Nordschleife Lap Times

  • Thread starter bonobo4
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Hey guys, I'm going to be extremely busy these two months. Have my exams coming up, so I can't update the spreadsheet too often :(:ouch::banghead:

mike_gt3, if you have a Google account, you can PM me your e-mail address, I'll add you so you can edit the times :)

Anyways, I finally got my G27, still learning to drive though. Once I've mastered it, some of the times will hopefully be in danger :mischievous:
Hey guys, I'm going to be extremely busy these two months. Have my exams coming up, so I can't update the spreadsheet too often :(:ouch::banghead:

mike_gt3, if you have a Google account, you can PM me your e-mail address, I'll add you so you can edit the times :)

Anyways, I finally got my G27, still learning to drive though. Once I've mastered it, some of the times will hopefully be in danger :mischievous:

Actually.. I don't think you can add editors. I can :P But I have done so only I can add editors.. I think...
Zedextreme you will really like the G27! ;)

Alex i can create a google account if you want
so i can edit the spreadsheet if you dont mind.. :)
You mean me? I certainly don't mind...

13:49.627 - Honda Life Step Van '72 (Alex p.) NEW

12:27.713 - Honda N360 '67 (Alex p.) NEW


Yeah i meant you, but Niceness just sent me a PM he will help me getting started with this :)

but thx!
Good to see you are still posting new times! :dopey:
Sure. Got the time:

07:36.522 - Pagani Zonda C12 '00 (elitedriver123) <-- BEATEN
I didn't oil changed it so doing so will probably reduce it by a few tenths.

best get that oil can out elite!

07:36.338 - Pagani Zonda C12 00 (hjlamont) - beaten!!

mine has 407hp, whats yours running?
best get that oil can out elite!

07:36.338 - Pagani Zonda C12 00 (hjlamont) - beaten!!

mine has 407hp, whats yours running?

Well done! :)
I'd like to apologise for not updating. It's not as I'm sure you all know by now because I've forgotten, but simply because of the way I update (using the spreadsheet). Once again I thank everyone who in some way contributes, be it updating the spreadsheet or posting times, be they new or old. 👍
best get that oil can out elite!

07:36.338 - Pagani Zonda C12 00 (hjlamont) - beaten!!

mine has 407hp, whats yours running?

385hp w/ 16k miles clocked in. And nice job 👍

EDIT: No difference after oil change.
EDIT 2: An engine overhaul did the trick. Gained to 406hp.
Not only am I short on time to play GT5... I've also injured my wrist boxing a sandbag :( So I can't really play if I find some time... But (just watched Terminator trilogy)..

I'll be back!!
nooooo! my time is about to get beaten

I think i agree with you lol but im sure you can still improve! :dopey:

Heres another submission:

07:16.307 - Nissan GT-R '07 (mike_gt3) BEATEN

Ill try to update the speadsheet tonight, thx to niceness for the help and access to the spreadsheet, hope youll be fine to play some GT5 soon! :)
I will upgrade the list right now, the list need to be updated,
theres already a 7:06 for the BMW touring car '03 unfortunatly, but you can try it on racing soft should lower your time a lot. :)

Heres one more:

07:03.616 - Mazda Atenza Touring car (mike_gt3) NEW
(oil changed, engine rebuilt, racing soft tires, wing:18/40, final ratio:4.228, top speed 264kmh/164mph, 316hp, 499PP)
07:22.786 - BMW 320i Touring Car 03 (hjlamont)

Kinda Off-Topic, but that's a super rare car in the UCD. Even though I already have one, I was lucky to have bought it because I never saw one pop up again.
Kinda Off-Topic, but that's a super rare car in the UCD. Even though I already have one, I was lucky to have bought it because I never saw one pop up again.

me either! im glad i bought it its a fun car to drive! :dopey:
spreadsheet updated!

After updating the list i can say please fill the lap times like they should be,
and make sure to write if its BEATEN, NEW or UPDATED.

so it should look like that:

00:00.000 - Full car name in the game with year (username on gtplanet) BEATEN or NEW or UPDATED

for example:

07:16.307 - Nissan GT-R '07 (mike_gt3) BEATEN

me either! im glad i bought it its a fun car to drive! :dopey:

Agree! Love its engine sound :drool: New time:

07:35.271 - Pagani Zonda C12 '00 (elitedriver123) <-- BEATEN
I was 1 hp lower than Lamont's Pagani, so if I can gain that somehow, I'll probably brush off a couple of hundredths, maybe tenths.

I was hoping of a 5-second decrease, due to a quite high HP gain. But then again, the car is unpredictable with its throttle.
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Good job! :)

Time updated as well!
HJLamont you will have some work to do! :D
1.1 seconds :'( ill be at it for hours to make that much time! we have got to be getting close to the max for this car now.
1.1 seconds :'( ill be at it for hours to make that much time! we have got to be getting close to the max for this car now.

I think I could do a lot better but its rear-wheel wheelspin is driving me nuts :grumpy: So I'll just leave it to you to try to beat it ;)
yea i think baring a lucky lap with perfect throttle control we have got to be close.

i just gave the gtr trophy a go. got it first time :) looks like all of these laps have come in usefull!
yea i think baring a lucky lap with perfect throttle control we have got to be close.

i just gave the gtr trophy a go. got it first time :) looks like all of these laps have come in usefull!

Well, I was attempting to break the time and was making perfect progress (-1.5second splits) until I spun out at Bergwerk :ouch:

And awesome! I forgot about that. I think I'm gonna run it tomorrow.
What is the GTR trophy? sorry if i go off topic... :)

And im sure you both can improve your time with the Zonda! i dont have any Zonda for now but i will keep an eye on the UCD! :)
trophy for getting 7:29 around the ring in a gtr 07 in arcade time trial.

Ok, thx for the info :)

7mins 23.693 seconds. SLS AMG. Great car, very well balance with a nice gear box.

Please look on the list before posting a time, theres already a faster time for the SLS AMG, and when you post make sure it look like this:

07.23.693 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG '10 (deadcat777) NEW or BEATEN or UPDATED

Heres the link for the spreadsheet:
Not to be a jerk guys, but would it not be better to post also some new times from time to time, instead of beating already excisting times? I mean we have over 1031 cars...
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