No wheel? Don't bother with the controller on this demo

  • Thread starter trevisio
When I first started using GTP5 I was having trouble with the C events, I swore and cursed the controller but eventually I got through it. Same for B then C then I came to the S class specifically race 7 and 10. This caused me to curse even more particularly 10 as I just could not get through it with the controller, that was until I started reading the car setups on this forum, it took me nearly 2 weeks of evenings to complete but in the end I did it. I think it's fair to say it is about practice and persistence and no I don't want it to be a game where I can just bash about like need for speed or just find the line that allows me to run the whole race at full throttle. Now I have beaten all the levels I love it so much I can't wait for 5 and am buying a wheel as a reward to myself. I've tried the demo and I think I am around 55000 at the moment, it's hard and it's frustrating but I know I can improve the truth is I'm just not good enough yet. I would however love to be able to read the top drivers telemetry readouts now that would be cool.

So is GT5:P worth it? I wasn't planning on buying it but then the GT5 release date got pushed back and I am thinking about grabbing it. I already beat NFS: Shift (and I am not fond of the online since it is pretty much just bumper cars) and have been playing rFactor a lot again (wheel broke, though) as well as the TT, but I need something more. I mean for $20 it has to be worth it, right? There are more cars than in NFS: Shift I noticed and not many less as far as tracks are concerned if you include the variations. Opinions?
Ryan: If you're even somewhat into the GT series and racing in general, I would say Prologue is well worth the $20 or so 👍 Even with GT5 not too far off... (a half year away probably).

Once the GT5 demo TT is over, online racing in Prologue will be back and as strong as it's been in a long time :) Online racing is what has always brought me back to Prologue time and time again, as well as a lot of other GTP members, despite the relative lack of cars and tracks. Being able to race with all of the fine folks (for the most part) on GTP is quite a pleasure, and I'm sure it will be enough to hold a lot of us over until GT5 :cheers:
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I play GT5P almost every day, and no other game. In my rather biased opinion, buy that mug! The physics may be different, but that does not mean GT5P's physics are not relative. In other words, GT5P will help you in GT5.

I just unbit my finger tips... This thread is no different than overly obese people complaing about airplane seats being too small. :lol:
Thanks guys. That's kind of what I figured. I need the practice too since transitions between two racing sims, even when they are fairly close (i.e. iRacing & rFactor), can be a tad rough at first and I haven't played GT4 in probably 2 years. I love the Time Trial, both cars feel great even with a controller, I can't believe some of your times.

AHH this TT is so frustrating sometimes! All I need is 0.00.050 to get my personal goal and I just can't do it. My ghost is always ahead of me on Turn 1 and 2 then I take over at 3 and continue to do so until Turn 7 comes. I just can't get that one, my ghost will speed by me after I come out of it and the rest of the race is done. Anyone have any pointers on Turn 7 and how to come out of turn 6 properly (maybe I am just butchering turn 6 and that is my problem. Do you guys double apex, swing wide, hug it, or something else?).
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AHH this TT is so frustrating sometimes! All I need is 0.00.050 to get my personal goal and I just can't do it. My ghost is always ahead of me on Turn 1 and 2 then I take over at 3 and continue to do so until Turn 7 comes. I just can't get that one, my ghost will speed by me after I come out of it and the rest of the race is done. Anyone have any pointers on Turn 7 and how to come out of turn 6 properly (maybe I am just butchering turn 6 and that is my problem. Do you guys double apex, swing wide, hug it, or something else?).
Are you a pad user? If not, then ignore all my ramblings after this. :lol:

I try to use a higher line at T6 (1/4 to 1/2 car width from the curbing) so that I can hug left at the exit to set up for T7. I lightly brake and go in deep right after going under the banner shadow. When I mean deep right, I mean pushing that nub 80-90% to the right . If you end up deep into the rumble strips, it was too early an entry. My best times have been when I barely touch the strips at the apex and then mash the gas while using minimal steering input to aim for the exit of T7. That way, it avoids wheelspin and/or traction control killing exit speed.

To put it short, I attack T7 almost like a slow in, fast out corner.
Are you a pad user? If not, then ignore all my ramblings after this. :lol:

I try to use a higher line at T6 (1/4 to 1/2 car width from the curbing) so that I can hug left at the exit to set up for T7. I lightly brake and go in deep right after going under the banner shadow. When I mean deep right, I mean pushing that nub 80-90% to the right . If you end up deep into the rumble strips, it was too early an entry. My best times have been when I barely touch the strips at the apex and then mash the gas while using minimal steering input to aim for the exit of T7. That way, it avoids wheelspin and/or traction control killing exit speed.

To put it short, I attack T7 almost like a slow in, fast out corner.

Yes sir I do use a pad. Thanks for this, I will try it out tonight and see how it works.

What I have been doing is on T6 I've double-apexed (is that even a word?) most of the time and then trying to get over to the left as quick as I can to make T7. Sometimes I will hug T6 tight so that way I can get far left to set-up for T7 since T7 comes out onto a straight away I would rather compromise T6 in order to set-up for T7. It would be nice if I didn't have to do either.
What I have been doing is on T6 I've double-apexed (is that even a word?) most of the time and then trying to get over to the left as quick as I can to make T7. Sometimes I will hug T6 tight so that way I can get far left to set-up for T7 since T7 comes out onto a straight away I would rather compromise T6 in order to set-up for T7. It would be nice if I didn't have to do either.
When you say double apex, I'm imagining this is what you're doing...


What I've seen from many is go all the way to the left at the entry of T6 and hug the inside all the way but my entry's a bit higher (around where the skidmarks are at entry). I really don't think there's any difference either way although I feel more comfortable entering high so that I don't have to give a lot of steering input until the exit of the corner.
Your attitude stinks, its obvious that nobody with a controller has a chance of getting a top 20 UK time for factual reasons stated and proved about 1 million times already.

Bye bye PS3, my XBOX is fixed now and the controller is just as good as the wheel on that :)

People on this board have a very high tendency of stating their opinions as facts.
its obvious that nobody with a controller has a chance of getting a top 20 UK time for factual reasons stated and proved about 1 million times already.

Why do you even bother getting in a top20 with a 6axis controller ? The whole point in Gt Academy its prove that a hardcore gt gamer could in fact, drive a real race car.... DO you think you can do dat, with a 6axis controller experience?

Sorry, but i dont.... just my opinion, not a fact... rsrsrs..
When you say double apex, I'm imagining this is what you're doing...


Yea, something like that. The only difference is that I feather the throttle in the middle of the turn instead of just at the end.

P.S. I tried what you said (a higher line at T6 in order to set-up for T7) and I went from a 1'40'3xx to a 1'39'9xx. So thanks again.
this is ridiculous. you don't drive a real car with a controller that's why people who know how to use a wheel get the highest times. if you have a problem with the 6axis offline then it's on you.
this is ridiculous. you don't drive a real car with a controller that's why people who know how to use a wheel get the highest times. if you have a problem with the 6axis offline then it's on you.

Of course people who use a wheel will get better times. But is it really that big of a deal what other people use when they are playing a video game? It shouldn't unless these same people are bitching about something that could be fixed by buying and using a wheel (most of the problems people are having with these games aren't easily fixed with a wheel, however). Controller users should have a say too. Why? Because not every consumer of this game owns a wheel. Unfortunately for some people they don't have great paying jobs, or they goto school and work only part-time, or they don't live with their parents anymore/don't get support from their parents, etc. And they cannot get a wheel right off the bat. Mine broke back in November but I have adapted to the controller for both NFS: Shift and GT5 Academy (PC games such as rFactor on the other hand are impossible without a wheel).
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Your attitude stinks, its obvious that nobody with a controller has a chance of getting a top 20 UK time for factual reasons stated and proved about 1 million times already.

Bye bye PS3, my XBOX is fixed now and the controller is just as good as the wheel on that :)

Excellent, now that your xbox is fixed(Thats all they ever do is break down),you can bugger off and leave Gran Turismo to real drivers and stop cluttering this forum with useless pathetic arguments like this. Enjoy your ****box 👎

By the way this TT Demo is to find the ultimate race car driver for the GT Academy. Full stop. Why would you want to use a controller anyway,because if you qualified (Which you definetly wont anyway) you need to use a wheel in the National final and then drive a real car. I dont see what the point is. There are so many other games out there you can play with a controller, so why make a big deal about it here. Go play that joke of a game Forza.
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Yea, something like that. The only difference is that I feather the throttle in the middle of the turn instead of just at the end.

P.S. I tried what you said (a higher line at T6 in order to set-up for T7) and I went from a 1'40'3xx to a 1'39'9xx. So thanks again.
Glad to be of service. :)
This topic is nuts. There are some very fast times on the leader boards set with a dual shock. I know there are a bunch of times in the stock down into the 1:47's using a pad.

Anyway what are you going to do if you use a pad then make it to the finals where you will be forced to use a wheel?
@OP, how could you possibly compare the two? its not the GAME that is handicapping you its the input device. in your case that is the DS3 controller. look at it like this; A Logitech DFGT ($99) has 900 degrees of rotation with tactile force feedback, and about 6-8 inches of pedal travel. The DS3 analog stick has about a total of maybe 2" of travel TOTAL, and the triggers have even less than that. how can you even compare the two??

Look at it like this; this is a DRIVING SIMULATOR first and foremost. Do you think that you could use a DS3 controller to control a real car on the road, and simply drive properly? how about taking your car to a race track, and than posting competitive lap times? I didn't think so.

I currently don't have a wheel, i also use the DS3. I will be getting a G25 in about a month, but that is because i want to buy one not because i need to. The fact remain's that this game is 100% playable with a controller and people have posted pretty fast lap times with them. You could get a wheel or not, either way if you want to be on top you will have to PRACTICE first. If you ever do decide to get a wheel, know this... Your lap times will get drastically slower than the DS3, because while technically the wheel can result in faster laptimes it all really comes down to your skill and dedication .
Of course people who use a wheel will get better times. But is it really that big of a deal what other people use when they are playing a video game? It shouldn't unless these same people are bitching about something that could be fixed by buying and using a wheel (most of the problems people are having with these games aren't easily fixed with a wheel, however). Controller users should have a say too. Why? Because not every consumer of this game owns a wheel. Unfortunately for some people they don't have great paying jobs, or they goto school and work only part-time, or they don't live with their parents anymore/don't get support from their parents, etc. And they cannot get a wheel right off the bat. Mine broke back in November but I have adapted to the controller for both NFS: Shift and GT5 Academy (PC games such as rFactor on the other hand are impossible without a wheel).

i don't have a wheel because i fit into all of those categories but i have a lot of fu
my point is that this IS a simulator, and they expect you to use a racing wheel. people forget this isn't demo, but a time trial for gt academy. i have a 6axis and realistic expectations for how high a time i can get, but still love driving the 370z and gt5p.

yeah nasanu and Live_FR0m_NY summed it up perfectly
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Excellent, now that your xbox is fixed(Thats all they ever do is break down),you can bugger off and leave Gran Turismo to real drivers and stop cluttering this forum with useless pathetic arguments like this. Enjoy your ****box 👎

By the way this TT Demo is to find the ultimate race car driver for the GT Academy. Full stop. Why would you want to use a controller anyway,because if you qualified (Which you definetly wont anyway) you need to use a wheel in the National final and then drive a real car. I dont see what the point is. There are so many other games out there you can play with a controller, so why make a big deal about it here. Go play that joke of a game Forza.

I think you may have actually hurt him, and i think everyone will agree with you
my point is that this IS a simulator, and they expect you to use a racing wheel. people forget this isn't demo, but a time trial for gt academy. i have a 6axis and realistic expectations for how high a time i can get, but still love driving the 370z and gt5p.

yeah nasanu and Live_FR0m_NY summed it up perfectly

Yes, it is a demo.
That's why when we downloaded it, it said, "GT5 TT Demo".

And while I agree that a wheel should obviously have it's own advantages, there's no reason for TCS to be stuck on for me just because I don't have a wheel yet.

But it seems the argument going on steers away from the big elephant that is, and focuses only on the benefit's a wheel should bring.
Yes, a wheel is better, but nobody has an answer for why DS3 users MUST use TCS on the stock car.
That point alone, is what makes the OP correct, and gives the DS3 users an unfair disadvantage.

The system does not include a steering wheel.
The game does not include a steering wheel.
Therefore there is no reason to force driving aids on controller users, after all, they are using Sony's supplied equipment.