NYC Protest - "Occupy Wall Street"

I'm actually more curious why they keep blocking job proposals that are being brought up. I know the Democrats and Republicans hate each other, but I just wish they'd stop their pissing contest long enough to run the country.
Congressional Republicans have marching orders to block all proposals and plans to aid economic recovery to give their eventual candidate the best chance against Obama in 2012.

Think about this from the point of view of the GOP for a moment. There is zero political incentive, with the Executive branch being democratic and an election coming, for them to have the economy begin to recover in 2011 / 2012. None.

Upcoming election is a one-issue election: the economy.
Congressional Republicans have marching orders to block all proposals and plans to aid economic recovery to give their eventual candidate the best chance against Obama in 2012.

Think about this from the point of view of the GOP for a moment. There is zero political incentive, with the Executive branch being democratic and an election coming, for them to have the economy begin to recover in 2011 / 2012. None.

Upcoming election is a one-issue election: the economy.

Which is exactly why none of them deserve to be elected and why I hate politics. Instead of actually fixing anything, American are going to have to endure another year of a lackluster economy so that some idiot can use it to their advantage to be elected into office.

That would be true if trickle down economics works, but that is a proven myth.

Dapper...I already know the media has been're to not telling me anything new.

I am all for the Occupy Wall Street protests. Remember, the media will always go out of their way to find and interview the most uninformed, wacky people they pull out of the crowd.

And if recent history is any indication, Occupy Wall Street will be infiltrated by Democratic operatives and co-opted to be used as a political tool, just as the original Tea Party was co-opted by right-wing corporate interests and used to win back Congress at the benefit of those corporations.

Of course it will be, hence how the media on both sides shows more so how the unions are joining with them, rather than what the majority or even seperate groups believe in. Wall Street like protest are more than just one thing and it isn't always about the economy, it is more so about ending the corruption all around from the gov't. You made very wise points with your post 👍
Who really thinks this occupy stuff is gonna change anything. It's and election year so your gonna hear a bunch of sweet talking and it's gonna get very cold than all the people will say ok let's go home. The sweet talking will continue, someone will become the new president, and there will be the smallest changes and a whole bunch of new problems. Just like the how it always is.
Some people just have a need to fight against something, all the time.

It seems to me that if these people really wanted to hurt big business, they should cancel all their bank accounts, credit cards, cell phone, internet, etc. But I just laugh my ass off when I see these people on their brand new iPhones they paid for with their $120 a year Visa going on Facebook talking about how big business is ruining the world. The ones here in Australia, I don't even think they know what they're protesting, because things really aren't that bad here.

Amended to cover my opinion. Yes, people dont like that bosses of big companies getting stupidly big performance bonus, but it hasn't exactly brought our country to its knees. In any case, there are laws here now that discourage huge bonuses (link and link). The example of the Commonwealth Bank in the second story annoys me a little though:
The original metric said if Commonwealth ranked in the top three of the big five banks in customer service directors could dip into the $36.1 million bonus pool.When the bank only came in fourth directors decided this was good enough and to raid 25 per cent of the available profit pool.
Not even going to comment on the US situation because I dont know enough details about it.
It seems that the protesters will be also backed up by anonymous:


Is no surprise that Fox News tent to exaggerate some affairs, in this case they went as far as discredit unbiased opinions, and for that "Operation Fox Hunt"(cool name actually) will be executed on November 5th, they also "attack" FB the same day and I believe it will be interesting to see if they manage to hack their web site(which seems to be easy for them).
Peter Schiff owns the commie occupiers:

I like how the lady shuts up when he asks how many people she employs.:lol:

What I don't get is why are some hell bent on doing everything anti-authority/government. I know here they were having issues with people putting up tents at the city park they were protesting in. They don't let anyone else do it, why the 🤬 would they let you. Guessing that's probably just the hipster segment of the group though.

Also, what about the bottom 1%(or so) they don't pay taxes either(I don't know if it's changed, but when I made under 10,000(estimated) when I was younger I got all of the taxes that were taken out, back).
What I don't get is why are some hell bent on doing everything anti-authority/government. I know here they were having issues with people putting up tents at the city park they were protesting in. They don't let anyone else do it, why the 🤬 would they let you. Guessing that's probably just the hipster segment of the group though.

Also, what about the bottom 1%(or so) they don't pay taxes either(I don't know if it's changed, but when I made under 10,000(estimated) when I was younger I got all of the taxes that were taken out, back).

It is the hipster segment, which the media seems to be infatuated with. If you dig around the interwebz you'll find stories from across the board with the protesters, and they seem like they are the majority that are out there. I mean think about it, a major news network like CNN or Fox News are the kind of corporation the OWS movement is protesting against, so why would the news agencies want to put a positive spin on it?

What I really don't understand is how come the Tea Party people aren't treated in the same way? They are just as disruptive and a select population of their group are massive bigoted hate mongers that call Obama every racial slur under the sun. Having been at one the biggest Tea Party rallies to date I can't understand why they aren't treated like criminals while the OWS people are.

As for the bottom 1%, I know most of the people I talk to that support the OWS movement also support a flat rate tax for all US citizens. It's by no means anything scientific but I have to imagine there is a pretty sizable chunk of the supporters that think this way. I know I do, flat rate taxes would be the first step in solving the country's problems I think.
As for the bottom 1%, I know most of the people I talk to that support the OWS movement also support a flat rate tax for all US citizens. It's by no means anything scientific but I have to imagine there is a pretty sizable chunk of the supporters that think this way. I know I do, flat rate taxes would be the first step in solving the country's problems I think.

Me too. As Peter Schiff says in that video, it would be a big tax cut for him.
Dang the president and his facts.

No republican has a chance in 2012. Until one of them can explain away the deregulation that happened in the early 80's causing the income growth disparity, along with lowering the tax rates of the people whose income growth has been totally egregious, they will continue to not have a chance.

And a flat tax would only make things worse than they are now. Even Adam Smith advocated a graduated tax system. :indiff:

Well, that answers my question in any case.

Fun Fact: All of those things were "true" 2 years ago, and it didn't seem to matter then.

Fun Fact: All of those things were "true" 2 years ago, and it didn't seem to matter then.

It is obvious truth doesn't mean much to many people, that is why a lot of poor states are 'red' states.
Torpedoed your own statement and reaffirmed your inability to put things in perspective?


What are you talking about? Because you have nothing to dispute objective facts I have an inability to put things in perspective? We have a Democratic president and a democratic senate.

How about not blatantly ignoring what was said and try to say something smart or at least articulate.
Having ultra rich is a good thing, it means you also have the opportunity to thrive. The greedy and currupt you despise would have fallen if your messiah had not bailed them out.
Jack Abramoff
The reason there are tens of thousands of lobbyists is because the ever-expanding federal government creates ever-increasing opportunities for abuse. The more the federal government does, the more lobbyists there will be to protect special interests at the expense of the common man
What are you talking about? Because you have nothing to dispute objective facts I have an inability to put things in perspective? We have a Democratic president and a democratic senate.
I've seen what you think the word "objective" means in your many attempts to claim things as objective and then weasel your way out of your statements when called on it. I don't see what the point would be to do that show and dance again; and Famine and Danoff are both better at it than I am anyway.

Needless to say, "whatever Democrats say is the truth" does not actually mean the same thing as "the truth."

How about not blatantly ignoring what was said and try to say something smart or at least articulate.
This is funny because of how hilariously over-the-top hypocritical it is for you of all people to say this, but I'm not going to focus on that.

I'll instead simply ask that if you think tossing lazy insults at me counts as a rebuttal, at least don't lob them at me like softballs.
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I've seen what you think the word "objective" means in your many attempts to claim things as objective and then weasel your way out of your statements when called on it. I don't see what the point would be to do that show and dance again; and Famine and Danoff are both better at it than I am anyway.
Well, some things are objective, like how much people earn and how much their income has grown. Other things are subjective, like thoughts or ideas. It is not hard to grasp... actually, as evidenced by this quote, it is.

Needless to say, "whatever Democrats say is the truth" does not actually mean the same thing as "the truth."
Unless there is empirical evidence, and in the case of which percent of incomes has grown whatever amount, their is empirical evidence. And the things that started this income growth disparity are obvious.

I'll instead simply ask that if you think tossing lazy insults at me counts as a rebuttal, at least don't lob them at me like softballs.
A rebuttal to what? Your not so witty remarks??

Having ultra rich is a good thing, it means you also have the opportunity to thrive.
Maybe, or more like obviously, you are not aware of the state of our economy right now. There are more super rich people now than there use to be, and everyone else is doing worse. Numbers do not lie. Inflation is going up, top earners income's are going up, most people's income is not going up. Now explain how your comment has any validity.
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Making demands now are we? :scared: :lol:

Your 30 year complaints did not occure in a vacuum, I gave you examples of other factors earlier in this thread but you ignored them. You also failed to see my point on how big government insures capitalism fails.
Making demands now are we? :scared: :lol:

Your 30 year complaints did not occure in a vacuum, I gave you examples of other factors earlier in this thread but you ignored them. You also failed to see my point on how big government insures capitalism fails.

If the economic dive started with unsound banking practice in the mortgage industry, lets look at fanny & freddy who hold a vast majority, who runs them again?

A different take on Dappers 30 year rant. Take all of the 1%'rs money and compare to the national debt. Realize our prosperity from wwII ran out, Japan and Europe where bound to rebuild at some point. Add China and understand global compitition. With business OVER regulated it's easy to see why we have stopped producing goods. ........
Our GDP has been on a steady increase through everything you mentioned, including the current recession. Everything you think is negligible due to this fact. If our economy wasn't getting bigger you might have a point, but that isn't the case. Our GDP is still growing and all the profit, for 30+ years, has been going to a small group of people. And this exemplifies what capitalism is, and that it has been working great since the deregulation of the early 80's. For the general welfare of the public, Reagan-trick down-supply side economics is a complete failure, but for the minority of super rich it is a great thing.
Ok, lets look at gdp then. The federal gov is spending 25-30% of it atm, Reagan lowered the percentage from 20% to 18% during his terms. Clinton continued that trend in similiar fashion. Bush spent more and Obama is worse. In 1933 it was 8% peaking in the 60's above 20%. Like I said, and you still wealth of the 1%'rs = 1.5 trill, what is the national debt? I also mentioned the hidden tax that is regulations to the tune of 1.75 trill. The federal gov spending and special interests, as qu
Ok, lets look at gdp then. The federal gov is spending 25-30% of it atm, Reagan lowered the percentage from 20% to 18% during his terms. Clinton continued that trend in similiar fashion. Bush spent more and Obama is worse. In 1933 it was 8% peaking in the 60's above 20%. Like I said, and you still wealth of the 1%'rs = 1.5 trill, what is the national debt? I also mentioned the hidden tax that is regulations to the tune of 1.75 trill. The federal gov spending and special interests, as qu
All disregarding the income growth disparity. The debt increases as gdp increases, all the numbers get bigger together.
And without the ludicrous Bush tax cuts and the two wars the debt wouldn't be so bad.

But what numbers aren't growing proportionately is the amount of money people are actually putting in their pockets.
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Because free market is handcuffed by gov, and the curruption snuffing out competition and building monopoly is aided by gov. and 'too big too fail' bail outs keep it that way.

psp browsing and posting makes it difficult for me to go into the detail I normally would, so if you can't see validity to what I say I'll just let you win :lol:

Unless you troll me better :P
Because free market is handcuffed by gov...

You keep saying that, and so do a lot of people. But the fact is the handcuffs are a lot looser now than they were between the great depression and the Regan era- the only period in US history where there were no major recessions and all income brackets grew at the same rate.

Looser handcuffs lead to where we are- a major recession and growth of only a small minority of people. I've seen no evidence, probably cause there is none, to say other wise.
Screw GDP it doesn't show anything. It takes into account too much random stuff that alter the true results big time. Things like more crime = hiring cops, judges, lawyers, jail police, people to build there police cars, people to sell the cars, people to build all the buildings to house these people and cars, etc. The best thing to stimulate the economy is steal something. Look at all the jobs it creates.
Looser handcuffs are still handcuffs, and bailing out your cronies sets them free to commit more crimes against the common man.
Screw GDP it doesn't show anything. It takes into account too much random stuff that alter the true results big time. Things like more crime = hiring cops, judges, lawyers, jail police, people to build there police cars, people to sell the cars, people to build all the buildings to house these people and cars, etc. The best thing to stimulate the economy is steal something. Look at all the jobs it creates.
:lol: This. 👍 The real problem is that the government is so stupid it thinks it can stop the consistent flow of drugs throughout all the states. They continue to waste millions of dollars to stop something that can't be stopped...:ouch:
:lol: This. 👍 The real problem is that the government is so stupid it thinks it can stop the consistent flow of drugs throughout all the states. They continue to waste millions of dollars to stop something that can't be stopped...:ouch:

In the future, we'll probably look back on the war on drugs in the same way we look back on prohibition today.
Does your bicycle have training wheels? The first time they wiggled loose daddy tightened them up, you still don't care to experience your potentials. Also, not going to address Obama's allience with crooked cronie capitalist bankers?

I'm afraid you will never undertand liberty out of fear, or complacency. :(