NTSC Suzuka 650pp

  • Thread starter EERS4YEARS
I have a family. Installing my cockpit, starting my PS3 and GTP5 needs time I don't really have. So dont even think about hours trying to tune a bunch of cars to be competitive with other guys on line racing.

I would like to know if there is really nobody ready to do kind of racing with only one car, no tuning and realistic tires (N tires) on realistic tracks...
n tires are realistic for economy cars. It was fun tonight, racing jpro01. 1 other guy, no name dropping, was fast but had no idea how to pass without shoving. And I hope Blueearth had fun videotaping me and jpro go back and forth, cleanly, race after race. We can all goto the FordGT race if you guys want to, but I have a feeling there will be way too many mistakes going on, resulting in races being lost by no fault of the driver.
^ I guess the "other guy" was me?

Don't worry you can call me on it, I don't take those comments to heart, and will accept the blame when its due. True I got a bit inpatient, especially since I was fastest of the three of us.//

Anyways good racing.
how soon? tonight? 1 hour? i cant wait to see it! and to niks, fastest doesnt mean aything if you crash twice a race. you are fast, but i watched you use jpro as a berm in turn 1 several times. But i will give credit where credit is due, you were the fastest guy not in our textchat. Also, I am faster with the clio:sly:
its been uploaded to youtube, its processing, im guessing 5-10 more minutes

edit: its taking longer then expected to process, but it is 10 minutes long, so it may be 15-20 minutes
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Well, my F40 is not competitive, and I'm not sure if I could be competitive in a NSX or Clio, so I retired from racing and entered broadcasting.

Drivers in Video from May 1st, 11 and 11:30 pm est races

Maybe 1 or 2 more, cant quite remember

Please note that this is my first attempt at this, and some shots are quite amateurish, as is the editing or lack of editing, but some shots are quite good and thrilling.

This was also a rush job, so there isn't lap indicators to keep you up to speed with the action.

I plan on doing this more too

That was alot better than I expected. Great job! It makes the race that much more interesting knowing you are getting filmed, and my heart rate was a little higher knowing you were there. Once again, good job. p.s. jpro01 didnt believe me after the race when I told him we were getting filmed, he will be ecstatic.
May I add... barely, lol. Cant wait til next time.

I think tere were a couple EERS haters in the back of that pack, if Im not mistaken.:yuck:
Hey EERS...

If I recall correctly, you finished 4th or 5th in the race that I just ran with you.

And, oh by the way, I got stuck behind two morons who decided they wanted to have a drift event in that race and started the race about 10 seconds back entering the esses. I spun out twice, got punted off once, and got a penalty for shortcutting the chicane. All told, probably 40 to 50 seconds worth of penalties and screw ups. And you know what, you finished a whopping 3 seconds ahead of me. Wow...your good :lol: :dunce: And I'm not even one of the faster guys in the NTSC ranks. Timeattack, Drama-kyd, LinPark, CWR, LHamilton, are all faster than me, and the list goes on and on...(sorry if I forgot someone, I know, there are a lot of you guys who are faster than me :lol:)

I think tere were a couple EERS haters in the back of that pack, if Im not mistaken.:yuck:

I don't know if you were referring to me or to GTP_Lyvan, or whoever as a "EERS hater." But in case you were, don't worry. I don't "hate" anybody. I didn't even know you were in that race :lol:

Take my advice--if I were you, I would do the smart thing and close this stupid thread. Your name is going farther than you will ever see, literally.
When private rooms arrive for GT5, do you know where you'll be?
Alone, that's where. You'll be having your own little race event...against yourself :lol: :dopey:

If you really want some competition, go by yourself a PAL disk and race some of those guys and you'll see what true talent and speed really is. (sorry NTSC guys, but you know its true) Your in a hole, so stop digging.


Nice videos Earth, keep 'em comin' 👍
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you are freaking crazy kid. Did you see the video? And I wasnt referring to you btw. Who are you? It's obvious ,by your 2 08 lap times, you are not a fast guy.

Because you obviously failed reading comprehension last year in 5th grade Ill explain my last post to you... jpro01 is my friend of a long time, and we race every night together. And the guy that hates me in that race knows who he is, he has made a bunch of stupid post like you just did, bashing me all the while losing every race they enter against me. Why did you write all the non-sense? I raced clean, and was competitive. It's there for the world to see. You have what we call in WV short-man complex. I have been racing in private races since the latest update that gave us TextChat. I cant understand what your problem is. How many races do I need to win, or be up front at least, before you all shut the ---- up? Now when I smoke you next time, it will be that much more gratifying.

Half the NTSC names you just dropped, because of your short-man complex, I have beaten in the last 2 days.
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you are freaking crazy kid. Did you see the video? And I wasnt referring to you btw. Who are you? It's obvious ,by your 2 08 lap times, you are not a fast guy.

Where did I say I was talking about the race in the video? :dunce: :dopey:
I was running an NSX in the race I was talking about. Oh yeah, and when I kept it on track,
I was running 2'06.2xx's in the F430. I didn't even know you were in that race, sorry :dopey:

The race I was referring to was after this one...genius :dunce:
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But you were in race in the video, and you lost by an extreme amount. We didnt even see you finish. There were some other guys who hate me in the race you are refering to, I turned around and went back to him, and left him again. He is a retired honda engineer I believe he told me, lol. You have no chance, whats your problem with that? Go practice some more. I never spoke your name, but you are talking about me in a terrible manner. What is wrong with you? Why are you so angry? You lost, so what? Maybe you need to learn the Rasta religion, or at least their practice.
You have what we call in WV short-man complex.

"Short-man complex"---Neologism/Nonsense term


Date Created: 5/2/09

Intended Purpose: put-down to fellow GTPlanet user

Unintended result: self-description by EERS4YEARS.

Actual "Short Man": A guy (EERS4YEARS) who starts a thread calling out other NTSC drivers so he can "smoke" them, only to be unable to back it up.

Hey, I just thought of something 💡...EERS, you could run the GTP qualifier and start using the tag GTP_ShortMan, or better yet:

EERS4YEARS = GTP_"I am about the 30th fastest guy in the world" :lol:
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seems like there is no helping it, guess i'll have to take the clio out tonight. *sighs*
Since you have gone out of your way to point me out in your post, let me respond. Yes, EERS, you were faster than me in the one race I was in ..... ooohhhh, you beat an old guy in his 60's who has never claimed to be fast, only clean. I also had less than 20 minutes in the car in that event, so very little time to tweak a set up or practice. And I'm not an EERS hater, granted I pity you ... if anyone has a short-man complex, it's you :)

Your insistent need to prove yourself and your skills to the world only attests to your overall lack of self esteem and the need to boost your own ego by insulting others. I have told you before, I race for the fun of it and don't care if I win or lose. Unlike you, I have nothing to prove :sly:
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Enough is enough.

Everybody had his say but now it is time to end the show.

Any bitching will result in closing this thread and every other thread we see with more name calling issues.

Enough is enough.

Everybody had his say but now it is time to end the show.

Any bitching will result in closing this thread and every other thread we see with more name calling issues.

Well put bro:tup:. EERS4YEARS end this s@*t man. Racing is racing, If there's a point to prove, I hope that it's done and over with. When and If they come out with a World Competition, you guys can prove your skills then. An online friend once said, "It is not about the WIN, it is always about the RACE". I think we have lost that spirit:indiff:. Let's just get back to CLEAN AND COPETITIVE RACING.👍
Thanks! BTW ANFD, I did not call you call you out, alot of people have worked for Honda.
To Drama-Kyd - Ok tonight will be clio night, though the NSX is a little more of a challenge. Good Luck Buddy!
We can switch up race, or cars at anytime, Let me know!
Hope you tuned that Clio right Solarr, lol.
I think we all need a good listen to Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds"

Solarr- I started this thread to keep everything on the track... It obviously hasnt worked.
"I started this thread to keep everything on the track... It obviously hasnt worked."

I know you did, but every person that I ever met in my life time come attached with an EGO. In any case I just want to have competitive racing that's nice and clean. I spend a little time tuning that Hated Clio's and she should be able to keep pace with everyone now.... I've manage to average in the 2'04''7**-2'05''4**. Hopefully I can keep up with you guys.:nervous:

BTW Earth I saw the video that you posted:tup:. Thank you for taking the time bro. I did not make it for the race, but still appreciate you. It is awesome what you are doing man:tup:.
I LOVE Solarr in the most hedero way possible!

Earth- this is my Mother's reaction to seeing your video, straight out of an Instant Message with my Wife, she obviously had no prior knowledge to my PSN (she knows what eers means, and my affliction with purple cars, lol)

"My son's 8 minutes of fame. I am assuming he was Eers4years. YOU ROCK, LUKEY!"
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Anyone down for :00?

*hope to not get stones thrown at him*
I'll join you guys for some races later in the day 👍 The Clio should be a nice change for sure :sly: I found the NSX to be really challenging with the controller last night :lol:

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