Obtaining Better B-Spec Stats ??

  • Thread starter LivingSoul
I just broke the 9900 mark!

the other skills are now 99 each!

The B-spec driver still couldn't pass someone to save his stupid virtual life!

15 more tracks to run... 86 points to go.
When my guy broke 7700, now at 7980, I saw a drastic improvement in his ability. Other scores are 87/76/77. He is now able to run most couses on 4(fast) and many areas on 5(push). There are only a couple of courses that require his speed be reduced to steady.
Btw, does NE1 know how it works??
How do I know when I'm winning points and how much points I'm winning, like in A-Spec mode?
Like, there's not a screen 'saying' "You won xxx B-Spec points" like A-Spec!
Did u get my question?! Õ.o
I'm not so good in english! lol

Just curious, is it possible to lose b-spec points?
No, it isn't! Just like A-Spec, once u get it, u won't loose it! :)👍
Currently my driver is at:
5976 | 74 | 61 | 55

I am just starting the japanese method.
I need to know what is the deal with the difficulty?
What should I have it set at?
What does -4 do? and what does +2 do?
Currently my driver is at:
5976 | 74 | 61 | 55

I am just starting the japanese method.
I need to know what is the deal with the difficulty?
What should I have it set at?
What does -4 do? and what does +2 do?

(-) values means your opponents go slower, (+) -> they go faster. -10 is the slowest, +10 is the fastest.

For battling skill you have to find the value that will keep you in the pack, not speeding away, and not lagging behind.
my bspec is around 5900... here is why

i have lost faith in my bspec driver after he lost in the extreme GT all star race #1 using a minolta. He was leading by quite a margin then i left come back and he finished second(to a benz LMP)....earlier i won using a jaguar(with a ridiculous 5 speed tranny)...

So these days xtreme hall i can only use him after i stack up enough pts to secure a series. i ask him to race the rest of the races which he would lose. thus not getting any points! that is why mine is stuck at 5900!
I'm stuck at 9992 pts., so its either 2 battle sets (2x4) or a track set (9-1) or 8 extra points. I wish I had done an Excel doc on this when I started. I would recommend writing down the points you get on each FC race. Saves you some time at the end.

BTW- the driver still is pretty bad.
To all B-spec managers:

Does your driver rear end EVERY car on EVERY lap? My weak sauce 4924 point driver ignores wide-open invitations to pass with OVERTAKE on; he prefers to smash into who ever is in his way. He is such an embarassment to this team, he should be fired, exiled, banished and shunned. Every driver on the field lines up after every race and beats him into a soggy mist for the senseless, reckless havok he unfolds. *sigh*

Thanks for letting me vent.

[edit] spelling and fuming :)
To all B-spec managers:

Does your driver rear end EVERY car on EVERY lap? My weak sauce 4924 point driver ignores wide-open invitations to pass with OVERTAKE on; he prefers to smash into who ever is in his way.

my 9992 pt. driver is trained in NASCAR passing techniques, he likes to ram people especially when trying to overtake a weaker car, only passes on straights or by banging thru when on "5". I've seen him sand trap cars on the first/last hairpin on autumn ring many times. Also he seems to brake when slipstreaming a car and pulling out to pass, as if to say "wow I was going fast enough to pass this guy, I better slow down before I go by, I might upset the other driver."

it is quite odd and a little dissapointing. I have yelled out loud at the B.S. driver while he was missing one overtake after another. I do have to say that working on my B-spec driver makes me want to A-spec alot more, just to see how much better I could do.
So I guess there is no future for this guy. I got him up to 5900+ points last night running slow 1-make races. He seems to do much better in slow FF cars. I just don't get how he can win 24 hours at the ring in a CLK-GTR for 200+ laps then turn around and be useless in an Impreza for 15 mins.

I hear ya though- After he fumbles a race I grab the controller and show him how it's done in A-spec. "See? I just passed all 5 cars in the first straight! Why can't you do that? They are slow, it's Soo easy!" I'm glad it's not just my guy that blows. :)
OMG! I followed the method here quoted by TigJackson on 7 april.
I got up to 9999/100/99/99 points and i'm stuck. It took me 3 days of almost continually playing and I'm stuck on 1 point of the final goal. I don't feel like doing all races again but i really want that 1 point.

Has anyone reached the magic 10000/100/100/100 mark yet? if so, how?
If you think of the first two GTs and how tough they were to complete and then along comes 3A-spec , my first reaction was "Wow! I can't lose" , there were no horsepower restrictions as there was in a lot of two and the AI did'nt bother it's ass shadowing your entry like it could in GT1 , so in three it became a a sort of Focus to the game to have a 'clean' save.
Four is another world entirely & it can get boring resetting to a point in a championship more than twice , so i have one card with lots of nice vehicles to take pretty little family cups in perfect land & I have Extreme Hall on the other with the two good black GroupCs , the Saleen etc where things get down & dirty and things progress, but one hand DOES inform the other and TryingToWin is the name of the frigging game so lets not Flame the FocusHippies until all theories have been utterly refuted.........

this post is off-topic to b-spec maxima
OMG! I followed the method here quoted by TigJackson on 7 april.
I got up to 9999/100/99/99 points and i'm stuck. It took me 3 days of almost continually playing and I'm stuck on 1 point of the final goal. I don't feel like doing all races again but i really want that 1 point.

Has anyone reached the magic 10000/100/100/100 mark yet? if so, how?

B-spec: 10000/100/100/100 synthesis achieved May 6, 2005 using variations of the method described on the JP website. I was involved in two B-spec theory threads on GameFAQs.com and refer you there for more details about the theories and how they developed. You are welcome to borrow anything posted by Orion_SR in your efforts to learn more about B-spec. I made what I hope are more precise measurements of the B-spec points. These are the basic concepts of my current point theories.

7000 “Floating” Points: Available on any track with proper car and tuning.
3000 “Track” Points: Earned by 4 Major Power Classes on 58 tracks.
(You know this part, this is just for definition)

Step 1: Machine 0-4700 [M100/C70/B0]

4666 and 5/29 Machine Points (Floating): I earned most of these points using Photo mode on Citta di Aria during testing of machine points, and then inferred the fraction by collecting course points. This method was unorganized and is not recommended. If you want machine points quickly, use the JP cars and tunings and practice instead of racing Family Cup, and keep track of the known course points. Goal for machine points on any of the 58 B-spec tracks is 4700. I collected 4608 points using photo mode, then finished off the points on Nurburgring. The tunings specified on the JP site work best on Nurburgring. Other tracks are not as generous with some of the points.

Step 2: Course 4700-6666 [M100/C90/B0]

2000 Course Points (Track); 8 and 18/29 per track: I collected these points using the tunings identified as Lupo A (default), Miata B (+supercharger), RSC B (+medium racing tires), and 350Z A (default) and practice mode. The progression of points is only predicted by exactly 8 18/29 per track, and starting with 4666 and 5/29. You are invited to review the progression and find a better explanation. Be warned, 29th of a point are rounded by spreadsheets and confuse the predictions.

Step 3: Floating Battle 6666-9017 [M100/C90/B70]

2333 and 24/29th Floating Battle Points: These points were collected using the cars and tunings identified on the JP website. As a test, I quit almost every race just after overtaking the lead and about one lap, and collected almost all points (I finished the last 2 races while searching for the points I missed). Quitting is not recommended as better, but did not cause points to be lost forever.

Step 4: Track Battle 9017-10000 [M100/C100/B100]

1000 Track Battle Points; 4 and 9/29th per track: These points were earned using the cars identified as Lupo A, Miata B, RSC B, and 350Z A. I emphasized the close finish while collecting these points and ignored the grid start and passing rules when annoying. I found it easier to finish a close 2nd and deliberately lost most of the last 50 races in order to loose and obtain 10000 points and exactly a 50% win loss ratio. Loosing is not recommended as better, a close 1st was equally as effective.

I predicted an optimal point progression based on the numbers described and collected the track battle points as expected for 4 and 9/29th per track. I repeated all short races and any race I was unhappy with for any reason. Some tracks seem to have different requirements for earning points, but I tried to be consistent for all tracks. I preferred -3 difficulty for Lupo, Miata, and RSC, -4 for 350Z, and -6 for all short courses.

3 Battle Skill points are earned for each 100 Track Battle points, whole points seem to be required.
1 Course Skill Point is earned for each 100 course and/or track battle points earned.
The influence of floating points appears variable.

Thanks Orion,

I used the JP method, but some of the time my points would be a little of, but ussually picked up later,except at the end.

He uses for that last point Grand Valley with the Mazda Roadster. have you got any idea why, cause it's there where I stalled?

BTW your posts on gamefaqs were awesome but sometimes a little difficult to understand without following both threads from start to finish, This brief explanation will help I feel. Maybe this way I can find out why and were I lost that one precious point (reminds me of gollum in LOTR, Am i getting as obsessed as he was by the ring).
Thanks Orion,

I used the JP method, but some of the time my points would be a little of, but ussually picked up later,except at the end.

He uses for that last point Grand Valley with the Mazda Roadster. have you got any idea why, cause it's there where I stalled?

BTW your posts on gamefaqs were awesome but sometimes a little difficult to understand without following both threads from start to finish, This brief explanation will help I feel. Maybe this way I can find out why and were I lost that one precious point (reminds me of gollum in LOTR, Am i getting as obsessed as he was by the ring).

If you made the 7051 landmark, then you probably have all floating points. All track points will stay on their tracks and will not move or disapear. The point you are missing may be divided as several 29ths of a point over many tracks and won't be detected until the last one is earned, so save every race.

The track order does not seem to matter unless you are trying to detect where you lost your point so you have an idea where to search. Comparing your score to the JP site and tracks probably won't help. I suspect he may have reported which track earned his last fraction, and ommited the other tracks searched. I beleive the specific track is Grand Valley East - reverse, the only Grand Valley track with a rolling start. This is a short track. I repeated all short tracks without checking my score.

The JP author predicted his progression for track points in advance and noted anomalies. I suspect he repeated all tracks before his first anomaly but I did not trace it to your race. I also translated the notes at the end of the JP webpage. The author noted Twin Ring Super Speedway as a track of note, but I'm not sure why. I noticed that this track was reluctant to give up it's points to the 350Z.

I have also predicted a point progression for track points, but it also does not explain the data in the JP site or explain his anomalies. It does predict that battle and course will not change at 7400. The author of the JP site seems to have reached the same conclusion as I have; whole points are required for skills.

I did not like the tuning for the Miata + Turbo 3. This car earned points slowly and some points were only earned on Nurburgring or a few "generous tracks" but I don't know why.

I deliberately changed my language to make sure people understood that I was talking about theory, and I wanted to be very precise. Even if someone was to read all the posts, they will have a hard time understanding the theory if they don't do some testing themselves.

There is a real danger of obsession. For me it was the challenging puzzle, but I'm happy I found all the points. However, Gollum was obsessed with a precious thing. There is nothing valuable about 10000 points. I earned no prize car, no extra credits (just the 400 for 2nd), and did not unlock anything. As far as I can tell, the only thing I earned for 10000 points is 100 battle and 100 course skill.

For more background information follow this link.

Additional Note: I forgot to mention that Turbo4 was used as the 350Z upgrade instead of Turbo3 because several people noted that the extra hp was needed to collect more points.
I finally cleaned up the remaining B-spec points on my original game. This game started normally before anything was learned about B-spec points. I used A-spec until I discovered the endurance races, then I used B-spec a lot. I also used B-spec for most of the one-make races and saved money on upgrades which made the B-driver work on his skills. He had about 8000 points when all of the races were finished, then I helped with some of the initial testing before the Japanese method was discovered. If any game could be seriously messed up because the improper method was used, this game was it, and all points were collected anyway using the Japanese method starting at 9411. Don’t give up; the points may be lost, but they’re not gone.
And what exactly will you get for having the ultimate B-spec driver? Will you B-spec driver win every race even with a lesser car than the competition. I don't see the point. Will he be able to handle every car in every race without a mistake? I don't think so. My first race was run and won on B-spec with about 100 points. Sarthe 24 hours with a Minolta Toyota. Every other car was left in the dust and the Toyota ran in a groove until the end. So what? Is the point of getting B-spec points to merely accumulate them or what. A fast car that set up to handle, handles whether you have lots of B-spec points or not. At least from what I've experienced. Tell me if you have seen something else I've overlooked.
Personally, I want to see what difference 100 at everything would make compared to 80 at everything. My driver still makes dumb mistakes. After I'm done comparing, I guess the next best reason for wanting Bspec points is just to make my game save feel more complete.

Oh and maybe you haven't overlooked anything.. if you like your Bspec the way it is, keep it that way. And nobody called it the "ultimate bspec driver" except for you
hey guys check this out too...
i may have found something interesting, but mabe not, hopefully it will help... tho it needs testing.

on the topic at hand, my driver at 100points will drive much better at a higher level, like push or fast... he is able to turn faster too... this is with all cars.

however some courses require you to lower the speed regardless the bspec skills you have... thats just the way they are.

at 80 he doesnt do as well as when at 100, so yes its worth it to me... but i can just easily set him to overtake everyone then dissable overtake and put him on 3 speed setting, and go watch TV, because he is likly to win regardless.... i do this with NO HP upgrades usually, it depends on the competition (i was doing one make races and didnt do upgrades to HP at all, i won every one, and even did some for battle skills (tho i did alot of tuning!!!)).

ohh ya with the higher bspec skill for battle skills, i dont have to turn on overtake that much either, he usually just overtakes regardless (really depends on the cars and competition im against tho).

most people really dont have to go much past 80 skill points for each skill... its often pritty good at around that score, not the best but certainly does pritty well, and an experianced bspec driver/manager will know what to do for each course etc.

i have been doing alot of studying, tho not as much as i like. i also made a small tutorial on it at www.gamefaqs.com if ya wana check it out... its still being worked on but i havent had time to re-write it again :(
I know this sounds knitpicking, but next time you post... anywhere, can you spell correctly? It just makes it easier for my eyes, and not just that, but some people who read these forums don't speak or understand english 100%, so spelling correctly would probably help them out too. Words like "pritty" "tho" "mabe" and "experianced" just got to me.
I'm just glad you're not one of those guys who spells "e" like "3"... I hate those people
nope, sorry bud, this is the only place i dont use spell check... well forums all together, and its not importaint for me to do so... sorry to get off topic :P just been like that since i was a teen :( i dont even think about the way i write stuff either, it just gets quickly jotted down and i hit reply. i use to use a cool speel check application for internet explorer, but now i dont use it, firefox all the way for me.

i also dont like those people who think they know how to type elite... when they use numbers they think its cool, but its really suppose to be all just undercase vowls.. ie...
eLiTe <--thats the real way, everyone else just thinks its cool to do whatever everyone else is doing.

did you wana know anything else tho about the subject? (please PM me next time ;)
My B-Spec stats are (at 11/07/05 20:00):
Mileage: 2,523miles
Overall Skill: 8618
Machine Skill: 100
Course Skill: 86
Battle Skill: 77
Every time I get a new car, I let B-Spec Bella run a Family Cup race on a random circuit with the difficulty at about -8. She wins easily and her stats go up fairly quickly. The more races I do, the harder I make them. She's currently got about 37 machine points, 38 course, and 23 battle, plus some 4700km on the clock after I let her do 22 hours of the Nurburgring 24 Hour race.
My B-spec has 8500+ points, 95 machine skill, 84 course skill and 85 battle skill. I've found out that skills tend to rocket when you use an equal or lesser car. Don't just by a car and soup it up, let him drive 'em stock first. Endurances don't give much points, if any.

A tad on the side: What is the point in having a 100% winning record when you restart your PS2 every time you loose? It looks cool on your stats? Whom are you fooling, but your self? (Especially since you broadcast your "technique" all over GTplanet) Both me and my B-spec have lost our fair share of races. I can't get 100%, but then again I couldn't care less. I want the game to reflect all off my winnings and losses.

l'm starting to like my B-spec... :)

I couldn't agree more. Have some honor, finish the race like a man and try again!
I have done a search and have read this thread but I have not come across anyone applying this theory that I have encountered.

I am trying to raise my b-spec points, so I was taking a class of car and hitting each track in family cup races. At first it was working I was getting points and then I stop getting points, I stayed at the same b-spec level for five different tracks. With my b-spec points not rising with each race I got board with it.

So I started to race in the halls. I would do a-spec with moderate to high points and win. Then I would use the same car but not even get close to win driving b-spec. For an example I bought the used Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R (by the way awesome car) and won Stars and Stripes races with no upgrades. Then I took that same car and drove it b-spec. I would come in 5th place in any of the races. I would use different b-spec speeds (steady, fast, push, overtake) different parts of the track or constant. Still nothing helped. Then I started to modify the car, a little at a time (suspension here, racing chip there) until I put a supercharger on it and still I could not win the races. Until I though the b-spec driver needed to learn the track. So I set the b-spec to push-overtake and kicked the speed to x3 expecting to do three or four races until the b-spec driver learn the track.

It did not take 3 or 4 races it took one and the car and b-spec finally won the race and my b-spec points shot up.
My theory is to use x3 time to help the b-spec driver get through the track and competition. This has happened to me a couple of other times.

I thought that I would throw this out there to see if anyone else has come across this or test it to see if they get the same result or tell me I am full of it and disprove my theory.
i belive that the AI is a bit differnt when going into the other screen and also when you speed up the game to 3x.

im not sure what it does but things are alot easier on the game and mabe it uses all its power to calculate rather than calculate and process the images. who knows for sure but your right something SEEMS differnt.

as for your guy, you will need to run each differnt class of car (ie differnt Horse power rated cars, and differnt modifications to each of those classes) on all 58 tracks, that should gain better course skills. alot of the points for machine skill and battle skill can be gained from running those classes on just one track (i belive the nuringburg) using family cup races.

good luck man.