North Korea Problems: President Clinton in Pyongyang

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
I'm seriously getting pissed at North Korea right now. I am very nervous about all of this 🤬 with my cousin teaching in South Korea. If North Korea launches a major offensive on South Korea I hope to hell that NATO can get there in time. Also, this Article 9 stuff is a load of BS. Does the US STILL not trust Japan? Why would Japan want to attack the US? it would be utterly useless, and they would lose a HUGE trading partner.

Japan bankrolls the US. Article 9 is in some ways actually good for them because they don't have to spend money defending themselves. If North Korea attacks the RK, it will be by artillery strikes. Like how Israel fights with its neighbors, except probably more advanced and possibly more deadly.
When I say that article 9 is BS, I mean it's BS now. Just after the second world war would be justified, but now it isn't. Hell, where would the west be without Japan? We'd have no PS3's, no TV's, :D
I'm seriously getting pissed at North Korea right now. I am very nervous about all of this 🤬 with my cousin teaching in South Korea. If North Korea launches a major offensive on South Korea I hope to hell that NATO can get there in time. Also, this Article 9 stuff is a load of BS. Does the US STILL not trust Japan? Why would Japan want to attack the US? it would be utterly useless, and they would lose a HUGE trading partner.

Get there in time? There will be several missiles pointing at them already. I can't see how a war involving NK, wouldn't result in some nuclear device being detonated, because of their own, alleged stash.
Get there in time? There will be several missiles pointing at them already. I can't see how a war involving NK, wouldn't result in some nuclear device being detonated, because of their own, alleged stash.

Problem is, again, they (North Korea) don't really have any nuclear weapons to deliver in the first place. Sure, they have warheads, but unless they're boobytrapping the roads with them, I don't see how they're going to get them to Japan or South Korea very easily. Their rockets would have to work first. The Allies themselves, with China and Russia included, wouldn't be likely to do anything with their nuclear weapons either.
Can't you see - it's all part of Japans plan for global domination.

A PS3 in every home which will enslave humanity !:crazy::dopey:

The Allies themselves, with China and Russia included, wouldn't be likely to do anything with their nuclear weapons either.
Right. I think these countries are sensible enough to realize that using one of these would get them attacked by pretty much every other country with a military. North Korea really is crazy enough though, so thank god their missiles are all duds.

Speaking of bad rockets, maybe they should start buying Russian Scuds instead of making their own. Skuds shoot off alright, but they just need a warhead that actually does damage when it blows up.
There were reports over the weekend that the Northerners were testing Scud rockets, but I do not know if there was any legitimate data to back that up. It does make you wonder if they could re-buy some of their technology from the Iranians, since you know, they've gotten the damn things to work. Kinda. Although that becomes a much, much larger mess later on.
Former President Clinton Goes to Pyongyang


BBC News
Mr Clinton is in Pyongyang to discuss the fate of jailed US journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee.

He is the highest-profile American to visit since his secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, in 2000.

Analysts say Mr Clinton may also try to ease the deadlock over the North's nuclear ambitions.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said that Mr Clinton had "courteously" conveyed a verbal message from US President Barack Obama, although the White House said that Mr Clinton had not carried a message from Mr Obama.

Washington made no announcement of Mr Clinton's trip prior to his arrival, but in a later statement stressed that this was a private visit.

"While this solely private mission to secure the release of two Americans is on the ground, we will have no comment," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters.

"We do not want to jeopardise the success of former President Clinton's mission."

However, North Korea analyst Prof Hazel Smith, of the UK's Cranfield University, told the BBC that Mr Clinton would have the full backing of the White House.

"This is not a private mission, although it being billed as such," she said. "There is no way that [former] President Clinton, married to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton... would be taking this step without the full support of the US administration."

The last visit to North Korea by a former American president - Jimmy Carter in 1994 - led to an important step forward in relations between the two countries, and Mr Clinton may be hoping his trip could have the same effect.

But some analysts question the wisdom of such a high-profile visit so soon after North Korea conducted a string of nuclear and missile tests in defiance of the UN Security Council - saying it may be seen by Pyongyang as a reward for bad behaviour.

Unmarked plane

Mr Clinton landed in Pyongyang in an unmarked plane and was greeted at the airport by North Korean officials, including chief nuclear negotiator Kim Kye-gwan and Yang Hyong-sop, vice president of parliament.

As he stepped down from the plane, a little girl came forward to present him with a bouquet of flowers.

No official itinerary for the visit has been announced.

Analysts say that Kim Jong-il is eager to improve relations with Washington as he prepares to name a successor.

Mr Kim is thought to have suffered a stroke a year ago, and also has chronic diabetes and heart disease. Analysts say his third son is already being lined up to take over power one day.

Laura Ling and Euna Lee were found guilty of entering North Korea illegally across the Chinese border in March, and sentenced to 12 years' hard labour.

They were arrested by North Korean guards while filming a video about refugees for California-based internet broadcaster Current TV.

According to KCNA, the two reporters have admitted entering the country illegally.

But the women's families have always claimed that Lee, 36, and Ling, 32, had no intention of crossing into North Korea.

They fear the two reporters may become political pawns in negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang.

Last month US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton requested an amnesty for the women asking that they be allowed to return home.

Former releases

This is not the first time a senior US statesman has gone to North Korea to negotiate for the release of American citizens.

In 1994, then-congressman Bill Richardson - now governor of New Mexico - helped negotiate the release of Bobby Hall, one of two pilots of a US army helicopter shot down after straying into North Korea.

Two years later he negotiated the release of Evan Hunziker, who was detained on suspicion of spying after swimming the Yalu river border.

Critics say that Mr Clinton's trip will be exploited for maximum propaganda value by Pyongyang.

However, although Bill Clinton's arrival was covered by North Korea's evening television news, it was not until after apparently more newsworthy items, such as the improving quality standards at a biscuit factory, our correspondent in Seoul, John Sudworth, says.

Interesting move. They seem to be stressing that its over getting the Americans from Current TV out of there, not the nuclear weapons issue. But, apparently, Pyongyang's nuclear negotiator was at the airport when he arrived.

We'll see.
Wow, Supreme Leader looks like crap. Wouldn't be surprised if he croaked before the year's done.
I think Bill brought cigars for everyone. :lol: Way to go Mr. Clinton. 👍
I think it would be more like this.....

Clinton: So you guys are holding our girls captive and developing nukes is that right??

Jong-Il: Yes we are, and there's nothing you can do about it....

Clinton: How about you let those girls go or we can turn North Korea into the world's biggest McDonalds?

Jong-Il: What do you mean??

Clinton: You let them go, or we turn your country into a carpark with the nukes we have to reduce in the does 1000 nukes sound against your 1 or 2? And we will still have 1500 spare. ;) And if you touch me, it will be the whole 2500. The US still loves me, I'm not G.W.Bush. :cool:

Jong-Il: :eek: *signs pardon papers*
I think that Clinton heard that there was a couple of desperate US interns over there, and so he was over like a shot ;)

Good news, though, and a bold move by Clinton. It's also a good sign that North Korea might be open to a more direct approach when it comes to diplomacy.

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