Obama Presidency Discussion Thread

How would you vote in the 2008 US Presidential Election?

  • Obama-Biden (Democrat)

    Votes: 67 59.3%
  • McCain-Palin (Republican)

    Votes: 18 15.9%
  • Barr-Root (Libertarian)

    Votes: 14 12.4%
  • Nader-Gonzales (Independent-Ecology Party / Peace and Freedom Party)

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • McKinney-Clemente (Green)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Baldwin-Castle (Constitution)

    Votes: 7 6.2%
  • Gurney-? (Car & Driver)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ok fine, stick to your outdated document,
Outdated? Please, read it and tell me how it is outdated. It lays the foundations for what the legal powers and limits of the federal government are. Knowing that other things would come along in the future it stipulates that anything not explicitly covered is delegated to the states. It was designed with future changes in mind.

see how closely the country is currently being run to the constitution.
Yes, I know. It is the nature of governments to erode the rights of its citizens. Why is the argument that the Constitution has been violated a valid excuse for doing it more to anyone? If I kill one man, that doesn't mean I might as well massacre a crowd. That argument can be used to allow freedom of speech to be eroded. That kind of mindset can easily lead to things like removal of gun ownership, censoring of the Internet, warrant-less wire taps, so on and so forth.

Also public education and healthcare would equal general welfare wouldn't they, since they're offered to everyone (but the richer may choose/be encouraged to use private forms of it).
Public education is not a right, it is a mandate. It removes the parent's ability to raise their own children as they see fit. Even home schooling requires following a specific program. On top of all that, as public education is not a power granted to the federal government by the Constitution it is solely the responsibility of the state. Before public education was required there was nothing to prevent a child from receiving an education outside of their parents. Some children went to school, some didn't. They had a choice as to whether they wanted a formal education or whether they wanted to just learn a trade within their family. They no longer have that choice.

As Danoff pointed out regarding healthcare, it requires forcing others to provide the service.
One of my friends just sent me a long, drawn out text message explaining how Obama is the supposed anti-Christ and had all these religious Bible reasons and whatnot explaining it. I said "I like to rely on facts the best I can to make my decision. But you're right--he is the devil." :lol:
If Obama becomes president, I'll bet he'll also be the next American Idol.
💡 Ha... that's nice, but creat it WHERE. No thanks.
WHERE is Obama going to get the money to cut taxes and increase elsewhere? No thanks.

Surely you're not in favor of his tax cuts *ahem*, I mean, wealth distribution?
Today has been bone-dry boring up here, which is very disappointing. I was hoping for at least one last good argument in one of my politics classes, but I received no such treat. I know my last class of the day is overflowing with Obama supporters, so that won't mean much other than having everyone discuss the Results Party for tomorrow.

Perhaps McCain should have let Palin have her little campaign in Michigan, maybe it would have kept things interesting?
I can't seem to remember the thread and/or find where we were talking about political compass charts, but, I saw this on NolanChart and thought it was pretty funny and revealing.

Jeez, if that's the best you can do, you might as well give it up... honestly, is there nothing better to do than to pick up on something as pathetically trivial and juvenile as that? :rolleyes:

In other news, I've been invited to a friend's place to watch the election results... my mate is from Texas and has a giant projector screen in his room - could be an interesting night, although I am inclined to go to my bed early so I can get up early Wednesday and watch the important results instead...

...either way, I love watching election programmes for some bizarre reason...
I await your posts. I'll even give you an extra week or two.

I would love to post all the things dumb comments Palin has said, and there are plenty of them to come by. But seeing as most people here are radical conservatives I would rather not get ganged banged.
I would love to post all the things dumb comments Palin has said, and there are plenty of them to come by. But seeing as most people here are radical conservatives I would rather not get ganged banged.

Which is why Obama is winning handily in this thread's poll?
Jeez, if that's the best you can do, you might as well give it up... honestly, is there nothing better to do than to pick up on something as pathetically trivial and juvenile as that? :rolleyes:

Maybe we need gigantic [/JOKE] tags from now on. If it was serious, I would definitely let you know about it.
I think it looked as though Obama was trying to be genuine, but was unexpectedly disappointed by his supporters' idiocy.
Well the radical conservatives here are the most vocal in this thread.

*Conservative. The rest of us are "L"s or "l"s.

Maybe we need gigantic [/JOKE] tags from now on. If it was serious, I would definitely let you know about it.

Well, it's a little hard to tell.
But seeing as most people here are radical conservatives I would rather not get ganged banged.
No, most people are smart enough to not fall over themselves whenever Obama says something related to hope and/or change. Just because people aren't blindly following Obama as seemingly so many others are doesn't mean most of the membership is "radical conservatives."
Obama, simply because he's not as W as McCain. I'm not into politics and I'm not American so I don't have a clue of wich one of them would be the best president. But I have a feeling that Obama is way smarter, want's peace in the world more and is more just than McCain. McCain looks like an evil ***hole who just want to have power and start a war as a weekend pleasure. But this is just what pops up in my mind...
Obama, simply because he's not as W as McCain. I'm not into politics and I'm not American so I don't have a clue of wich one of them would be the best president. But I have a feeling that Obama is way smarter, want's peace in the world more and is more just than McCain. McCain looks like an evil ***hole who just want to have power and start a war as a weekend pleasure. But this is just what pops up in my mind...

You know nothing about either candidate, yet you think Obama is just and smart and McCain wants to start a war as a weekend pleasure? What gives you that impression?
No, most people are smart enough to not fall over themselves whenever Obama says something related to hope and/or change. Just because people aren't blindly following Obama as seemingly so many others are doesn't mean most of the membership is "radical conservatives."

I take it that I must be one of the "blind followers" then? Both candidates have made good and bad points throughout the election, but what it comes down to is which you believe will be best for not only you, but the country as well. Yes, there are a lot of people (ON BOTH SIDES) who are supporting the various candidates for obvious and terrible reasons, however, it seems that those who are vocal here form a fairly wide canvas. There are some here who support Obama (such as myself), there are others who are plainly in support of McCain, and then there are the rest of you who are just angry at everyone (har har).

If anything, we've had good discussions on both sides, and truth be told, I don't think anyone should have to fear an attack for what they believe. Problem is, I'd just wish they'd work a little harder at making their statements a bit more concise and with good reason.
I didn't think Obama kinda maybe sorta flipping the bird would be taken seriously. At least, not from me.

How about Joe the Thumber? ;)

Obama, simply because he's not as W as McCain. I'm not into politics and I'm not American so I don't have a clue of wich one of them would be the best president. But I have a feeling that Obama is way smarter, want's peace in the world more and is more just than McCain. McCain looks like an evil ***hole who just want to have power and start a war as a weekend pleasure. But this is just what pops up in my mind...

Obama wants peace in the world? Lol, that's a good one. You are a textbook example of the following:

Justin Raimondo
Every time I write about Barack Obama I get a lot of letters, and the most typical goes something like this:

Dear Justin,

I read your column regularly, and generally agree with what you have to say, but I think you've got Barack Obama all wrong. Yes, I know, he went before AIPAC and kowtowed; he pledged to do "anything – and I mean anything" to stop Iran's nuclear program. He acts "tough" and says he's going to invade Pakistan; he gets in Russia's face. But that's all a show: you see, he has to do this stuff or else he won't get elected. Once he's safely in office, he'll do the right thing.

John Q. Reader

This is an amalgam, but true to the spirit of the many pro-Obama missives I've received. They express a sentiment that is very widespread, so much so that it doesn't seem to matter, much, what Obama says he's going to do, because, in any case, his fans and supporters will simply insist on projecting their own hopes, desires, and views onto him. This, by the way, is a feature of most all successful populist insurgent candidates: they are blank slates merely waiting to be written on by anxious voters, who know only that they are sick of what is, and pine for what ought to be.
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I take it that I must be one of the "blind followers" then?
No, because you have acknowledged that Obama does has foibles in his plans. You clearly have a greater understanding of things than many of the hardcore Obama supporters that I have seen.
Ergo, not a blind follower.
Maybe we need gigantic [/JOKE] tags from now on. If it was serious, I would definitely let you know about it.

Ok, fair enough :P

Where are you guys watching the results? I'm planning to stick to the BBC coverage, which is usually excellent... I'm physically going to watch the early stages round at a friends' place, but will no doubt miss all the important action... my workmate is from Tennessee but is registered to vote in Alabama, and has already voted for Obama (GTP exit poll: Obama 1 McCain 0 :D ), and she said she might be watching the results as they come in... and I think my boss will be sympathetic if some of us turn up later tomorrow (i.e. lunchtime!)

In other news, my mate Bill who is hosting an election party tonight has dubbed it "The End Of The World Party", just in case Sarah Palin is elected VP...

I told him that I thought Palin would actually be a good thing for world politics...