Official GTPlanet GTA V Crew | Covering the World of Grand Theft Auto

  • Thread starter Katiegan
The main reason I made the 'minimum 10 posts' rule is to stop random people simply joining this forum, requesting an invite to the crew, and then never using the forum again. At least if they have to make a few posts, anyone who is genuinely interested will make the effort, and anyone just looking to join a crew and cause mayhem will be put off.

Oh I know. I wasn't trying to pick on those folks or anyone else, rather use those individuals as an example of how someone can be a good member of the crew whilst not necessarily being big posters here.

You've been doing a great job, and deserve our appreciation for your time in wrangling this outfit. Thank you for everything you do and have done for the crew. 👍

Figured it was about time to get in on the action regarding crews and I think this is probably going to be where I'm going to meet more players that aren't morons.

Social Club Username: ThrasherDBS
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag/PC Name: ThrasherDBS
Location and/or time zone:
GMT -8 (Mountain time/West Coast United States)
Console(s): (PS4)

:gtplanet: :D
Figured it was about time to get in on the action regarding crews and I think this is probably going to be where I'm going to meet more players that aren't morons.

Social Club Username: ThrasherDBS
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag/PC Name: ThrasherDBS
Location and/or time zone:
GMT -8 (Mountain time/West Coast United States)
Console(s): (PS4)

:gtplanet: :D

Invite sent. 👍
That moment when your boss walks in and you get extra selfconcious about what you're doing and if it breaks any rules..... that's how it felt when @Katiegan joined my "MTU800" lobby last night. :lol:

Lower your MTU all you want, the boss will always find a way. ;)

In all honesty though, I just went on 'Join Crew Members' and happened to end up in there. :lol:
Any chance of joining the crew :) been messing around with gta again on and off and thought it's about time i joined GTPL. I mostly just get 3+ stars then try to survive :lol: but more than willing to help out a fellow gtp member and getting
Tired of being blown to shreds by 12 year-olds

Social Club Username: themonkeywall
PlayStation Network ID: monkeywal
Location and/or time zone:
northern ireland
Console(s): ps3
Any chance of joining the crew :) been messing around with gta again on and off and thought it's about time i joined GTPL. I mostly just get 3+ stars then try to survive :lol: but more than willing to help out a fellow gtp member and getting

Social Club Username: themonkeywall
PlayStation Network ID: monkeywal
Location and/or time zone:
northern ireland
Console(s): ps3

Re-read the OP, you missed something.
Re-read the OP, you missed something.

:gtplanet: :lol: yep skim/lazy readier only read the 1st few lines of each part of the rules and thougt 'the usual fair play etc, as expected'


Social Club Username: themonkeywall
PlayStation Network ID: monkeywal
Location and/or time zone:
northern ireland
Console(s): ps3

:gtplanet: & i like some whiskey and wine from time to time. although I'll be a occasionally player I'll help out when I can.
:gtplanet: :lol: yep skim/lazy readier only read the 1st few lines of each part of the rules and thougt 'the usual fair play etc, as expected'


Social Club Username: themonkeywall
PlayStation Network ID: monkeywal
Location and/or time zone:
northern ireland
Console(s): ps3

:gtplanet: & i like some whiskey and wine from time to time. although I'll be a occasionally player I'll help out when I can.

Invite sent. :)
Applied a few years ago, but getting back into gta and want to play with people who enjoy each others' company and won't blow me up on sight. Anyway, heres my application:

Social Club Username: carsonc10
PlayStation Network ID: carsonc10
Location and/or time zone: EST

Console(s): ps4

Applied a few years ago, but getting back into gta and want to play with people who enjoy each others' company and won't blow me up on sight. Anyway, heres my application:

Social Club Username: carsonc10
PlayStation Network ID: carsonc10
Location and/or time zone: EST


Invite sent. :)
Hey squad, just curious how many of us in the crew hail from the Oceania area? Any way to look this up at all?

Used to play with the murican GTP'ers on here but since I got a full time job only time I hop on is either the weekend or when I come home from work.

Looking to make some bank and relax.
Hey squad, just curious how many of us in the crew hail from the Oceania area? Any way to look this up at all?

Used to play with the murican GTP'ers on here but since I got a full time job only time I hop on is either the weekend or when I come home from work.

Looking to make some bank and relax.

The member list in the OP shows where members are from too, and there's plenty of them listed from round your end. Not sure how many are still active though.
Despite my time zone, perhaps my most active times are on the weekends between ~11PM and 4AM EDT, which should be afternoon in the Western Pacific. It can vary from day to day, though. I do know of a few others who keep similar hours.
Hey squad, just curious how many of us in the crew hail from the Oceania area? Any way to look this up at all?

Used to play with the murican GTP'ers on here but since I got a full time job only time I hop on is either the weekend or when I come home from work.

Looking to make some bank and relax.

If you are on ps4 I recommend using the community page. You can see who is online and send a message or make a party.
If you are on ps4 I recommend using the community page. You can see who is online and send a message or make a party.

Ah sweet, you mean the GTP PS4 page or is there a specific community just for GTP GTA'ers?
Hey squad, just curious how many of us in the crew hail from the Oceania area? Any way to look this up at all?

Used to play with the murican GTP'ers on here but since I got a full time job only time I hop on is either the weekend or when I come home from work.

Looking to make some bank and relax.
Yeah, me.
@Team THRT Drift Did you have your MTU set to 800 yesterday? Or can you sneak into MTU800 sessions with normal settings? Either way, thanks for joining because I didn't have those incessant blue Sultans on my tail :P

Yes I did :D

You're welcome. I was hoping your lobby was borderline empty so we could do our work in peace and it was!