I played this yesterday and it kept saying I wasn't connected to online servers. It would not let me join a game. I checked my settings, both in game, to make sure I had enabled online, and on my PS4 settings. All fine. It still wouldn't let me join a game. I played for a few minutes and kept seeing messages about lost contact with online sevices. I quit and played GTS. No problems with that and then went back to NMS. Now it worked for joining games but none of the friend list players who where playing at the same time appeared on my list. Odd. Anybody else notice anything like that?
I played this yesterday and it kept saying I wasn't connected to online servers. It would not let me join a game. I checked my settings, both in game, to make sure I had enabled online, and on my PS4 settings. All fine. It still wouldn't let me join a game. I played for a few minutes and kept seeing messages about lost contact with online sevices. I quit and played GTS. No problems with that and then went back to NMS. Now it worked for joining games but none of the friend list players who where playing at the same time appeared on my list. Odd. Anybody else notice anything like that?
I played this yesterday and it kept saying I wasn't connected to online servers. It would not let me join a game. I checked my settings, both in game, to make sure I had enabled online, and on my PS4 settings. All fine. It still wouldn't let me join a game. I played for a few minutes and kept seeing messages about lost contact with online sevices. I quit and played GTS. No problems with that and then went back to NMS. Now it worked for joining games but none of the friend list players who where playing at the same time appeared on my list. Odd. Anybody else notice anything like that?
It will be back on sale again as there are plenty of sales on the PSNI just missed this being on sale in the PS store, now it's back to $60. I can get a disc copy for $20, but really wanted digital.
According to twitter a new update has arrived on console. Anybody know about it?
Very unhappy. Last evening I was picking up my crops in the freighter when I accidentally clicked on my exotic ship which was sticking up from the landing bay. I jumped out of it and instantly died (it was on the same bay as another ship).
When I reloaded I couldn't access the grave. I moved my freighter and then I could access it I couldn't collect my stuff though.
I reloaded again and the grave was gone. I'd lost all my stuff. I deleted the save and downloaded the save from the PSN and I've lost two days with 10 hours, two exotic ships and a collection of glyphs.
Still that was slightly better than losing all the stuff that disappeared with the death glitch.
You traded in a squid ship, that I can't find, for a ship that doesn't look as good as my S class fighter that you saw the other day? You are trolling sir. Trolling.That sucks. I see I have to be careful with my bigass fin ship as well when I build something on the freighter. What a stupid bug. :/
Yesterday I traded my green squid ship (20/6 slots 63% hyperdrive) for a small A class fighter (19/4 slots). I couldn't resist it.
Isn't she lovely? Its called "The Foe of Death" (default name).
You traded in a squid ship, that I can't find, for a ship that doesn't look as good as my S class fighter that you saw the other day? You are trolling sir. Trolling.
White would be nice. I'll get the glyphs again as and when.It looks sick though.
And I sent you coords for a Squid but it was a blue one. ^^ If you want a white or green I also have the coords. No red or yellow though (never saw a red one and the didn't save the coords of the yellow one I got).
Edit: oh forget it, you lost the glyphs. :/
I wish I could even find an S class anything.
You just got to be patient. Sit at a trading post and wait. Sometimes you get it in the first 5 minutes, other times you need to way hours...
Also, do it only in Wealthy, Opulent, Advanced, Prosperous, Affluent, High Supply systems.
Oh I've done hours. 2-ish hours the most I've sat waiting. Maybe I'm unlucky! Or...
This for some reason I didn't realize however. Makes total sense too. I've usually just hung around calm galaxies so I don't get harrassed all the time.
In the end, it's not like I have the money. I've finally found my first trade item blueprint that's actually worth something. At 4 million. But I don't have the blueprints to the components.
I'm not great at this game but I have fun.
Traded an S class Hauler for this yesterday (and made a poster out of it too):
It has half the slots but triple the style.