I made my choice .
John McCain
I think Obama is a well spoken , thoughtfull person . he has his system of beliefs and has not lied about what he will do .
IF anyone listens--and gets past the " words' , Its what he would do and how he would run his presidency , that has made me choose the other Option.
Sorry to hear you got sucked into the dichotomy. I know I can't change your vote, but I want to make a final response before I go off to the polls and tomorrow comes.
I do NOT want higher taxes on the RICH as I do not believe in class warfare , and since I never have seen a poor person create jobs --Mr Obama's plan to tax the evil rich = Disaster in an already shaky economy.
Guess who also wants a third of their income? His name is John.
he is a true believer is BIG government--I am not , although I realise that government is needed to step in in emergencies--it is NOT there to make your choices.
Mr Obama is just much too far to the left --although on most Social policy I may be with him --on some he makes me look like a right wing loon.
On the issue that has bothered me..
The guy lies better than Bill ---he lied about his associations .
now I understand that you have to , as his REV said " say what you have to say --and do what you need to do " to become president .
But this guy was raised in a radical left wing enviroment and has ALWAYS voted and advanced this adgenda --he makes NO excuses for it in his policy statements --and SAYS he will do thing consistent with these beliefs--again " listen to what he says" ..but he advoids his past like the plague ..because most Americans are centrist or moderate conservatives. I undrstand he has to be careful not to be demonized..
And McCain isn't/doesn't/won't?
Look at what they did to McCain in 2000 . its understandable --but it took the gloss off him ( Obama), and made him into a packaged for sale , soundbite ...I am reluctant to buy .
He has NO experiance ...sorry I don't buy into he doesn't need it .
I have one guy ready to lead from day one and another with needs for on the job training .
our world is not in good enough shape for on the job training --give this guy 4 years of actual Work in office --and maybe he won't be such a cypher..he needs a record to run on .
Neither John nor Barack needs any on the job training. They're both masters of fallacies.
I reconize a very important FACT ...if it wasn't for George Bush and nutso republicans and the economy ( something BOTH parties need to answer for ) Mr Obama would be a footnote .
Charisma and great speeches do not make a good president .
Harry Truman ?
Jimmy Carter is about as close a president as I can compare Mr Obama to .
Obama and his foriegn policy = hold on tight ...the guy is scary .
I do not wish my President to be scary naive about the world ..I do not wish to be a member of the world first and the USA second .
Gotta agree with you there.
Why McCain ?
despite the fact he chose Gov Palin , I believe a move to placate right wing base ..but she is NOT experianced enough to be President --she can grow into it ..but pray for the guys good genes .. I feel he offers common sense Tax policy and I do not fear he will have us in a war --Mr Obama invites trouble --while This good Old guy has seen trouble and beat it senseless .
There is just NO comparison between the two as to foriegn policy experiance.
Yeah, Palin can't hold a candle to John or Barack. She couldn't even BS Katie Couric. As for war and trouble, I have a feeling we're either in for a Zbig surprise or a ... Lieberman something or other.
McCains a moderate republican . he is a centrist and I can believe what he says.
he said he would not take private campaign finace and stuck to his word.
That's supposed to be a good thing?
Obama Lied .
he says he will work with democrats and bring us together --and THIS is MOST important to me --that we become Americans again not reds and blues .
He has DONE this and often --Obama has NOT .
Reds and Blues? As Nixon might say, we're all Pinks now.
The guys whole life almost has been one of dedication to his country .
I think he will make the best president at this time .
Despite the fact , that in the short time Obama may put some money in MY pocket and if I was to vote MY OWN BEST INTEREST --short term its maybe Obama ..
But I have to leave the world to my children--and in the long term Obama is NOT right for America his type of change we do not need .
Right, let's choose the
good statist.
I hope I made some sense to you.
I don't even want to touch socialized heath care ...
I will howerver leave with a very important consideration.
checks and balances---we can't have all three parts of our government in control of one party .
Its always been a disaster for us --republican or democrat.
Actually, it seems like we can't even have them controlled by two parties.
if Obama is elected --I fear there will NOT be another democrat elected for another 40 years ..and the pendulum will swing to the far RIGHT .. as a reaction to the Government policies he promises..this is NOT good for our country .
look at our history for precident .
Go Vote ..its time for change.
You say that like it's a bad thing. I've said it before, but the best thing that could come of an Obama victory is a total restructuring of the "right", rebuilt in the image of liberty. Somebody pinch me.