Tomorrow should be fun. Can't wait to critique the car physics in New Donk City.
So we all thought the same thing the moment the trailer showed the Mario Taxi.Sim value or no sim value, that is the question.
Tomorrow should be fun. Can't wait to critique the car physics in New Donk City.
So we all thought the same thing the moment the trailer showed the Mario Taxi.Sim value or no sim value, that is the question.
With how the levels are structured, I felt like I was playing Captain Toad but with the ability to jump and you don't have to get to the end of each levelI’m only about an hour into it, but so far it is superb. Feels like I’m a kid again playing Mario 64 for the first time.
They totally screwed me on my GTS Collectors Edition, only telling me the day before release that they couldn't fulfil the order. Kicked up a fuss on chat and eventually got a £60 gift card.Well, this has been a torrid weekend.
Amazon didn't deliver my Mario copy on release and totally lost track of where the parcel supposedly was. I was gifted a free month of Prime despite that 🤬 service causing the problem in the first place. On Friday, I was ensured it would arrive today. It didn't.
Fed up, I managed to secure a downloadable copy for £38 and when/if the other copy turns up I'll be getting a refund regardless. The first and last time I rely on Amazon for release date delivery. I only used them this time since I had a gift card.
So far, I'm enjoying Odessey though. I'll share more in-depth feelings as I put time in but after the kerfuffle I've lost a lot of potential playtime.
Baffling. I'll be making my point very clear, purposely cleared my full day on Friday to get stuck in and it didn't even turn up more than a day later. Total shambles.They totally screwed me on my GTS Collectors Edition, only telling me the day before release that they couldn't fulfil the order. Kicked up a fuss on chat and eventually got a £60 gift card.
Surely there will be, maybe bringing on new color choices too. If I get a second pair of Joy-Cons, I wouldn't mind a few more options beyond another gray pair, sky blue, dark pink, or neon vomit.I wonder if there will be any Black Friday deals with the Switch. I've been holding off on buying one, since it's pretty close to the holidays.
There are many custom modded JoyCon in those colours.I've got about 280 moons and am about to confront Bowser in his kingdom. I'm a bit conflicted because I love the gameplay, but I'm not sure what I think about the game content-wise until I get to the good stuff @RESHIRAM5 is enjoying.
It seems to me they deliberately made the overworlds super easy to navigate and traverse to accommodate less-skilled players, but there's quite a bit of "nothing" for maps that aren't all that big. On the other hand, I still only have 50-60% of the moons in most of the kingdoms, so I don't have a real clear picture of how much each kingdom offers in the end.
Mechanically this is probably the best-playing 3D platformer of all time! The rolling ability combined with the open world gameplay makes Odyssey remarkably similar to the Sonic Utopia fangame; Sonic Team should be paying attention. The sections that make full use of Mario's abilities and the secrets or shortcuts that you can find by skillfully applying them are brilliant; all the more reason I wish there was more platforming involved in getting from A to B.
Surely there will be, maybe bringing on new color choices too. If I get a second pair of Joy-Cons, I wouldn't mind a few more options beyond another gray pair, sky blue, dark pink, or neon vomit.
How about "crystal" colors, Nintendo?
I felt content with BOTW after the main story too, I've played it for 55 hours and every single one was an absolute joy for me. Extra shrines and korok seeds aren't my thing.BotW does some refreshing things with the open world formula, but at the end of the day i’m just having so much more fun with Odyssey.
After completing the main quest in BotW, I was satisfied and didn’t really feel too compelled to search out all the shrines and korok seeds. After completing the main quest in Odyssey, I’m still itching to collect more moons.
So yeah, Odyssey is Nintendo’s lead GOTY contender imo. And unlike BotW, it might actually outshine titles like Nier Automata and Persona 5 as my overall GOTY this year... I haven’t made up my mind on that yet. Though I could retroactively give GOTY 2016 status to P5 since that’s when it came out in Japan, so I feel less conflicted about Odyssey being my 2017 GOTY.![]()
Between those two I think Odyssey wins; it only gets better and the platforming never gets old. However, Xenoblade 2 is poised to sweep it away. The combat looks very promising and the first two games already set a high bar for worlds and exploration that neither BotW nor Odyssey could match (Monolith Soft are wizards!). It's also inherently special because it appears to be the first major effort by the team (including when they worked for Squaresoft) that has not been mired by trouble during development.