Obama Presidency Discussion Thread

How would you vote in the 2008 US Presidential Election?

  • Obama-Biden (Democrat)

    Votes: 67 59.3%
  • McCain-Palin (Republican)

    Votes: 18 15.9%
  • Barr-Root (Libertarian)

    Votes: 14 12.4%
  • Nader-Gonzales (Independent-Ecology Party / Peace and Freedom Party)

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • McKinney-Clemente (Green)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Baldwin-Castle (Constitution)

    Votes: 7 6.2%
  • Gurney-? (Car & Driver)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I was up a little early for me on a Tuesday and went out to vote around 11AM. My polling place was busier than the other times I have voted (2006/Governor, 2008/GOP Primary), but otherwise things moved along pretty easily. The only hangup was waiting in line to get my little card thing, to verify me on the voter list, there were some immigrant citizens who didn't speak English very well and had to have a lot of help from some of the poll workers.

Other than that, once I received my ballot, I took immediate notice of how young the poll workers were. I'd say about a quarter of them were under 25, which was surprising. A lot of the voters were pretty young as well, there were several of us in my age group while I was there (no more than five while I was there), a lot of stay-at-home Moms, and a few elderly folks wheeling around. It was a pretty easy process though, but there was more on the ballot than I remember there being. It seems fairly obvious who I voted for in the "big race," but everything else was pretty much a split ticket. The GOP candidates received a few more votes than the Democrats, who were about even with my Libertarian votes.

This year was also the first time my brother has been able to vote in any election, and I was very proud of how excited he was to vote no matter what his choices were. My Mom was very excited as well, as this was the first time in a long time that she had been truly engaged throughout the cycle for most of these issues.

Driving around town today, I was very surprised by the turnout at other polling places as well. A few of the polls out in the "sticks" by my Dad and Grandparents ran out of parking, and lines were pretty much out the door around 6PM. We've still got a little more than an hour to vote, I believe, so I'm still hoping for a strong turnout.

Where are you guys watching the results?

I'll be watching coverage presumably on MSNBC, CNN & ABC. I'll be dropping by Aquinas College as well for an election party later this evening, but I have no idea what they'll be watching it from.
I just walked right in and walked right out about 10 minutes ago. It was busier earlier in the day, as everyone had the same idea to get there early so they didn't wait in line. Kind of like all the people who voted early, and yesterday in particular there were people waiting 10 hours in Dayton and Cincinnati. Ridiculous.

On Ohio issues, I voted against issue 5 which would modify the state constitution to make running a payday lending business (Check 'n Go, etc.) nearly impossible. Seriously, the goal was to put them all out of business because they're interest rated supposedly are hurting too many of their customers pocket books. What a load of malarky. Classic case of the government answering a question nobody asked.

Also, I voted for issue 6 which would modify the constitution to allow casinos to operate in Ohio. Seeing how many of us drive hours to go to Indiana and Kentucky, especially, to gamble the decision is a no-brainer. Their high tax rate will be distributed by population among all Ohio's counties. And it will employ over 5000 people in itself, not to mention the residual development that will form in the area.
:lol: Noticed that too... and hey, they both went into the final stages of the competition with a seven point lead ;)

Two states in already - Kentucky (8) to McCain and Vermont (3) to Obama...

Indiana will be the first big test, but expected McCain to hold (but is too close to call)
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Why is this poll closed? It's freakin' election day!

I wrote in Ron Paul (what the hell), and voted for slots in MD.
Foxnews.com has a very nice electoral map that updates on the fly. McCain leads in both electoral and popular.
Why is this poll closed? It's freakin' election day!

I wrote in Ron Paul (what the hell), and voted for slots in MD.

Ah well, don't worry... these votes don't count :P

Foxnews.com has a very nice electoral map that updates on the fly. McCain leads in both electoral and popular.

I'm using Real Clear Politics which gives you a number of different polls, including Fox...


Ohio has closed... RCP has it leaning to Obama, but it's too close to call... might have to wait for a bit...
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That's very useful 👍

I see if you roll over the states, you see the precincts as they come in...

Big news from that... check out Florida... it looks like it's going to Obama... (although it is too early to say yet)
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I don't know how they're getting it, but their sources are RCP and AP.

Fox News is calling West Virgina for McCain. 13 to 3, McCain.

Fox News is also calling South Carolina for McCain, but I don't see the numbers yet. 21 to 3, McCain.

The Liberal East Coast states are counted, finally. Obama up 77... Texas and Georgia should even that out.

Tennessee, Kentucky, and Oklahoma go to McCain.
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BBC/ABC have called South Carolina (8) for McCain...

and Pennsylvania (21) goes to Obama... big blow for McCain...

No gains for anyone yet, though...

Obama 103 McCain 34
after 14 states called...

edit: Yahoo dashboard has stopped working :( Too many people most likely!!!
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Ok, from a kid in the Uk who followed slightly is now watching BBC and can see 34 - 103. Any big score states McCain is expected to get/ has a chance of getting that could overturn this lead?
5 dollars that Obama gets Florida :D

And here's a laugh... Obama leading in... TEXAS!


Ok, from a kid in the Uk who followed slightly is now watching BBC and can see 34 - 103. Any big score states McCain is expected to get/ has a chance of getting that could overturn this lead?
Remember that the two biggest solid Democratic states, California and New York, carry 88 votes between them, guaranteed for Obama...
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BBC map is still updating, but it's not perfect either... most other sites are down. Pah, call this the 21st Century...? The "official" total is coming direct from the BBC TV coverage, which is affiliated to the ABC network in the US.
No political indications so don't read into it, this just gave me a chuckle.


Holy crap, the irony:scared: You just gave me an idea...

Edit: 1 down, one to go:D
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Quote of the Night #1:

"Sarah Palin had to fly a long way home to cast her vote"
"...Almost to Russia, infact!"

More that 1/3rd of the votes counted in Florida and Obama is leading 52% to 47%... Ohio is also looking bad for McCain either...
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Obama 171 McCain 61

No massive shocks yet...

edit: Fox have called Ohio for Obama... that's a massive one :scared:

edit2: Fox have now called New Mexico for Obama too... that's two gains for Obama, a net swing of 50 Electoral Votes...

They think it's all over....
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Oh this seems to be getting interesting!

Am I the first to notice the poll question says 'How would you vote in the 2008 US Presidential Election?'?
I wouldn't call it just yet, there is still quite a bit more to go and a couple more big states. I'm still puzzled how if Michigan is in two time zones they can call the election, actually I'm more puzzled how they can call anything without looking at all the votes. I know it's all based on stats and polling and what not, but it always seems like counting chickens and what not.

**Oh and I love how one of the sponsors of CNN's coverage is Hyundai. One of America's most important events and a Korean company is helping bring the coverage to millions of people. That surprises me a little, it seems like GM or Ford would be all over that trying to boost their American image....oh wait, they're broke.
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Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Iowa, New Mexico and even Arizona are all looking like they could fall to Obama...

BBC have now called Ohio for Obama, which is enough on its own to take Obama beyond 270...
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