Nintendo Switch

Anyone else try the demo for Project Octopath Traveller?

I'm not completely sure what to think, the storytelling is clumsy for Primrose and serviceable but unremarkable for Olberic, and the visual style is so unnecessarily muddy and over-processed, but the combat is promising (even though you can steamroll everything in the demo if you grasp the mechanics) and I'm definitely curious how the Path Actions will play out in more of the quests.

It remains to be seen whether this game will continue offering a diversity of armor for characters. It occurred to me that there seem to only be three playable characters as far as Drivers go -- Rex, Tora, and Nia -- which is small by JRPG standards, but their story-relevant Blades make for a total of six, only one fewer than XC1. So assuming we can change outfits for Drivers (which is likely, official videos for XC1 and XCX never showed characters in anything but their original outfits), will there be armor for the primary Blades? And what about the other unique Blades? Tetsuya Takahashi said in an interview that there are many more of those beyond the bird-like character we saw in the Direct.

I sure wouldn't mind giving Rex an outfit that is a little less belts-and-zippers. :lol:
I think the demo looks promising. Not sure about the story but I like the art style. The combat is pretty cool though.
I liked the Octopath Traveller demo.

Regarding the visuals, the processed tilt-shift look is part of the appeal. Like it or don't... I personally love it. I don't think it makes the image unbearably soft or muddy. You can still make out the individual pixels of the sprites that are on the "in focus" plane, even if they're ever-so-slightly softened.

Now the writing... yeah it's a bit mediocre. Olberic's story is more consistent but also more cliche, whereas Primrose's has some really strong moments but is frequently hampered by clunky, overwrought dialog. Overall though I'm interested in seeing where it goes from here, seeing what the other six characters have to offer, and perhaps most importantly... seeing if there's any meaningful interactions or overlap between the characters and their individual stories (and how path actions play into everything). If they deliver on that front, it could elevate the game and the individually mediocre stories might be somewhat forgivable.

Gameplay-wise, it seems pretty great. I enjoy me some good turn-based systems, and so far I like what I see. It'll be interesting to see what kind of depth it has in the final game.
I proper enjoyed it too but still has those 'Square-Enixisms' that made parts of Bravely Default a slog at times.

The music is incredible.
Regarding the visuals, the processed tilt-shift look is part of the appeal. Like it or don't... I personally love it. I don't think it makes the image unbearably soft or muddy. You can still make out the individual pixels of the sprites that are on the "in focus" plane, even if they're ever-so-slightly softened.
The tilt-shift focus doesn't really bother me and I think the fundamental style is well worth exploring, but it's the harsh lighting/shadows and vignette filter that make it overwrought to me. It mars an otherwise fine-looking game with same-y brightness and blackness.

I'd love the option to toggle things off, the vignette at the very least.

I proper enjoyed it too but still has those 'Square-Enixisms' that made parts of Bravely Default a slog at times.
I am thankful not to be cut off from RPGs like this or Bravely Default anymore now that the 3DS won't hog them all to itself. Still finding it difficult to justify a handheld even for Samus Returns. :indiff:
Recently found out WWE 2K18 is coming out on the Switch and unlike those poorly done Wii ports of previous WWE games. This actually feels alright (only thing the Switch version is missing from what I gather is not the 8 person at a time expansion the PS4 and Xbox ONE versions got)

With Universe Mode, I feel like Switch and its handheld mode fits way more for the game than the home console versions and Switchs console mode. Managing your own WWE Universe on the go like your playing a WWE version of a handheld Animal Crossing or Tomodachi Life sounds brilliant.
Recently found out WWE 2K18 is coming out on the Switch and unlike those poorly done Wii ports of previous WWE games. This actually feels alright (only thing the Switch version is missing from what I gather is not the 8 person at a time expansion the PS4 and Xbox ONE versions got)

With Universe Mode, I feel like Switch and its handheld mode fits way more for the game than the home console versions and Switchs console mode. Managing your own WWE Universe on the go like your playing a WWE version of a handheld Animal Crossing or Tomodachi Life sounds brilliant.
Based on 2K's effort with NBA, WWE could really be brilliant. Positive reactions everywhere due to great graphics and a full-fat version of the game.

From a sport perspective I'm disappointed that PES isn't out on Switch this year. I have no interest in FIFA but it would be nice as a portable title.
Based on 2K's effort with NBA, WWE could really be brilliant. Positive reactions everywhere due to great graphics and a full-fat version of the game.

From a sport perspective I'm disappointed that PES isn't out on Switch this year. I have no interest in FIFA but it would be nice as a portable title.
As someone who plays WWE games almost purely for the Universe Mode and nothing else, the Switch portability is really beneficial compared to doing it on my PS3 or Xbox ONE, as I'll be able to access it and go through the wrestling calender and do wrestling things, and see how all the wrestlers in my roster are doing whenever I like instead of having to do in a single spot (which itself isn't bad but the portability potential is just so much more convenient for me).

Now if only the Story Creator mode returned. It's been missing from games since WWE 2K14 :(
So I am now a Switch owner :gtpflag:. Got myself a Neon model while buying extra Neon Joycons for multiplayer and a pure Neon Blue Switch :P

Currently my only game is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, however I'm planning on expanding my library of games especially since my Yugioh budget won't appear to be in the way since the next few Yugioh booster packs do nothing for me. Which is good for me because Super Mario Odyssey and Sonic Forces are definitely Day 1 purchases for me :)

Also looking into FAST RMX, to see if it is worth double dipping after completing FAST Racing Neo.

Is it just me or is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe easier than normal Mario Kart 8? I started off with Mirror to try and get the Gold Kart (I thought you were meant to get Gold Tires though :P) and while I was only going for 1 star, I 3 starred every single cup in Mirror without much struggle. After that I hoped on to 200cc and did the MK8 DLC Cups as well as Special and Lightning Cups and 3 starred them all first try.
The kids want a Switch for Christmas so I am looking into it. Hopefully we'll hear something about the Holiday bundles soon. Would like to pick up at least one good game with the system and the pro controller too. Pokémon is a must have and Mario kart is high on the list too. I'll buy BOTW for myself eventually.
So dipped into MK8 Deluxe battle mode properly to get a proper opinion on it.

I actually really don't like it.

Ok, Renegade Roundup is a blast, I love playing Cops n' Robber on wheels, and Shine Thief is very entertaining.

However the other 3 I really can't stand. After MK Wii and MK7 terrible excuse of balloon battles, MK8 fixed a lot of the issue by combing the point system with the elimination style of older games, sure you can only really do it on SNES Donut Plains 3, Wii Moo Moo Meadows and N64 Yoshi Valley (Mario Circuit was actually incredibly fun if you did Mushrooms only though), since the other tracks were either too big or too linear (occasionally both). However the idea of a good battle there, when MK8D was going to have battle mode built courses, I was excited to see what it could've been in MK8 but the entire elimination style was scrapped and we're back to the system in Wii and 7. Bob-Omb Blast is a complete shell of the classic mode in Double Dash, especially since it's just Balloon Battle with weird Bomb controls. Coin Runners would be tolerable but 12 people just makes it too hectic.

They also removed the ability to do exclusive items for battles from the original MK8 (but still kept it for the races). You're only options are Skilled, Frantic or Normal. Why can't I do Shell only Shine Thief, or Bob-Omb only Renegade Roundup, and before anyone says, Bob-omb blast forced people to use Bob-ombs so locking it for one items is redundant. If Renegade Roundup locks you into teams while the others don't, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be an issue.

In case people are wondering, I do love the Battle Courses, well most of them anyway, Sweet Sweet Kingdom is rather forgettable. All I know is that I'm still probably going to play my old MK8 for whenever I do battles that aren't Roundup or Shine Thief.

Don't take this the wrong way, love spending most minutes in MK8D, just want to point out the one flaw on an otherwise amazing game for me.
Just completed Hypersonic League for FAST RMX.

I really enjoyed it, liked going into it again. The new tracks were really nice to play and the enhancements of the old tracks looked really good. There were also some nice touches I liked, for example in Neo when entering the final lap it does a Mario Kart and resets the music with a faster tempo but in RMX the music keeps going with the faster tempo, and usually enter when you're just entering the 2nd verse of the music which makes tracks with great music like Zenshoh Habitat and Willard Mine. Cornering is now more sharp which makes tracks like Pyramid Valley more playable for those heavier vehicles which were almost impossible to turn on tracks like that on Hypersonic in Neo. All the old vehicles also got new paint jobs, I'm on the fence on whether I like the new paint job of my main Spaarc or the old one. Another touch is they rearranged the order for the tracks completely, 2 of the tracks from the last cup in Neo are now in the FIRST cup, and I loved how the 2 extra cups were previous tracks backwards and fused with another track and would actually like to see that happen in games like Mario Kart. I never thought I'd hate a track more than The Haze but its fused counterpart can go to hell.

A.I in this game is relatively confusing, instead of ridiculous levels of aggression and rubber banding, they appear to go for a more bunny chasing A.I approach where 1 to 3 sprint off into the distance and you have to catch up to them. Sometimes this is acceptable though not preferred however then there are tracks like Chouko Habitat (from the new expansion) where the A.I gain so much distance that winning is seemingly impossible (actually has anyone managed to win a Hypersonic League race on Chouko Habitat? I tried to do everything right but the A.I in 1st sprints way too much on the 1st lap)

Probably the only thing I don't like about the game is the online. Online restricts you to doing the lowest speed Subsonic, which can be fine MK8D doesn't encourage you to go all out and do 200cc but the problem is in FAST RMX, Zvil Corp. is way too 🤬 OP in Subsonic. It's downsides of Boost, Acceleration and Turning don't come into play in Subsonic meaning it can just sprint with its top speed and no matter if you spam the boost with Spaarc (which has the best Boost in the game), you ain't catching up to the Zvil players. If it was Hypersonic where Zvil Corp has to deal with the acceleration, boost and turning much more then it would be more balanced.
@RESHIRAM5 -- Among the little improvements, I swear they tweaked the FOV/camera for improved spatial awareness, making it a bit easier to plan your line in addition to the slightly tweaked handling. The new paint jobs are my favorite small thing; I didn't exactly like any of the liveries in FRN. I always appreciated the humble Kamagori, and now it's rebranded in my color. :)

I was one of the apparent few who appreciated the AI in the first game, and I'm not sure yet what I think about them this time, since I only just finished Hero Mode (in which the AI act differently) and I've been working on the TT records as a standby to online multiplayer. One thing for sure is they seem to love pushing right up against your rear end this time. :odd:

I haven't been very lucky with online multiplayer yet. Have you figured out a good time of day to catch people? It seems like the multiplayer is global.

I've been curious if the game is better balanced this time, or more importantly, if FRN's exploits have been addressed. I'm not surprised if the Fulcon and Zvil still have the advantage, but some of the other speedy crafts were capable alternatives before. I was partial to the Müller or Xisle. It's too bad the feature that allowed you to "vote" for a speed didn't make the jump, because that was an elegant solution to avoid splitting the playerbase.
I was one of the apparent few who appreciated the AI in the first game, and I'm not sure yet what I think about them this time, since I only just finished Hero Mode (in which the AI act differently) and I've been working on the TT records as a standby to online multiplayer. One thing for sure is they seem to love pushing right up against your rear end this time.
I've only tried a bit of the HERO mode and both it and Championship I felt like I had to opposite effect, everytime I caught up to the bunny A.I in the last laps I just end up sprinting away myself.

However I'm not sure if HERO mode on Chouko Habitat is even possible for me :lol:, I can't even catch up to the A.I on Hypersonic Championship, they end up getting way too far ahead early on.

I actually didn't mind Neos A.I, it wasn't as annoying as compared to other rubber banding A.I and the aggression was fine challenge.

I haven't been very lucky with online multiplayer yet. Have you figured out a good time of day to catch people? It seems like the multiplayer is global.
I've been curious if the game is better balanced this time, or more importantly, if FRN's exploits have been addressed. I'm not surprised if the Fulcon and Zvil still have the advantage, but some of the other speedy crafts were capable alternatives before. I was partial to the Müller or Xisle. It's too bad the feature that allowed you to "vote" for a speed didn't make the jump, because that was an elegant solution to avoid splitting the playerbase.

In terms of Australian time, I found weekend mornings to be a great service usually filling up at lest half. We could also do online between us (or perhaps get online at the same time in a public lobby), I don't know if speed can be changed there or if we can include A.I to make things more interesting.

I always found Hypersonic to be the most balanced mainly because the light vehicles have an advantage on the more twisted courses, the Boost stat was definitely a nice addition to help out with this issue however when it comes to Subsonic, the stat is redundant (which as a Spaarc player who got the biggest benefit of this new stat, is saddening).
I've only tried a bit of the HERO mode and both it and Championship I felt like I had to opposite effect, everytime I caught up to the bunny A.I in the last laps I just end up sprinting away myself.

However I'm not sure if HERO mode on Chouko Habitat is even possible for me :lol:, I can't even catch up to the A.I on Hypersonic Championship, they end up getting way too far ahead early on.

I actually didn't mind Neos A.I, it wasn't as annoying as compared to other rubber banding A.I and the aggression was fine challenge.
The AI do seem faster or slower on certain tracks in FRMX. I don't have any special advice for Chuoko Habitat other than to be sure to always boost back to the ground from the jumps.

As for FRN's AI, that's how I felt about it too. Since the rubberbanding utilizes the boost mechanic, an experienced player could almost always keep ahead by making skillful use of boost, but the AI were ready to take advantage of any mistakes so they remained challenging.

In terms of Australian time, I found weekend mornings to be a great service usually filling up at lest half. We could also do online between us (or perhaps get online at the same time in a public lobby), I don't know if speed can be changed there or if we can include A.I to make things more interesting.

I always found Hypersonic to be the most balanced mainly because the light vehicles have an advantage on the more twisted courses, the Boost stat was definitely a nice addition to help out with this issue however when it comes to Subsonic, the stat is redundant (which as a Spaarc player who got the biggest benefit of this new stat, is saddening).
Weekend evenings, then. I don't think the friend lobby feature is anything but matchmaking with your friends list. I don't imagine we'd have much trouble connecting in a public lobby. :cheers:

In FRN Hypersonic could be a bit much for heavier crafts on the tightest tracks, though it's not as bad in FRMX. I think Supersonic is the sweet spot in terms of pace and fun in tackling challenging spots, but I don't mind swapping to a lighter craft to blitz along in Hypersonic. Among the new crafts, I think the Vic Viper Guang Zhou is my favorite. I also like the Ziro and Spaarc. :)
I've been using my Switch as an indie machine recently. Stardew Valley and Golf Story are must haves for those who like chill-out games.

Can't wait for portable Rocket League.
The AI do seem faster or slower on certain tracks in FRMX. I don't have any special advice for Chuoko Habitat other than to be sure to always boost back to the ground from the jumps.
Funny thing, before you posted it, I gave Chouko Habitat on HERO a try and actually passed it first attempt :D

In FRN Hypersonic could be a bit much for heavier crafts on the tightest tracks, though it's not as bad in FRMX. I think Supersonic is the sweet spot in terms of pace and fun in tackling challenging spots, but I don't mind swapping to a lighter craft to blitz along in Hypersonic
I never actually properly tried Supersonic, I only ever used it to unlock the Hypersonic difficulty. Perhaps you're right on this.

I don't think RMX is too daunting for the heavier cars on Hypersonic though. I remember back in Neo, Pyramid Valley was pretty much unplayable for anyone who wasn't Spaarc (and even then I had to slow down on the trouble corner), Ziro or Rochdale. It seems the issue has been fixed while still making it a setback for having less cornering ability, as well as acceleration when you mess up.
Switch got the 4.0 update yesterday to record 30 seconds of gameplay footage.

I gave it a few wacks on test and kind of enjoy it, shame FAST RMX isn't compatible but Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with it is pretty good though video quality is meh at best:

EDIT: For some reason facebook videos can't be embedded even though it says it can on the embed screen :lol:
Switch got the 4.0 update yesterday to record 30 seconds of gameplay footage.

I gave it a few wacks on test and kind of enjoy it, shame FAST RMX isn't compatible but Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with it is pretty good though video quality is meh at best
Last night I kind of wished it was available for FAST RMX. :) I was at Müller Pacific running Supersonic time trials, and on the third lap the shipping boxes weren't quite where I expected them to be; I had to dive behind them so close that half of my craft was dangling over the left edge of the track.

Nintendo says Super Mario Odyssey will be compatible, which promises all kinds of possibilities...Can you keep the videos in your capture menu without having to upload them to a social media account?
You can still keep them in your album, in fact Album is the main stored place for these videos.
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I'm enjoying Fire Emblem Warriors so far, and this is coming from someone who has never played a single Warriors game (aside from like five minutes as the Giant Cucco in Hyrule Warriors, but that really doesn't count).

If only I actually knew what I was doing aside from slaughtering legions of my enemies.
Can't quite believe Odessey is next week. So hyped. :D
I kinda avoided trailers and gameplay footage after E3 as I was already sold by that point. Can't wait to dive into it and have a look :D.

So delved into more FAST RMX online, decided to go with Bliss LLP. as it has Top Speed while still having some Boost to help out didn't change much since I still got wrecked by Fulcans and they got wrecked by Zvils since we were locked in Subsonic.

FAST RMX online is just an allegory for today's F1.

However, this is something that grabbed my attention, I was able to get the lead at a point but then noticed something that really infuriated me. The boost mechanic has a rubber banding system when online (you get less boosts when in 1st and more further down get good stuff). In a game where Boost has stats, WHY DOES IT ALSO HAVE A RUBBER BANDING FEATURE!?! It's like in MKDS where they had an Item stat for some 🤬 reason. There's no point in choosing a high boost vehicle in online period because you won't be able to use it when you're in the lead and just get eaten by the faster cars anyway.

So it looks like I'll have to play exclusively Zvil when online and I absolutely hate how I have to because it really shouldn't come to this when it is bad design chooses for online that forces me too (not because it was good or it suits my style).

Online still leaves a massive dent in an otherwise great game :(.
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New trailer for the Shin Megami Tensei Switch game dropped, confirms that it is in fact Shin Megami Tensei V (which was already obvious, but there were folks in denial about it).

Trailer doesn't show too much, no gameplay.. but looks nice all the same.
Reviews for Mario Odyssey are pouring in, and it's currently tied with Breath of the Wild on Metacritic at 97. Nintendo is most definitely gonna be nabbing plenty of GOTY awards this year, one way or the other.
I guess Mario Odyssey is the best thing ever.

Well, just about. :lol:

Tomorrow should be fun. Can't wait to critique the car physics in New Donk City.
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Being honest, the thought of owning a Switch has been sat in the back of my mind since day one, with Zelda: BOTW, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and maybe even Pokken Tournament catching my attention more than expected, as well as Mario Odyssey.

Perhaps now's the time to think seriously about getting one.

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