No on Prop 8

  • Thread starter mimizone
see the title.
I had enough seeing the banner at the top of the GTplanet forum.
Now I am adblocking it to feel better and focus on GT stuff.
PS: I live in California but can't vote.
If you are not a Premium Member, you will see ads on GTP. If you are in the Opinions forum, you are likely to see political ads.

For those who do not live in California, Proposition 8 is an initiative to ban same-sex marriage from the state constitution. As you might imagine, prop 8 goes along with party lines.

I had seen commercials about this (one with Samuel L. Jackson no less), and I had wondered what it was about. I was thinking about making a topic in the Ask GTPlanet area about it, so thanks for saving me the trouble.
Wait, was it a Yes on Prop 8 banner? I feel like it would be a waste to spend money on internet ads since it's only a state vote. 'Course, I'm not a political strategist.

Is this supposed to be a discussion on the bill? If so, I'm wholeheartedly against Prop 8, and I encourage everyone from California to vote no.
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The coverage of Prop 8 on the internet has been huge, but discussions of it here in Grand Rapids have been otherwise limited until news came across of some local philanthropists who are quite literally throwing money at the propositions in California and Florida (which I believe is of a similar scale). Richard DeVos (co-founder of Amway) has been donating money to both, I believe, which is surprising. Then again, he and his son Dick DeVos (ran for Governor unsuccessfully in 2006) have been throwing money at conservative and other GOP campaigns for years, so its not outright surprising.

Either way, my support sways towards those who are in opposition to Prop 8, as I'm one of those crazy social liberals. I have no qualms with same-sex couples who wish to marry, because if anything, they're actually honoring what a marriage is supposed to be about... Commitment, love, and partnership. Something far too many heterosexual couples seem to have forgot.
I'm gonna have to go with Yssman on this one. I have a friend that's gay and he hasn't affected me or anyone I know in anyway "bad" like people with homophobia probably think will happen if they come in contact with one. They are still people (most... anyway, every group has to have some tOOls/douches).

A few weeks back a family put up a sign (for the life of me I can't remember for or against, nor can I find any info online about it) and some people stole it. So, they put a banner up on the house and since they couldn't do anything about it, someone pulled up their car in front of this family's house and wrote "bigots live here". The family has not touched the car and hopes it just goes away without incident.

:facepalm: I guess that explains how we've had Bush for two terms... ?

Anyway, it's one thing to say whether or not someone is fit to vote and totally another to not know because they (commercials/people for and against) don't give a straight @#$^&@ answer on what this prop will really do. :mad:
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VIPER, you're in the bay right?

Did you hear about the incident where someone tagged a house with giant letters saying NO ON 8.

Regarding the particular incident of the sign being stolen, that was a No on 8 sign. The bigots live here car was in front of a yes on 8 house. The car was traced back to some random lesbian woman activists I believe. Overall, Prop 8 seems to be a very difficult proposition to vote on. On the one hand, I know it gives gay and lesbians the right to marry. But on the other hand there are supposedly other things in the backgroung that don't seem to get talked about much.

I do know one thing though, I'm going to be voting no on it. It's a better choice in my eye.
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as one of those who would be concerned with this...

I think a Judge show I saw last week put it best
"the straight people don't WAN'T to marry, and the gay people DO...what's wrong with the world?", paraphrased, of course
-Greg Mathis

what they want is the LEGAL goodies that go with a marriage. like the right to actually be allowed to go INTO the hospital if your partner gets sick (technically, you're not allowed in if you're not family biologically or by marriage). civil unions have no rights whatsoever.

I'm waiting for the day when someplace goes too far, and a couple sues for bigotry, prejudice, etc...under the equal rights act!
Unless someone can show me a reason why the the current gay marriage situation in California will violate the rights of anyone I see no reason for Prop 8.

From what limited information I know the courts said that you cannot prevent a gay couple from marrying. Prop 8 wants to amend the Constitution to over turn that.

Am I missing anything?
I do care if gay and lesbian couples marry. To force people who may not believe in alternative lifestyles to comply with judges who are ruling without the people's will is just as wrong as to deny gay and lesbian couples to marry.

I have not read the text of Prop 8, but does it force religious organizations to perform same-sex marriages against their will?

If so, I'm against that. A church has the right to decline to marry any couple of which it does not approve.

But to deny use of the words "marry" and "marriage" (not to mention equivalent status) to same-sex couples is complete and total idiocy.
I believe the one and only thing it does is add “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California” to the California constitution.

I really really really hate how the Yes on Prop 8 people have turned this into a “Think of the children!” thing. If you’re going to be bigoted towards adults, don’t hide behind children.
I believe the one and only thing it does is add “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California” to the California constitution.

I really really really hate how the Yes on Prop 8 people have turned this into a “Think of the children!” thing. If you’re going to be bigoted towards adults, don’t hide behind children.

Everything political turns into "think of the children!" when it sucks.

Marriage is something that can't be governed, except among people who share the same worldview. My idea of marriage is in the Catholic tradition, handled by the church. It kind of annoys me that it's being recognized by government at all. I voted for that protect marriage act here in Florida, but only because I think there should be no recognition instead of many.
Oh yeah, I’m totally against marriage, period. But as long as the government officially sanctions and recognizes it, I want it available to everyone.
I have not read the text of Prop 8, but does it force religious organizations to perform same-sex marriages against their will?

I don't think it would because 2 people, - homosexuals in this case - can get married by a secular state officiator (a wedding without a church affiliation) if a religious officiant refuses to marry them. I really doubt it is up to the state to force a rabbi or imam to marry a couple.
Am I missing anything?

I don't think so. The basics are pretty much covered there, the proposal seeks to overturn a decision by the courts that upheld a previous decision to make these marriages legal.

I'm definitely interested to see what happens today.
Oh yeah, I’m totally against marriage, period. But as long as the government officially sanctions and recognizes it, I want it available to everyone.

That's the problem though. We take all these baby steps and different avenues around the solution without ever actually arriving there.

It's going to be interesting to see how the amendment pans out in Florida, though. Second most homo state in the USA.
Omnis, I suppose I see your point, but I think that voting to "protect" it (restrict it) does more to keep it entrenched in the government.
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Omnis, I suppose I see your point, but I think that voting to "protect" it (restrict it) does more to keep it a entrenched in the government.

It could go either way.
I was getting real sick and tired of these banner adds for prop doucebag. I voted no on it no more than 10 hours ago. They should be gone by tomorrow.
Its somewhat disappointing to see the numbers on Prop 8 so far, especially given the nature of what has occurred today. As of about an hour ago, with less than a quarter of the votes counted, the "YES" vote was ahead 54/46. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will turn around.
I’m genuinely surprised at how the results are turning out. This is California, year 2008 AD. Seriously, WTF?
You should educate yourself before you post. Maybe you should be one of those people who are not allowed to vote.

I do care if gay and lesbian couples marry. To force people who may not believe in alternative lifestyles to comply with judges who are ruling without the people's will is just as wrong as to deny gay and lesbian couples to marry.

I am all for civil unions.

Typically ironic how those who want Freedom, say they want less restrictive laws, and do not want Big Government telling them what they can do, are all for more laws and restrictions against gays and lesbians, under the guise of "protecting families". You say you want civil unions, but that doesn't mean anything, if no rights are tied or restored to those unions.

You want to protect your family? Raise a smart and educated family. Let them know there's a world out there that might be a little different than the one they live, and that's their choice. Get a knife, dog, alarm system, and a gun. Those are far more positive steps towards than telling couples what kinds of rights others can have.

We had Contitutional Ammendment 2 in Florida, which was similar, and of course, it passed. I feel anything that denies rights to law-abiding people does not belong in a Constitution, and effectively puts up another barrier, does not belong in our (or any) state's constitution, plain and simple. I personally do not wish to take away the happiness of others that harm nobody else.

...I can't wait for the next amendment 15,000-so-called-do-gooders come up with in Florida.
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