You should educate yourself before you post.
Maybe you should be one of those people who are not allowed to vote.
do care if gay and lesbian couples marry. To force people who may not believe in alternative lifestyles to comply with judges who are ruling without the people's will is just as wrong as to deny gay and lesbian couples to marry.
I am all for civil unions.
Typically ironic how those who want Freedom, say they want less restrictive laws, and do not want Big Government telling them what they can do, are all for more laws and restrictions against gays and lesbians, under the guise of "protecting families". You say you want civil unions, but that doesn't mean anything, if no rights are tied or restored to those unions.
You want to protect your family? Raise a smart and educated family. Let them know there's a world out there that
might be a little different than the one they live, and that's their choice. Get a knife, dog, alarm system, and a gun. Those are far more positive steps towards than telling couples what kinds of rights others can have.
We had Contitutional Ammendment 2 in Florida, which was similar, and of course, it passed. I feel
anything that denies rights to law-abiding people does not belong in a Constitution, and effectively puts up another barrier, does not belong in our (or any) state's constitution, plain and simple. I personally do not wish to take away the happiness of others that harm nobody else.
...I can't wait for the next amendment 15,000-so-called-do-gooders come up with in Florida.