NTSC Suzuka 650pp

  • Thread starter EERS4YEARS
You know Earth, that is interesting you say that, I drove the Clio today, and that car is unreal. Its a POS!

I got it down into the Mid 05's..but last night I thought I heard someone saying that TA could do high .03's in the clio...that is impossible..really it is. I can see mid 04's but not 03's. Specially not with the tune I have, which is extremely tight on exit, which turns in the snap loose if you input too much steering.

I am with you man, I want a stock car that no one can tune. Perhaps tonight I will be able to see how fast DK, EER and TA really are! Good luck Earth.
When I bougt GT5P I had no idea what was really going on. I sucked, had a controller, and knew nothing aout the different regions. GTPlanet has enlightened me beyond belief... my eyes are now open. For the last couple months I have felt almost like a second class racer just because of the disc I own. The time has arrived, all our eyes have been opened. We can be them. David vs Goliath... When I saw the numbers of registered GTP'ers in NTSC I was extremly inspired. When GT5 comes out we as Americans, we as NTSC users must be ready. I just watched James stewart (american) beat Chad Reed (australian) in AMA motocross. We can do it. We have til november, or march lol, to be ready. F TT. Real talent shines in racing, bar to bar, wheel to wheel, I feel the NTSC name is on my shoulders, as sould every other American, Canadian, Mexican should feel the NTSC name is on your shoulders. lets battle/practice and get ready for the war that is GT5.

rmk700 has the right car for the next battle- 111/R tuned.

Nice piece of motivation for us NTSC guys 👍 It's about time we had a fire lit under our you know whats! :lol: I agree though, if we continue to push ourselves we can only continue to improve and strive toward the highest level. That's one of the things that is so great about GT5P and any virtual racing game in general. The amount of practice and seat time you can put in is nearly infinite, making these games such valuable and powerful tools for those who put the time and effort in. Putting a cap or limit on our potential is something that should not even enter our minds...

Did you know Kazunori Yamauchi himself laughed at American drivers?

In an interview with a French gaming magazine (sorry dont have link) he praised Europe for all their fast drivers and how he noticed they dominated the time trials and said "I don't see many American drivers up there hehehe"

Wow, I take that as a bit of an insult, but at the same time very inspiring in a way 👍 Hopefully that inspires a few other NTSC guys to step their game up to the next level in preparation for GT5 and possibly another GT Academy...OR something greater :sly: I know when my wheels shows up, I will do WHATEVER it takes to be truly competitive with the fastest drivers in the world, in TT or door to door racing. I will not accept defeat or being out classed by the fastest "international/euro drivers", and why should I or the rest of us if we put our minds to it? I hope others share my views and don't accept defeat as being ok. As the great Ayrton Senna said, "With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high." Hopefully some of you guys share the same willpower/determination/heart that made Senna so EXTRAORDINARY :cheers:
You know Earth, that is interesting you say that, I drove the Clio today, and that car is unreal. Its a POS!

I got it down into the Mid 05's..but last night I thought I heard someone saying that TA could do high .03's in the clio...that is impossible..really it is. I can see mid 04's but not 03's. Specially not with the tune I have, which is extremely tight on exit, which turns in the snap loose if you input too much steering.

I am with you man, I want a stock car that no one can tune. Perhaps tonight I will be able to see how fast DK, EER and TA really are! Good luck Earth.

TA got it down to 2'03.2xx. If i'm not mistaken FAK got it down to 2'02s.

edit: i'm in @ :00


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food gotta eeat.... timeattack and DK were you waiting for eachother????

Yea, I was just waiting for DK...don't mind us :lol: I'm not all there today so I ended up calling it quits on lap 8 :crazy: I might join later in the day if I feel in better shape 👍
I agree with the non-tuning race. The cars handle like crap without tuning. The Mine's R34 with all HP taken away, on S3 tires with weight reduced to bring PP up to 650 is quite fun to drive, without any other tuning. I am up for any car though. But I would argue that we should stick to sport tires to bring our driving ability up. Pole sitters that have the fastest lap time IRL dont always win, Jorge Lorenzo sat on pole and had no chance in the MotoGP race today. Somebody pick a car, choose the least amount of tuning, and lets go Racing. Lets not worry so much on lap times because when tire wear is implicated... real talent shines on slick tires, and passing on slick tires. Valentino Rossi won the race today because he was fastest in last half of the race, when tire grip was fading away.
I agree with the non-tuning race. The cars handle like crap without tuning. The Mine's R34 with all HP taken away, on S3 tires with weight reduced to bring PP up to 650 is quite fun to drive, without any other tuning. I am up for any car though. But I would argue that we should stick to sport tires to bring our driving ability up. Pole sitters that have the fastest lap time IRL dont always win, Jorge Lorenzo sat on pole and had no chance in the MotoGP race today. Somebody pick a car, choose the least amount of tuning, and lets go Racing. Lets not worry so much on lap times because when tire wear is implicated... real talent shines on slick tires, and passing on slick tires. Valentino Rossi won the race today because he was fastest in last half of the race, when tire grip was fading away.

You want to race with the Mine's in a bit? I'm tuning my Skyline for the NTSC Championship and would like to give the Mine's a try at Suzuka.
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Im not sure who it was... but someone said -if you want to prove yourself, use 111/R tuned at suzuka in TT- Man I wish I knew who wrte that, I thought it was in this thread but I couldnt fnd it. Anyways, after 15 laps I am currently 31st, lol. I was still getting use to the car but I figured 31st is good for now. 3 other Americans are ahead of me, gar529 is in top 10. edit- it was Stavingo that told me to do this... he is NOT in the top 100, LOL.. Show-n-prove stavingo.:sly: BTW alot of huge name's arent on par with my normal times with that combo now. I was quite suprised how many BIG names fastest lap are slower than my consistent times after so few laps. I did that in the middle of the night, pretty sleepy eyed mind you:)
Stavingo's quote from the textchat thread- "Please prove yourself on a TT, Lotus Elise 111R/Tuned @ Suzuka. Pro Physics":dunce:

I threw the Mine's out just as a suggestion. Upon more logical thinking, I think stock Corvette's would be a better practice car. It is also a ton of fun to drive, and it is a NTSC car. It also on S3 tires only needs minor weight adjustment to get 650pp. I only did 3 laps with it, and it is tricky! but really fun. Just a suggestion, but we need harder cars to drive.
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You know Earth, that is interesting you say that, I drove the Clio today, and that car is unreal. Its a POS!

I got it down into the Mid 05's..but last night I thought I heard someone saying that TA could do high .03's in the clio...that is impossible..really it is. I can see mid 04's but not 03's. Specially not with the tune I have, which is extremely tight on exit, which turns in the snap loose if you input too much steering.

I am with you man, I want a stock car that no one can tune. Perhaps tonight I will be able to see how fast DK, EER and TA really are! Good luck Earth.

The California is amazing at this event. In the hands of the right driver it can easily keep up with a tuned Clio. And the best part is that is it is that the handling is not questionable.
I took a quick look at TLD setup for the California... massive tuning needed. Everything is changed, along with R tires:grumpy: Lets come to an agreement today on car/tire/tune combo today. It doesnt matter to me, I have 2 combo's suggested already, lets be on an even playing field so our limits can pushed, our skills furthered, and competition defeated!
The California is amazing at this event. In the hands of the right driver it can easily keep up with a tuned Clio. And the best part is that is it is that the handling is not questionable.

Thanks, I will try it.
last night was boring, i mean what happened to the fire? i thought ntsc was back......well guess i was wrong *throws in pal disc*
last night was boring, i mean what happened to the fire? i thought ntsc was back......well guess i was wrong *throws in pal disc*


I think we're still in need of a 750PP event, at least to keep MY interest in racing almost every night :crazy: I was doing a few 600 races at Fuji today and was enjoying it for a change 👍 It gets boring driving the Clio around Suzuka all day long unfortunately. Some of the PAL events of the past have been fun though, like the 550 RX8 event in the last update. It's nice finding those hidden treasure like the RX-8 which are a blast to drive and something new. The ROC spec (default tune) 350Z/Tuned is a pretty fun car to drive, especially if we can get a few others to tag along in a race :) But then again like you, I can just throw in my PAL disc for that :lol:
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Im not sure who it was... but someone said -if you want to prove yourself, use 111/R tuned at suzuka in TT- Man I wish I knew who wrte that, I thought it was in this thread but I couldnt fnd it. Anyways, after 15 laps I am currently 31st, lol. I was still getting use to the car but I figured 31st is good for now. 3 other Americans are ahead of me, gar529 is in top 10. edit- it was Stavingo that told me to do this... he is NOT in the top 100, LOL.. Show-n-prove stavingo.:sly: BTW alot of huge name's arent on par with my normal times with that combo now. I was quite suprised how many BIG names fastest lap are slower than my consistent times after so few laps. I did that in the middle of the night, pretty sleepy eyed mind you:)
Stavingo's quote from the textchat thread- "Please prove yourself on a TT, Lotus Elise 111R/Tuned @ Suzuka. Pro Physics":dunce:

I threw the Mine's out just as a suggestion. Upon more logical thinking, I think stock Corvette's would be a better practice car. It is also a ton of fun to drive, and it is a NTSC car. It also on S3 tires only needs minor weight adjustment to get 650pp. I only did 3 laps with it, and it is tricky! but really fun. Just a suggestion, but we need harder cars to drive.

So you wanted me to put a top 100 spot in 5 minutes?

I'll try to have a go again, maybe we should stick to the subject? ,Im a PAL Guy.
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Listen hear:dunce:, Read what I wrote before you comment. It took me 30min, and it took me 15min to be 27th at Fuji. 1/2 of my post was completly on topic...the other half, as I said in that post, I thought was relevant to a prior post.

May I remind us NTSC members, even if you own a Pal disc, guys like this are why we get laughed at by Kaz. Not that i give a flying duck what anyone has to say, more or less a guy who lies more than he squints :)

I just read this post, I am the funniest guy lol
Hey Stavingo,

Don't worry man,

Are you familiar with the term "one hit wonder"?
A lot of times it is used to describe someone who only does one thing and then lives off of it for an extended period of time.
I think that's what you are dealing with here Stavingo, somebody who
thinks they are a "specialist" because they are in the top 40 at a time
trial whose laptimes for the most part, were completed in 2008, not 2009. That's
not a frequently used time trial, is it?

There are some very skilled drivers here at GTPlanet who "specialize" in using one car and then gain a reputation for being very fast in that car at a lot of different tracks, unlike some guys in this thread who only use the Lotus 111/R Tuned at Suz and Fuji. But most of those "specialists" don't get that tag for just being in the top 30 or 40. No, they are usually at least in the top 10 or 12 in that particular car at each track.

Oh, and they usually don't resort to "tire staggering" to achieve their lap times in cars that are tough to handle like the Lotus 111/R.
Tire staggering is when you put a harder compound tire like S1's on the front and use S2's on the rear, because you don't have the driving skill to handle the car when it has S2's on the front, like some guys do with the Lotus at Suzuka :lol: (That wouldn't be somebody from West Virginia would it?)

I thought this thread was supposed to be about NTSC racing at 650 Suzuka, not time trials, right?

Or actually, come to think of it, what is actually the topic here? Because the opening post simply says "Alright kids, put up or shut up time. 00 and 30."

What's that supposed to mean, anyway? :dopey: :dunce:

What is put up or shut up time? Does that have something to do with GMT? :lol:

Hmmm...I wonder what that's supposed to mean.

EDIT: I just ran 4 laps at Suzuka in the Tuned 111/R and I am currently 59th. And I hate that car :grumpy: :lol:

Oh yeah, and I did it on S2/S2--"The tire compound of choice" for Real Men 👍 :cheers: :gtpflag:

EDIT: Sorry, it's me again :) I went and did about 7 laps at Suzuka in the "other" tuned Lotus--got up to 32nd :cheers: Yay! I'm not quite there yet, but I'm inching closer to that fabled "30th fastest" category :lol:

This is a time trial thread, right?....
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It's also a bit amusing in that this same individual who claimed superiority in the 111R at HSR is actually ranked 60th, well behind the old guy in his 60's and another good racer belittled by him previously who is actually ranked 29th :)
Hey Stavingo,

Don't worry man,

Are you familiar with the term "one hit wonder"?
A lot of times it is used to describe someone who only does one thing and then lives off of it for an extended period of time.
I think that's what you are dealing with here Stavingo, somebody who
thinks they are a "specialist" because they are in the top 40 at a time
trial whose laptimes for the most part, were completed in 2008, not 2009. That's
not a frequently used time trial, is it?

There are some very skilled drivers here at GTPlanet who "specialize" in using one car and then gain a reputation for being very fast in that car at a lot of different tracks, unlike some guys in this thread who only use the Lotus 111/R Tuned at Suz and Fuji. But most of those "specialists" don't get that tag for just being in the top 30 or 40. No, they are usually at least in the top 10 or 12 in that particular car at each track.

Oh, and they usually don't resort to "tire staggering" to achieve their lap times in cars that are tough to handle like the Lotus 111/R.
Tire staggering is when you put a harder compound tire like S1's on the front and use S2's on the rear, because you don't have the driving skill to handle the car when it has S2's on the front, like some guys do with the Lotus at Suzuka :lol: (That wouldn't be somebody from West Virginia would it?)

I thought this thread was supposed to be about NTSC racing at 650 Suzuka, not time trials, right?

Or actually, come to think of it, what is actually the topic here? Because the opening post simply says "Alright kids, put up or shut up time. 00 and 30."

What's that supposed to mean, anyway? :dopey: :dunce:

What is put up or shut up time? Does that have something to do with GMT? :lol:

Hmmm...I wonder what that's supposed to mean.

EDIT: I just ran 4 laps at Suzuka in the Tuned 111/R and I am currently 59th. And I hate that car :grumpy: :lol:

Oh yeah, and I did it on S2/S2--"The tire compound of choice" for Real Men 👍 :cheers: :gtpflag:

EDIT: Sorry, it's me again :) I went and did about 7 laps at Suzuka in the "other" tuned Lotus--got up to 32nd :cheers: Yay! I'm not quite there yet, but I'm inching closer to that fabled "30th fastest" category :lol:

This is a time trial thread, right?

Very familiar with "One Hit Wonders" Just like my golf :lol: Im off 28 but play like 18 :lol:

Like the Lotuses but now "Lite'n Quik" is getting old.