
PSN friends call me: Uber
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Nicknames. I have many of them.

Admiral Akhtar - It's a trap!
Slakhtar - For my wonderful work ethic
Jakey boy - What my flatmates call me, no real reason
Straight face Jake - For my vodka drinking abilities
Dudes call me Gibbo, girls call me Alex. The only rule I enforce is that girls of romantic interest to me are banned from calling me Gibbo.