Alright, maybe I'm getting us a bit off topic. Let's get back to wall street. I can't really see how middle classed people are opposed to this movement. Maybe its political brainwashing or something but the numbers don't lie.
If you work for a living, as in receive payment for services, you are taxed at a certain rate. If you don't work for a living, but instead live off dividends of investments, you are taxed significantly less. In fact, the savings someone making $2M a year off investments gets is probably worth more than your take home pay.
Are you seriously OK with that? Are you seriously OK with the fact that the middle class (those making more than $20K but less than $200K) pay taxes for everyone else while the rich get a discount and the poor get a discount?
I just don't get it. The movement IS about fair taxation but the opponents are trying to convince you otherwise.