Obtaining Better B-Spec Stats ??

  • Thread starter LivingSoul
I copied the following information from an interesting thread found at GameFaqs. Threads on GameFaqs can only go to 500 posts, then they become locked, and are soon are purged. I thought that I should post some of it here for the sake of posterity.

Most of the following information was translated from a Japanese website and presented by two GameFaqs users: itazura_da (gs) and toga1976. Please note that the author of the Japanese site presents these ideas as theories and doesn't claim to have definitive answers...

1. Maxing out points (overall, machine, course, battle) can be accomplished using just one car from each of four "classes". These classes are referred to as A, B, C ,and D and seem to correspond, respectively, to normal, tuned, race, and special cars. The classes are further divided into A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, and D2. I'm not sure how these "classes" are determined or confirmed (that point doesn't seem to get much attention on the Japanese site), but the author has a table showing the classes to which each car belongs. Tuning a car can change its class designation. Setting opposing car strength to -2 through -10 not only permits managing the race for gradual/steady passing (ensuring high battle points), it also allows you to conduct much of the race in "slow down" or "cruise" mode, which in turn ensures high course points by keeping your driver on the track.

2. The author provides tables showing which cars, tunings, tracks, opponent levels, etc. he used in order to max out B-spec scores using only family cup races ( http://www.geocities.jp/j8ba7yrg/gt4/7_10000.html ). There are two tables -- the first details the first 7000 points (100 machine, 70 course, 70 battle), and the second details the remaining 3000 points.

3. Achieving the first 7000 points can be done using only four cars on the Nurburgring. However, the cars need to be tuned in various ways to cover all of the A-D "subclasses". The cars used by the author of the site are listed below (my apologies if these model names do not correspond exactly with the English designations...Im just translating without referring to an English language list):

A-1: Volkswagen Lupo 1.4 '02, default;

A-2: Mazda Roadster 1800 RS (NB) '04, default

B-1: Mazda Roadster 1800 RS (NB) '04, default + supercharger

B-2: Mazda Roadster 1800 RS (NB) '04, default + stage 3 turbo

C-1: Toyota RSC Rally Raid '02, default

C-2: Toyota RSC Rally Raid '02, default + medium racing tires

D-1: Nissan Fairlady Z Concept LM Race Car '02, default

D-2: Nissan Fairlady Z Concept LM Race Car '02, default + stage 3 turbo

As Toga rightly clarified earlier, the author of the Japanese page still considers all of this a work in progress, and IS NOT trying to say that these are the ONLY cars that can be used, or that this is the only combination or order of races. He has concluded, however, that better results are obtained if you start racing with the A-1 cars and work your way up to the D-2 cars when running the Nurburgring races.

He also proposes some more detailed theories about point breakdowns. For instance, he speculates on this page ( http://www.geocities.jp/j8ba7yrg/gt4/10000_3.html ) , based on his test results, that the initial 7000 points are broken down as follows: 586 points for class A-1 cars, 737 points for class A-2, 901 points for class B-1, 1077 each for classes B-2 and C-1, 983 points for class C-2, 878 points for class D-1, and 761 points for class D-2. The remaining 3000 points, he speculates, are divided evenly (750 points each) between car classes A, B, C and D. He further suggests that the first 7000 points impact machine skill, course skill, and battle skill, and that attaining 7000 points should yield machine, course, and battle skills of 100, 70 and 70, respectively. The final 3,000 points impact only course and battle skills.

4. The remaining 3000 points require races at the remaining tracks using the same four cars, with no need to alter tunings to achieve different "subclasses". For the final 3000 points, the author uses:

A: VW Lupo 1.4 '02, default + medium racing tires

B: Mazda Roadster 1800 RS (NB) '04, default + supercharger + medium racing tires

C: Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car '02, default + medium racing tires

D: Nissan Fairlady Z Concept LM Race Car '02, default

5. As for strategy, the key point is this: you need to focus on battle points, the other points will come just by running the tracks with the different cars. For each of the "final 3000 point" races, it should be possible to obtain approximately 13 B-SPEC points, of which (the author speculates) 4 are battle points and 9 are course points. Actually, on another page, he speculates in more detail that the final 3000 points are broken down into 750 points per car category (A-D), spread out over 58 courses, such that each course yields 12.93103... points. He speculates that course points are doled out at 8.620 points per track and battle points at 4.310 points per track. Gaining the full battle points for each race is the big obstactle, and the author did some testing and concluded that the key is to NOT PASS THE OPPOSITION TOO QUICKLY or finish the race with TOO BIG A LEAD.

6. That last point requires its own bullet! The author did some testing and found that passing too many opposing cars in roughly the first 12 seconds of a race can reduce battle points awarded. So he adopted a strategy of downgrading the opponent level to a point where the B-Spec driver can be paced in "slow down" mode to lag back and not pass until at least about 13 seconds into the race (or at Nurburging, before the first hairpin), then not run away from the competition. As a result, in all of the races shown in his tables, the opposition skill level has been set at between -2 and -10. He points out that strategies for pacing will vary depending upon whether the race has a grid or rolling start. and will also be impacted by the length of the course. But in any case, the key is to try to hold back, then pass at least a few cars, finishing either in first or in some other position without a large gap between B-Spec driver and opposing cars.

Using the above approach, the author reached 10,000 100, 100, 100 in only 267 races (and actually WINNING all of the family cups, for good measure, although winning them is not necessary).

Only time will tell who the first GTPlaneter to get to 10,000/100/100/100 will be.
My B-spec has 8500+ points, 95 machine skill, 84 course skill and 85 battle skill. I've found out that skills tend to rocket when you use an equal or lesser car. Don't just by a car and soup it up, let him drive 'em stock first. Endurances don't give much points, if any.

A tad on the side: What is the point in having a 100% winning record when you restart your PS2 every time you loose? It looks cool on your stats? Whom are you fooling, but your self? (Especially since you broadcast your "technique" all over GTplanet) Both me and my B-spec have lost our fair share of races. I can't get 100%, but then again I couldn't care less. I want the game to reflect all off my winnings and losses.

l'm starting to like my B-spec... :)


1: Read my post again, i was reffering to the 'Training of the B_Spec Driver' only, if i loose a race then so be it, it's going to happen i know. Don't forget i'm only up to 15.7% complete so far. I've worked bloody hard to win all my races so far, i can go tuning and practicing for as much as a couple of hours, before a race or series.

2: So if i'm training 'Mr B_Spec' and he looses, then why should MY win ratio take the hit? We are two different drivers, i'm 'A' and he is 'B', get it?

3: The whole point of GTPlanet forums is: to broadcast our techniques, is it not?

4: It looks like i might have been onto something using the 'Familiy Cup' races as an initial B_Spec training ground, after all.

Oh well, *checks his sig.*, what do i know?

BTW: Great post Tig, and thanks for the info.


to answer a early question the max number of a-spec points is

112900 A-Spec points

522 Races at 200 points max
34 Missions at 250 points

hope that answers the question

👍 deadboy1975

and BTW takin you B-spec to the famile cups works .. i did it in a 106 rally, and after running all normal tracks at the city course, i had jumped from 9200 to 9480, and my battle skill jumped from 89 to 92
to answer a early question the max number of a-spec points is

112900 A-Spec points

522 Races at 200 points max
34 Missions at 250 points

hope that answers the question


so that's the greatest challenge in this game: to achieve 112900 apec points!
hey all,

i just got european and im doing all races on bspec because i had japanese but it was a pain.. i dont know japanese :(

anyway, i have seen that if you try to do races fairly, those hard races which you MUST tune your car to beat with bspec, those races do GIVE points... you driver improves level by level...
i did the enduro and he does improve, on those BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIGGG lap enduro, i saw my driver upgrading alot after the 230-250 lap enduro on the 24h nurbie... but then i quit! im on european, il finish and start usa version.. NTSC!! im a gt diehard fan yet it does take a while lol.

anyway, try all cars, from mr to fr to ff... this improves his abilty of racing as its different engines. try NA to Turbo to touring cars, this changes his driving style, awarness and engine as well as driving technique...
my driver was very good with more turbo - GT cars than NA cars.. i didnt use NA alot... but then i did small tiny low HP races, EG 2cv AND others,
the midget and so on.. those help him in understanding and all that, a bit complex for me to explain but you should catch my drift....

anyway, your bspec driver is a total 'Noob' :P at first but he learns.. just like you:) yet he has no feelings lol

Keep Trying and he wil get better!
so that's the greatest challenge in this game: to achieve 112900 apec points!

and believe it or not that's what I'm aiming for

over 14,000 a-spec points and I still haven't finished the begineers section (this is going to take months and months)
I decided to start a 2nd game (seperate memory card) devoted to my B-spec driver and his training has begun. I've read alot of good information on here as to how to train him/her on doing so, and will continue to try and follow these guidelines to see how well he does.
After 83% of gt4 done, my Bspec driver hit a stat wall. Only the enduros and extreme hall is left that can be bspec'd. But, using the japanese web site's advice, my b-specer went from 76XX to 92XX and 90+ stats in just 50 family cup races. I don't think you can get all of the car and track combinations necessary for 10000pts unless you do family cup races.
I found out runnin slower races bump the stats up. I was racing the Lupo Cup (I think) and before that I had 6327 with 60/55/51, but after that championship, I had 6436 with 71/66/64
so that's the greatest challenge in this game: to achieve 112900 apec points!

I think this is impossiable. there are some one-make races where you cannot get 200 a-spec points. Even if you get dirtl oil and an old car to lower hp, get the economy tires and add all the ballast. So with no way of getting 200 on some races it will be very hard to tell the real max. You would have to test each one-make race and add it up.
112900 A-Spec points
522 Races at 200 points max
34 Missions at 250 points

Its actually 113,100 - there is an additional 200 points for the Family Cup

I think this is impossiable. there are some one-make races where you cannot get 200 a-spec points. Even if you get dirtl oil and an old car to lower hp, get the economy tires and add all the ballast. So with no way of getting 200 on some races it will be very hard to tell the real max. You would have to test each one-make race and add it up.

The Subaru 360 race would fall into this category. I managed 75 points in this race and that is probably all I will get. IMHO anyone who can win this race on N1s with in an old car with dirty oil and an extra 200kg (and only drivetrain/suspension/brake upgrades) is a GT master and need do nothing more to prove their driving prowess.
Its actually 113,100 - there is an additional 200 points for the Family Cup

The Subaru 360 race would fall into this category. I managed 75 points in this race and that is probably all I will get. IMHO anyone who can win this race on N1s with in an old car with dirty oil and an extra 200kg (and only drivetrain/suspension/brake upgrades) is a GT master and need do nothing more to prove their driving prowess.

doesn't the family cup take place on each track so wouldn't it be 200 * no of tracks for the family cup ???

the number of races came from Famine's list (which I should have credited him with)

I'll try the 360 race, (can you buy the 360 or do you have to win it)

I'm currently getting 200 points with the midget with S2's, 170 kgs of ballast, clean oil, but no other mods.
For those who a stuck, my stats have just made a big leap forward : I raced a barely modified Lupo (mainly drivetrain upgrades) on the Nurburgring (family cup), and there I go :

8151 -> 8504
90 -> 98
80 -> 84
82 -> 84

hope it helps.
Yes, after extensive research, we (on the gamefaqs board) all agreed that the JP method was the best.
I got to 100/100/98.
Did you get all 10000 bspec points, it seems like the JP writer assumes that the skill level (battle/machine/course) has a set number of points. As I approach the 10k mark, my battle skill is a little behind. It would be odd if you max out the points and not the skills.
I find the b-spec driver to have 0 idea when it comes to overtaking another car.
he constantly runs up the other cars arse, and bumps into them when "trying" to overtake.

Has anyone else found the B-spec drivers overtaking ability to be far from exceptable ?
I find the b-spec driver to have 0 idea when it comes to overtaking another car.
he constantly runs up the other cars arse, and bumps into them when "trying" to overtake.

Has anyone else found the B-spec drivers overtaking ability to be far from exceptable ?

My B-spec AI has 7446 pt. On standing starts, it kisses the bumper in front of it. When overtake on the straights. It trys on the outside line to past. It also does that sometimes when passing at a corner.
For those who a stuck, my stats have just made a big leap forward : I raced a barely modified Lupo (mainly drivetrain upgrades) on the Nurburgring (family cup), and there I go :

8151 -> 8504
90 -> 98
80 -> 84
82 -> 84

hope it helps.

What number difficulty did u set it at? (Is that what it's called? I can't remember, not at home.) I'm stuck at 96 82 82

damn i am stuck at 9699 - 100 - 96 - 96

any ideas?

make sure you have all of the courses unlocked, it seems like you haven't gotten all the car-class/course combos. Don't forget the 2 (4 with reverse)Motorland courses.
My skills are M96 C82 B82

I'm trying to follow: http://www.geocities.jp/j8ba7yrg/gt4/7_10000.html

Should I start w/ race 1-38 Nurbugring or do I skip to 39-267? Also what does the "G" and "R"s stand for in column 5, races 39-267? In races 1-38, it refers to the car category (A1-D2)

I started out with the Nur races, you might not have run a specific class. I got something like 200+ points by doing those races(even with 8600pts), just run them until you get 0 points a few times in a row.

g=grid start.
r=Rolling start.
make sure you have all of the courses unlocked, it seems like you haven't gotten all the car-class/course combos. Don't forget the 2 (4 with reverse)Motorland courses.

I am pretty sure i have unlooked all tracks, being 94.2% completed - but i probberly have to take a round with all carclasses on all tracks :( again
So far I'm at 3% completion on game 2 (B-spec)
Been doing mostly training on all the Family Cups with all the different drivetrains. I still have yet to do any with an RR but here's my stats so far:


PS......Huge improvement on his driving skills at this point and am hoping he will continue learning well. Although I have to say, he stinks in Hong Kong (I'll keep working on that).
I would like to ask a Bspec question if I may.
When running an endurance race and you start in Bspec and take over a couple of times during pits do you still progress your Bspec stats? I know unless you compete the entire race in Aspec you don't get any Aspec points but was wondering if you do the oposite if you still get Bspec.