Obama Presidency Discussion Thread

How would you vote in the 2008 US Presidential Election?

  • Obama-Biden (Democrat)

    Votes: 67 59.3%
  • McCain-Palin (Republican)

    Votes: 18 15.9%
  • Barr-Root (Libertarian)

    Votes: 14 12.4%
  • Nader-Gonzales (Independent-Ecology Party / Peace and Freedom Party)

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • McKinney-Clemente (Green)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Baldwin-Castle (Constitution)

    Votes: 7 6.2%
  • Gurney-? (Car & Driver)

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Obama's speech this afternoon was otherwise uneventful. His new economic team seems decent, but I think the key discussion was on his Stimulus Plan. Obama made sure to remind us that solid figures aren't being discussed yet, but more or less that the main goal of the plan would be to create 2.5 Million jobs... Something, it seems, he wishes to do with increased government spending on public works.
"If the sole key to the economy were jobs then we would just pay people to dig holes and fill them back in."

Sounds like Obama thought that was meant as a suggestion.

Of course, when you intend to further confuse the tax system, and create many more government services and departments you will need 2.5 million people just to file all the paperwork.

My pick for Secretary of State, Bill Richardson, is going to end up being Commerce Secretary. I think hes a great guy, I just wish he would have been given the better job (of the two).
We have to repay Hillary for stepping aside gracefully, and not creating an ugly split in the party, somehow.

I'd prefer cutting a one-time check over creating long-term dependence on government spending.
While I don't like any of it I figure if they are going to put the government further in to debt the least they could do is give me back some of the money they took so I can use it wisely.

The best option, of course, would be to balance the budget and let the market work like the free market they claim we have.
While I don't like any of it I figure if they are going to put the government further in to debt the least they could do is give me back some of the money they took so I can use it wisely.

I assume you're talking about stimulus checks - in which case that might work for some, but I don't see a dime back.

Everything's different now! Bush would never have thought of giving away $700 Billion of taxpayer productivity... uh... again. It's only now that we've got Obama that we can get real change.

There's nothing to report on Obama since he hasn't taken office yet. Unless your report is due in '09 I say leave him out.

Yeah. He's not a President until he's sworn in.
I would say include him depending on what your topic is, which you failed to give us. Yes he is the president elect, which means come January he will be the president. Love him or hate him, what his elected status means is quite important to a country which only 50 or so years ago was still quite segregated and still is in many parts...the Detroit area being one of them. There is also a profound affect on the USA's perception in the rest of the world with the election of Obama.

So depending on what angle you are taking with the paper and what topic you are choosing to explore I would say Obama could fit in. If you are looking at past presidents then no, a newly elected president would probably not work to well.
I would say include him depending on what your topic is, which you failed to give us. Yes he is the president elect, which means come January he will be the president.

Yes, but we are not 100% sure that he will be the president in January.
Saw Larry King Live during dinner. They showed the interview with Bush, the question was what were you not prepared for? Bush replied the war. What?! bwahahahaha! you mean because it didn't go the way you wanted? you FAIL you are a FAIL? yeah...
Saw Larry King Live during dinner. They showed the interview with Bush, the question was what were you not prepared for? Bush replied the war. What?! bwahahahaha! you mean because it didn't go the way you wanted? you FAIL you are a FAIL? yeah...
I don't understand your point. But I do believe that you are fully prepared to deal with an unforeseen terrorist attack that will immediately change the world in ways unknown.
So depending on what angle you are taking with the paper and what topic you are choosing to explore I would say Obama could fit in. If you are looking at past presidents then no, a newly elected president would probably not work to well.

It'd really only be necessary if you're focusing mainly on Clinton and Bush II, speaking in the way in which the political climate has changed in the past 15 years. The only other thing I could think of in mentioning the Presidential-Elect would be in a discussion of the long-term effects of Roosevelt's New Deal, but until he is in office, its hard to say what exactly would be discussed.

I've already written roughly a quarter of a paper on Obama, but that was in a discussion about election politics and the effect that the internet has on it. Truth be told, I spent more time talking about Ron Paul's effort than Obama's... But thats a long story that is otherwise not important.

Moar Cabinet Picks Today...

Its not much more than I had expected, so I'm not overly positive or negative on the choices. If anything, it should represent an interesting dynamic with those voices being generally to the right of Obama, but I'm not expecting Kennedy-esque fights in the Cabinet room either. Although it would presumably be a wonderful experience to sit in on one of the meetings sometime in the near-future.
What do you want the President to say? That he's glad people have lost their jobs? Same with the Larry King interview. Unless he has a magic crystal ball and a DeLorean, no president is prepared a war.
Its what the article said when I read it, I didn't expect him to be prepared for war. No one is.
The full quote is:

"I'm sorry it's happening, of course," Bush said in a wide-ranging interview with ABC's "World News," which was airing Monday. "Obviously I don't like the idea of people losing jobs, or being worried about their 401(k)s. On the other hand, the American people got to know that we will safeguard the system. I mean, we're in. And if we need to be in more, we will."
Sure that wasn't gotta...
Even if that is how he said it, that is not how you do a professional transcript. Even if it sounds like gotta he is saying got to. What sounds like nucular is still nuclear. The only time you transcribe poor pronunciation is when it is a proper noun (saying Mick instead of Mike) and then you have to put a (sic) at the end of the word.

It's a good thing he's not gonna be in much longer then...
Don't worry, Obama will just get us in deeper.
The full quote is:

"I'm sorry it's happening, of course," Bush said in a wide-ranging interview with ABC's "World News," which was airing Monday. "Obviously I don't like the idea of people losing jobs, or being worried about their 401(k)s. On the other hand, the American people got to know that we will safeguard the system. I mean, we're in. And if we need to be in more, we will."

That quote scares the crap out of me.

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