North Korea Problems: President Clinton in Pyongyang

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
Maybe drive it in.. with a Saab or something, no one pays attention to them :P

I reckon a Saab in North Korea would stick out as much as a Pink Cadillac.

What do they drive in North Korea anyway?
Nk probably don't intend to fire anything but are wanting to join a nuclear stalemate so they are uninvadable.

Their stuff suck cherries though and it's going to take many years before they develop something that could potentially hit the united states but they do have major cities of countries adjacent within range.
I wonder what the cause is of NK acting like a disobedient toddler. I already know that when you tell a little kid to stop he's going to keep going. And when you tell him he can't do that, he's going to do it, just to find out why. When he sees a door with a sign that says "Do not open", what's his first thought? And Deedee, she always pressed that damn button, every time.

Hasn't NK been bickering about being treated with respect and stuff? Think their actions and everyone else's are simply the result of a huge and long-lived overreaction?

Or, if we simply stopped bothering them and left them to their own vices, and "treated them with respect", does it turn out that they're just plain crazy and would act a fool anyway?
I'm beginning to think that North Korea is trying to flex with their bombs in order to defeat the enemy within: Choco Pie

It looks like capitalism is going to be the biggest subversion to the succession process. North Korea is trying to supress it. But I think that as the storm passes, capitalism, Choco Pie, and the Korean people will reign supreme.
Tough rhetoric on both sides, but today North Korea explicitly threatened the USA with a "merciless military strike" and "one thousand-fold retaliation" if North Korean "sovereignty" is challenged in any way - including any efforts by the US, South Korea, Japan (or anyone else for that matter) to attempt to stop ships suspected of carrying material destined for the North's nuclear program. Considering that North Korea has recently stated that it intends to fully pursue its nuclear weapons program, this is a very strong statement today, even if it is brinksmanship or sabre-rattling of the highest order. All I can say is that I sincerely hope that North Korea don't do anything stupid like launch a missile into South Korea or Japan, as the consequences would be disasterous for the people of North Korea. In my opinion, and I guess it may probably be shared by many in the US, if North Korea make an explicit threat of violence against the US such as they have just done, and then either proceeded to attack the US directly or deliver the first blow against South Korea or Japan, then they will leave themselves wide open to complete annhiliation.
I guess that does require a sticky. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, its a very dangerous scenario right now. I can't imagine that North Korea would be so foolish as to attempt a nuclear strike on anyone. Either way would anyone race to North Korea's defence if they were indeed attacked?

I noticed BBC haven't reported anything on this latest development, any reason in particular why that is?
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Well, the Chinese are really left with two options. Continue to put light pressure on the DPRK, and steer them out of trouble with the American allies... Or put their foot down, and keep their regional neighbors in-line. Although I love to talk about China as an international power in many of my papers at school, they still remain (for the most part) a regional power. Arguably, they do no want a war in their back-yard, but at the same time, its hard to tell whether or not their political arm-twisting is working at all.

As for the UN-backed searches out on the water, it will be interesting to see how it unfolds. If my understanding of the situation is correct, while the US (or Japan, or Korean) ships may attempt to stop DPRK vessels, they may ask to board in order to check cargo, but it is not required. However, the DPRK ship would be required to submit to a search when in a port of a UN member state.

I think we (the west) are counting on the DPRK to fire the first shot before anything bad happens. But, the American's are stretched pretty thin to become militarily engaged. It'll likely be up to the Chinese, the Japanese and the Koreans to handle any possible situation in the theater.
But, the American's are stretched pretty thin to become militarily engaged. a ground war against guerrillas.

In an air war against clear military targets, we're not stretched so thin.
I fear a military conflict with North Korea would be over very quickly indeed :ill: What that conflict could trigger, however, could last very much longer...
Agreed. It's a worst-case scenario, but I have zero confidence in the rationality of North Korea's leadership.
I'd love to know what a "thousandfold retaliation" would consist of, considering that NorKo only has 6 nukes tops and no way of delivering them to the US.
If it is intended to be an allusion to their nuclear capability, then I think it's maybe a mistranslation - what they should have said was "one thousandth-fold"...
But they do have [Zapp Brannigan] wave after wave of our own men at our disposal [/Zapp Brannigan]

Perhaps they meant for every US soldier that is killed, 1,000 NorKos will be?
I wanna hear how China reacts to this before anything else.

China probably has less leverage over North Korea than most people think they do. The official state ideology of the DPRK is 'Juche', a form of Marxism that is all about self reliance and independence. They are loathe to answer to anyone. I guess after a few thousand years of being pushed around by its Asian neighbors, this should come as no surprise.

The amount of pressure China can put on the DPRK is really questionable in my mind. They certainly doesn't want the NK government to collapse (they'll end up being flooded with refugees), and they definately don't want a US ally government (ROK) on their border. They have a lot to gain from a stable North keeping the US off balance in the Pacific. I think they see Kim as a crazy, rabid dog guarding the front porch. It wouldn't stop a determined intruder, but it would certainly make a big show if someone decided to show up uninvited...

On the other hand, China has even more gain from stability in the US ...we being their largest trading partner. They are walking a tight rope, much like the rest of the world.

That being said, Kim and his goon squad really deserve a serious whuppin', as they say in the South.

I seriously think this is just a bunch of bluster. I'm far more worried about proliferation than Kim actually trying to use one of his nukes.

I have to say i'm not too happy about all this stuff, with my cousin over teaching in South Korea. But for NK, 23 million people (less than Canada :D) to even fathom attacking the US, is complete blasphemy. Honestly, an attack on the US would lead to a counter attack by the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, other NATO countries, as well as South Korea.
Who would come to their aid? Honestly?
They'd never get as far as the US. None of their missiles have ever done over a 1,000 miles afaik, besides there will be millions of satelites and missiles (most probably nuclear submarines) pointing at the DPRK right now.

I won't second guess what move the DPRK will make next, impossible in my eyes. Not long ago it felt like we were getting somewhere, then Kim-Jong got ill and now wants to go out with a bang, seemingly.
Kim Jong Ill'N: You won't see him coming...........unless you look down.

Also, seeing how he things he is a good actor, I could see him doing that. I wonder if the RIAA counts forced sales for the Platinum records.
They'd never get as far as the US. None of their missiles have ever done over a 1,000 miles afaik, besides there will be millions of satelites and missiles (most probably nuclear submarines) pointing at the DPRK right now.

I won't second guess what move the DPRK will make next, impossible in my eyes. Not long ago it felt like we were getting somewhere, then Kim-Jong got ill and now wants to go out with a bang, seemingly.

But the US has more than a few installations in the neighborhood.
I'd love to know what a "thousandfold retaliation" would consist of, considering that NorKo only has 6 nukes tops and no way of delivering them to the US.

A truck with a box in it drives into London--the box says BOOM --and in Orbit they see a mushroom cloud.

A ship under Liberian registry sails into San Diego berths --and a container says --BOOM -- Mushroom Cloud is seen in La--they say "wow ' check that out --and make a Movie .

Sure North Kora will disapear --The leaders gonna croak --as he see's his death comming he is getting More irrational --if thats possible.

But the fact is he does hold South Korea --Japan -And even China hostage .

If China acts --NK just floods them with refugee's or even pops a fire cracker off at them..Remember they have had years to teach themselves that the world is evil and Ill kim is GOD --and they are the chosen people..

So dead Elvis isn't in a caring mood .

He want's to see some action before he dies --or is murdered.

Not much anyone can do to prevent suicide...

ask Osama and his friends.

all you have here is a Country commiting suicide intead of a person .

So if you get in touch with reality --you find a way to take away his toys ..or take him out .

until then live with the fact he is going to go BOOM one day .

US can retaliate --but by then Most of Seuol will be in rubble --maybe some Ports in Japan --and even some Chinese cities .

There is no win by retaliation --only premtive action.

Negotiation has only been a stall for time . And a way to blackmail everyone --NK produces NOTHING .

What is it they say about people that do the same thing over and over --and expect different results ?
I'm still curious how they'd "retaliate" when a likely first strike by either the US or China would take out launch sites and domestic power stations (nuclear...) - the two likeliest places for Kim's Dirty Half-Dozen to be stored.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea may launch a long-range ballistic missile toward Hawaii in early July, a Japanese news report said Thursday, as Russia and China urged the regime to return to international disarmament talks on its rogue nuclear program.

The missile, believed to be a long-range Taepodong-2, would be launched from North Korea's Dongchang-ni site on the northwestern coast, said the Yomiuri daily, Japan's top-selling newspaper. It cited an analysis by the Japanese Defense Ministry and intelligence gathered by U.S. reconnaissance satellites.

The missile launch could come between July 4 and 8, the paper said.

More of course at the article...well I'm not sure what to think of this now...
So NK wants to start shooting off missiles...just because? I don't expect NK to make any real sense at this point, but that still seems a tad...extreme.
Given their track-record with missile launches, I wouldn't be all that worried. But, the "just to be safe" argument makes sense. Let AEGIS handle the situation.

Oh, and it looks like they'll be testing the UN "quarantine" as well...

NBC News
First test case for sanctions
In what would be the first test case for the sanctions, the U.S. military has begun tracking a North Korean-flagged ship, Kang Nam, which left a port in North Korea on Wednesday, two U.S. officials said.

The ship, which may be carrying illicit weapons, was in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of China on Thursday, the officials said on condition of anonymity because they were discussing intelligence.

It was uncertain what the Kang Nam was carrying, but it has been involved in weapons proliferation before, one of the officials said. However, no-one has suggested that it may be carrying nuclear material.

U.S. military officials also predict the situation could come to a head over the next couple of days when the Kang Nam is expected to run out of fuel. Under the additional sanctions slapped on North Korea last week, the U.N. could ask the port country to withhold fuel until the ship could be boarded and searched.

It was not clear yet whether the USS John S. McCain aircraft carrier would confront the Kang Nam and ask the crew for permission to board and search the ship. The U.N. resolution does not permit nor would the U.S. military forcibly board the ship, according to Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen. Instead the McCain would continue to follow the ship until it had to put into port.

So, things could get really interesting this weekend. Yay.